
  • 网络indiana;IN Indiana;ind;Indiana State
  1. 他们的小女儿埃米是印第安纳州埃文斯维尔大学三年级的学生。

    Their youngest daughter Amy 's a junior at the University of Evansville in Indiana

  2. 第五个州——印第安纳州已经开始试行。

    A fifth , Indiana , has experimented with it .

  3. 印第安纳州的法律有意歪曲联邦宪法第十四条修正案的愿意

    Indiana State laws deliberately subverted the intent of the constitutions 14th Amendment .

  4. 麻省理工学院;印第安纳州特雷霍特的罗斯-哈尔曼理工学院(Rose-HulmanInstituteofTechnology);

    Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute , Ind. ;

  5. 比如说,他从没考察过设在印第安纳州的房车制造商ForestRiver。

    He 's never visited Forest River , the Indiana-based recreational vehicle manufacturer that Berkshire owns , for example .

  6. AustinHatch(如图左上角)是美国印第安纳州一所高中的优秀篮球运动员。

    Austin Hatch was a standout high school basketball player in Indiana .

  7. 菲利普拉斯金博士,内科学,西南医学中心,达拉斯部和克里斯托弗G帕金,硕士,卡梅尔,印第安纳州。

    Philip Raskin , MD , Department of Internal Medicine , Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas ; and Christopher G.Parkin , MS , Carmel , Indiana .

  8. 印第安纳州西拉斐特珀杜大学的ScottJackson领导研究小组进行了这项工作。

    Scott Jackson at Purdue University in West Lafayette , Indiana , helped lead the study team .

  9. 布鲁斯·埃里克森(BruceErickson)是印第安纳州普渡大学的农学家。

    Bruce Erickson is an agronomist at Purdue University in Indiana .

  10. 几年前,位于美国印第安纳州费希尔斯的软件公司SingleSourceSystems的首席执行官托尼•派卓契亚尼及其团队每年都设定15个目标,诸如实现部分软件功能的自动化。

    A few years back CEO Tony Petrucciani and his team at single source systems , a software firm in fishers , Ind. , set 15 annual goals , such as automating some of its software functions .

  11. 在印第安纳州和亚利桑那州等地区的学校,在线MBA班的学员数量甚至多于新录取的全日制在校学生。

    At several schools , including Indiana and Arizona State , incoming Online MBA classes outnumber the new full-time students enrolled on-campus .

  12. 这项DNA检测活动主要是由托玛斯·帕克·克莱门特(ThomasParkClement)资助。他也是一名韩国被领养人,如今在曼哈顿和印第安纳州布鲁明顿两地生活。

    The DNA testing movement has been largelyfinanced by Thomas Park Clement , a Korean adoptee who now lives in Manhattanand in Bloomington , Indiana .

  13. 过去6个月,爱荷华大学(UniversityofIowa)、印第安纳州珀杜大学(PurdueUniversity)和俄亥俄州凯斯西储大学(CaseWesternReserveUniversity)等多所院校,都任命了女性为校长。

    In the past six months schools including the University of Iowa , Indiana 's Purdue University and Ohio 's Case Western Reserve University have all appointed heads who are women .

  14. 我现在在印第安纳州普林斯顿的Millennium炼钢厂,与工人们欢聚一堂庆祝全国制造业节。

    I 'm at Millennium Steel in Princeton , Indiana , to have a town hall with workers on National Manufacturing Day .

  15. 在美国,人们进行了小规模试点,例如印第安纳州非营利组织doorwaystodreams的试点。

    In the US , modest pilots have been tried , for instance in Indiana , by the doorways to dreams non-profit .

  16. 来自印第安纳州的Carmel高中赢得了初级组的胜利。

    Carmel High School from Indiana won the beginners division .

  17. 通用汽车上周宣布,将在印第安纳州的BrightAutomotive公司投资500万美元,该公司计划在未来3、4年内推出一款电动送货车。

    GM announced last week that it was investing $ 5m in Indiana-based Bright Automotive , which aims to put an electric delivery van on the road within the next three to four years .

