
  • 网络Indo-European;Indo-European tribe;Proto-Indo-European;Indo-European people
  1. 萨伦托的原住民是梅萨皮人。这是一个印欧民族,后来被叫做萨伦托人。

    Its original inhabitants were Messapii , an Indo-European people later called Salentini .

  2. 凯尔特人印欧民族的一支,最初分布在中欧,在前罗马帝国时期遍及欧洲西部、不列颠群岛和加拉提亚东南部。

    One of an Indo-European people originally of central Europe and spreading to western Europe , the British Isles , and southeast to Galatia during pre-Roman times , especially a Briton or Gaul .

  3. 梅因以印欧民族的史料尤其是罗马法资料为基础,提出了迄今为止所有进步社会的运动是一个从身份到契约的运动的命题。

    Basing on the historical materials of Indo-European nations , especially Roman law materials , Maine advanced this thesis : the movement of the progressive societies has hitherto been a movement from status to contract .

  4. 居住在高加索山脉但是不说印欧语言的高加索民族的人。

    A member of a Caucasian people living in the Caucasus but not speaking an Indo-European language .

  5. 波斯波利斯是当时最大的王国,起源于定居伊朗高原的印欧语系的游牧民族分支,它从现今的印度一路延伸到希腊,埃及和俄罗斯的边界。

    Founded by a nomadic branch of the Indo-European family who settled the Iranian plateau , no empire before it had ever been as large . It stretched all the way from the borders of present day India to Greece , Egypt and Russia .