
Wén tiān xiánɡ
  • known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns
  1. 人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青。(文天祥《过零丁洋》)

    Everyone must die ; let me but leave a loyal heart shining in the pages of history .

  2. 文天祥在闽粤赣地区的抗元爱国斗争及其影响

    Wen Tianxiang ′ s Anti-Yuan Patriotic Struggle in Min , Yue , and Gan Areas

  3. 这个“文丞相胡同”,就是以南宋丞相文天祥之名命名的。

    " Premier Wen hutong " was named after a famous premier , Wen Tianxiang , in Nansong period .

  4. 通过文天祥的诗歌来透视其生命意识的三个方面:忧患意识、求生意志、舍身精神。

    This article will discuss three aspects of his consciousness of life through his poems : worrying mentality will of seeking for life , spirit of sacrificing his life .

  5. 1283年,年仅47岁的文天祥去世。文天祥在监狱中写下的《正气歌》,成为千古传诵的不朽诗篇。

    Wen Tianxiang died in1283 , at the age of47.The Song of Integrity , which he wrote behind prison bars , is regarded as a classic of its kind .

  6. 改革家商鞅、史学家司马迁,诗人屈原,苏轼、文天祥、革命军中马前卒邹容等,都是代表人物。

    Reformer business yang , historian minister change , poetic Qu yuan , Zou Rong of the pawn in Su shi , Wen tianxiang , revolution army , it is delegate character .

  7. 面对元朝的种种威逼利诱,文天祥始终坚贞不屈,于至元十九年(1282)十二月就义于元大都。祥兴二年(1279)正月,元将张弘范率水军攻打崖山,与行朝进行最后决战。

    In the 2nd year of Xiangxing ( 1279 ) , The fleet of the , Yuan led by Zhang Hongfan assaulted Yashan , the last decisive battle with the remaining Southern Song .