  18. 该调查缘起于前印第安纳州州长、共和党人米奇&12539;丹尼尔斯(MitchDaniels),他在2013年1月就任普度大学(PurdueUniversity)校长。

    The poll is the brainchild of former Indiana Republican Gov. Mitch Daniels , who became president of Purdue University in January 2013 .

  19. 来自印第安纳州Bruceville的SherylBeshoff说这张照片是我婚礼上拍的

    Sheryl Beshoff in Bruceville , Indiana , this is a picture from my wedding ,

  20. 这就挤走了那些不守成规、能够赏识印第安纳州加里(Gary)的杰克逊一家所拥有那等才华的人。

    That crowds out the freewheeling sorts with the ability to appreciate talents such as those possessed by the Jackson family of Gary , Indiana .

  21. 如果印第安纳州普渡大学(purdueuniversity)的科学家们获得成功,手机可能构成防范核恐怖袭击威胁的系统的核心。

    And if scientists at Purdue University in Indiana are successful , the phone could form the heart of a system to protect against the threat of a nuclear terrorist attack .

  22. 小编敢打赌你肯定不知道在印第安纳州BeechGrove市吃西瓜会被拘留吧。

    We bet you didn 't know that you could be arrested for eating a watermelon in Beech Grove , Indiana .

  23. 印第安纳州瓦尔帕莱索大学(ValparaisoUniversity)启动了一门特别课程,给那些处于试读阶段的国际学生提供英语和学习技能方面的额外帮助。

    Valparaiso University , in Indiana , has started a special course to give international students on academic probation extra help with English and study skills .

  24. 一名在最后时刻加到发言者名单上的关键人物是印第安纳州州长麦克·潘斯(MikePence),特朗普已在上周五宣布潘斯为自己的副总统候选人。

    A key last-minute addition to the speaking order is Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana , whom Mr. Trump announced as his candidate for vice president on Friday .

  25. 位于印第安纳州狼湖的Goshen学院也是一所支持可持续农业教学的大学。

    Goshen College in Wolf Lake , Indiana , is another college teaching sustainable agriculture .

  26. 印第安纳州奈茨敦(Knightstown),最近一个炎热的周六,丹尼尔•史密斯(DanielSmith)越过山岗,穿过溪流,翻过高墙,这才与他的最大障碍正面相遇:一片遍布僵尸的田野。

    Daniel Smith had run over hills , scrambled through streams and climbed over walls on a recent hot Saturday here , when he came face-to-face with his greatest obstacle yet : a field full of zombies .

  27. 德克萨斯州拉雷多市的市长RaulSalinas,特拉华州维明顿市的JamesBaker和印第安纳州Elkhart市的DickMoore。

    The mayor of Laredo , Texas , Raul Salinas , also Mayor James Baker of Wilmington , Delaware and Elkhart , Indiana , Dick Moore joining us .

  28. 接下来,科尔伯特进行了一段现场独白,重现了大会开幕当晚及特朗普与竞选搭档——印第安纳州州长迈克·彭斯(MikePence)——共同接受《60分钟》(60Minutes)节目采访时的精彩片段。这之后是一段预先录制的小品。

    The host followed with a live monologue in which he riffed on moments from the first night of convention and Mr. Trump 's " 60 Minutes " interview with his running mate , Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana .

  29. 妈妈的朋友知道以后,向我推荐了Culver这所坐落在印第安纳州靠近芝加哥的军事化寄宿学校。

    S.My mom 's friend heard this and recommended me this military boarding school & Culver , somewhere in Indiana near Chicago .

  30. 保护局认为,总部位于印第安纳州的ITT教育服务机构实际上对他们提供的贷款收取64%的利息,而实际上这项贷款的最高利息为16%。

    Bureau contends Indiana based ITT educational service actually projected the full rate of 64 % of the loans they provided , which had interest rates as high as 16 % .