
wén yì jiè
  • literary and art circles;the world of literature and art
  1. 他的艺术才能使他蜚声文艺界。

    He acquired an enviable reputation in literary and art circles for his artistic ability .

  2. 在文艺界,她是一个奇才。

    She 's a rare talent in literary and art circles .

  3. 名人维多利亚在Sarah店里美容,她的美容店在切尔西(伦敦自治城市,为文艺界人士聚居地),很难约而且也不便宜。

    A sought-after celebrity facial with Sarah , whose salon is in Chelsea , isn 't easy to arrange and it doesn 't come cheap .

  4. 不谈这让菲利浦斯置身于乔丹(jordan)和杰德古迪(jadegoody)等当代文艺界名人之列英国的那场婚礼显然是传统的。

    Which puts the Phillips firmly in the company of such contemporary cultural figures as Jordan and jade goody , the British wedding was notably traditional .

  5. 我们把联系对象扩大到文艺界和商界。

    Let 's expand our contacts to cultural and business groups .

  6. 小说与影视的结合在当代文艺界十分寻常。

    It is very common that literature and teleplay connect in literature world .

  7. 在中国现代文学里,三十年代的文学有一个最大特征,那就是大众化,当时以左联为首的进步文艺界掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的文艺大众化运动。

    " Popularization " is the most obvious character in Chinese modern literature in 1930 's.

  8. 我有一个文艺界的朋友。

    I have an architect friend .

  9. 开始时她有些紧张,害怕在这么多文艺界人士面前会相形见绌。

    She had been nervous beforehand , afraid of being outshone by so many showbusiness personalities .

  10. 南方局为文艺界抗日救亡文艺的发展、获得知识分子的认同等起了应有的作用。

    The South Bureau played a due role in the development and winning the approval of the intellectuals .

  11. 不仅文艺界,其他方面也有类似的问题。

    This type of problem has arisen not only in literary and art circles but elsewhere as well .

  12. 韩寒及“韩寒现象”在文艺界和教育界一直争论不休。

    Hanhan and " the phenomenon of Hanhan " are quarrelled in the literary world and the education world .

  13. 左翼文艺界对新文化运动的反思和批判

    On the incisive Reflection and Criticism of the Left-wing Literary and Art Circles to the Chinese New Cultural Movement

  14. 文艺界的主要的斗争方法之一,是文艺批评。

    Literary and art criticism is one of the principal methods of struggle in the world of literature and art .

  15. 在这一过程中,他展现了超越当时左翼文艺界的价值指向。

    In this process , he had had the value direction of surmounting the left-wing literary and art circles in1930 's.

  16. 延安文艺界现在已经展开了思想斗争,这是很必要的。

    An ideological struggle is already under way in literary and art circles in Yenan , and it is most necessary .

  17. 章子怡也许是世界最知名的中国女演员,她在片中扮演一位文艺界女代表。

    Zhang Ziyi , perhaps the world 's best known Chinese actress , plays a woman who represents the literary and art circles .

  18. 近年来,随着国际交往的增多,文艺界使用英语的组织和人士也越来越多了。

    In recent years , more and more organizations and people of literary and art circles use English along with more international contacts .

  19. 值得提出的是,许多在此以前的文艺界名人中因没有公开性取向而被想当然地当作异性恋者更是不计其数。

    It is worth mentioning that many in this literary and art circles celebrity did not disclose sexual orientation assumed as heterosexuals are just countless .

  20. 长期以来文艺界很少清理作为主导的马克思主义文论,究竟以哪些相互联系的理论为基石。厘清马克思主义文学理论的基本点对于建设现代的文学理论具有学术和现实意义。

    It is of current significance for us to make out the bases of Marxist literary theory , so as to form modern literary theory .

  21. 王安忆虽然已是当今中国女作家的领衔人物,但目前文艺界对她的作品的评价仍不够充分。

    Although wang An yi has become a leading female writer of today 's China , her works are not sufficiently commented in literary circles .

  22. 文艺界以不同的方式回应着人类生态环境面临的问题,电影业也不例外。

    Literary and art circles in different ways in response to the problems faced by the human ecological environment , the film industry is no exception .

  23. 鲁迅以被动的姿态走进延安文艺界,并以缺席在场者的身份参与到延安文艺的建构过程中。

    Lu Xun walked into the Yanan literature by a passive attitude , and made construction for Yanan literature in a " missing present " identity .

  24. 在这里,肖邦结识了西欧文艺界许多重要人物,包括匈牙利艺术家李斯特,柏辽兹,意大利音乐家贝利尼等新浪漫主义的拥护者。

    Chopin joined Franz Liszt , Hector Berlioz , Felix Mendelssohn , Vincenzo Bellini , and Auguste Franchomme , all proponents of the " new " Romantic style .

  25. 我们应当承认,在理论界和文艺界对一些错误倾向是进行了一些马克思主义的批评的,只是效果不够显著。

    We must acknowledge that while our theorists , artists and writers have made a Marxist criticism of some negative tendencies , it has not yielded tangible results .

  26. 由于曾受到革命文艺界的批判,半个多世纪以来,对战国策派的研究,政治批判多,学术评价少。

    As was influenced by the " revolutionary literary and art circles ", during the half century , this school received more in political criticism than in academic evaluation .

  27. 超越30年代左翼文艺界视阈的价值指向&鲁迅与中国左翼文学的发生之三

    Value Direction of Surmounting the Visual Threshold of Left-wing Literary and Art Circles in 1930 's & Lu Xun and the Occurrence of Chinese Left-wing Literature , Part ⅲ

  28. 刘震云就像是一面镜子,让我们看到了许多新鲜的东西,同时也映照出90年代文艺界中存在的问题。

    He just likes a mirror , from him we can see something exciting , at the same time , which exposes the problem of 90s'art and literature field .

  29. 中国艺术节,作为我国文艺界最盛大的国家级文化艺术节日,自1987年首次举办至今,已走过20余年。

    The China Art Festival , known as the grandest national cultural art festival in Chinese cultural circles , inherited a history of 20 years since first held in 1987 .

  30. 但是,理论界文艺界还有不少的问题,还存在相当严重的混乱,特别是存在精神污染的现象。

    However , there are quite a few problems and much confusion among our theorists , writers and artists ; In particular , some of them have spread mental pollution .