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  1. 作为一个千秋佳话,相如文君故事并不是一开始就定型的。

    As a famous story , the Xiangru-wenjun story is not stereotype from the beginning .

  2. 哈尔滨市文君小区8号楼为套内无梁无柱小高层住宅。

    No. 8 building of Wenjun housing estate in Harbin is of non-beam & non-column .

  3. 现在的文君酒也正是纪念了这段美好真挚的爱情。

    And the present Wenjun liquor also is the memory of this beautiful and sincere love .

  4. 此画即为司马相如当晚为文君弹奏《凤求凰》的一幕。

    This picture shows the scene that Sima Xiangru played the Song of Courtship for Wenjun that night .

  5. 文君酒为酒苑中的一朵奇葩,有悠久的历史,集历史文化和酒文化于一身。

    Wenjun Liquor has a long history and is a combinative product of historical culture and alcoholic beverage culture .

  6. 宋代诗歌中对相如文君的道德归罪意味比较明显,这与程朱理学的盛行有关。

    The moral Incrimination is more obvious in the poems in the Song Dynasty , which because of the prevalence of the Song Confucianism .

  7. 本书讲述了西汉著名辞赋家司马相如和才女卓文君的爱情故事,其中“文君夜奔相如”和“文君当垆卖酒”的故事更是为后人所传颂。

    The book tells a love story of Sima Xiangru , a writer living the Western Han Dynasty ( 206 BC-25 AD ), and a talented woman Zhuo Wenjun .

  8. 于是作出一曲《凤求凰》在卓家家宴时献上,缠绵动情,曲词句句抓住文君的心。

    Thus he wrote the Song of Courtship and played it at the banquet of Zhuo 's'family , the song was romantic with rhymes and lines grasping Wenjun 's heart .

  9. 在元杂剧中,相如和文君二词往往同时出现,充分表现了元人对这个故事的接受程度之高。

    In the Yuan Dynasty , " Xiangru " and " Wenjun ," two words are often emerge at the same time , which fully demonstrated the Yuan people accept this story at a high degree .

  10. 相如文君故事形成之后,其叙事模式对后世创作有很大的影响,从原型的角度来看,该故事在叙事结构上的典范性就显得更加明显。

    The narrative model has had great impact of future generations of its creation when the Xiangru-Wenjun story finalizes the design . From the perspective of the prototype , the exemplary narrative structure on the model of works is more clearly .