
mì xī xī bǐ hé
  • the Mississippi;Big Muddy
密西西比河[mì xī xī bǐ hé]
  1. 密西西比河上驳船漏油事件危及新奥尔良市的饮用水。

    Oil leaking from a barge in the Mississippi River poses a hazard to the drinking water of New Orleans .

  2. 密西西比河注入墨西哥湾。

    The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico .

  3. 密西西比河的水位已经比正常值低了6.5英尺。

    The water level of the Mississippi River is already 6.5 feet below normal

  4. "他们开始告诉我密西西比河的所有消息,"韦尔蒂说。

    " They began telling me all the news of Mississippi , " Welty said .

  5. 在圣路易斯,密苏里州,与在塔夫脱总统威廉H之沿着密西西比河,1909年10月开始考察轮船拥挤的海滨。

    The Saint Louis , Mo. , waterfront crowded with steamboats at the start of President William H.Taft 's inspection trip down the Mississippi River , Oct.1909 .

  6. 据美国地质调查局(UnitedStatesGeologicalSurvey)的研究,密西西比河泛滥平原冲刷的肥沃土壤,其砷含量可高达路易斯安那、密西西比和阿肯色州其他地区的五倍。

    The fertile soils fanning out across the Mississippi River floodplain are up to five times as high in arsenic as other parts of Louisiana , Mississippi and Arkansas , according to studies done by the United States Geological Survey .

  7. across是介词;cross是动词。他已越过边界进入别国的领土。在密西西比河的下游许多拱形铁桥横跨河面。他们已东渡去日本了。

    Everyone shouts " kill it " when a rat is seen to run across the street . He has crossed the border into another territory . Many steel arch bridges cross the Mississippi in its lower reaches . They have crossed over to Japan .

  8. 但是,无论在什么地方,如果市场不受任何约束因承担过度的风险,缺乏监管或腐败那么一切都会受到威胁,不论我们居住在密西西比河(Mississippi)流域,还是伏尔加(Volga)河畔。

    But wherever the market is allowed to run rampant through excessive risk-taking , a lack of regulation , or corruption then all are endangered , whether we live on the Mississippi or on the Volga .

  9. 但是,无论在什么地方,如果市场不受任何约束——因承担过度的风险,缺乏监管或腐败——那么一切都会受到威胁,不论我们居住在密西西比河(Mississippi)流域,还是伏尔加(Volga)河畔。

    But wherever the market is allowed to run rampant -- through excessive risk-taking , a lack of regulation , or corruption -- then all are endangered , whether we live on the Mississippi or on the Volga .

  10. 早在20世纪初期,为了使Bubbly的污染河水不流进城市饮用水源,芝加哥河的流向逆转了,污水流向密西西比河远离密西根湖。

    In the early 20th century , the flow of the Chicago River was reversed , sending it toward the Mississippi River and away from Lake Michigan , in order to keep the river 's pollution from entering the city 's source of drinking water .

  11. 北起明尼苏达,南至新奥尔良,气势雄浑的密西西比河。

    Running from Minnesota to New Orleans , the Mighty Mississippi .

  12. 商用的航行在密西西比河的大的帆船。

    A large galleon sailed in the Mediterranean as a merchantman .

  13. 密西西比河上游及美洲五大湖中的食用和猎用鱼。

    Game and food fish of upper Mississippi and Great Lakes .

  14. 它是恒河、密西西比河、幼发拉底河还是泰晤士河?

    Is it the Ganges , Mississippi , Euphrates or Thames ?

  15. 密苏里河是密西西比河的主要支流。

    The Missouri River is the chief tributary of the Mississippi .

  16. 他们看到了密西西比河和明尼苏达河的汇合处。

    They saw the junction of the Mississippi and the Minnesota .

  17. 密西西比河的低水位正在造成问题。

    Low water levels on the Mississippi are causing problems .

  18. 这是打算在密西西比河上航行的第一条汽船。

    It was the first steamboat intended for navigation on the Mississippi .

  19. 密西西比河一向都是一条货运河流。

    The Mississippi River has always been a freight carrier .

  20. 他驾驶独木舟顺着密西西比河往下游。

    He gotta go pole the pirogue down the bayou .

  21. 我又梦想着密西西比河对岸的快乐生活。

    I dreamed of a better life beyond the mississippi .

  22. 而沿着密西西比河有着高度工业化的化工厂。

    Plant is on the heavily industrialized quarter along the Mississippi river .

  23. 在新奥尔良地区横跨密西西比河的两座悬臂桥。

    Twin cantilever bridges across the Mississippi at New Orleans .

  24. 密西西比河流域的河龟;喜欢在流动的水中。

    River turtle of Mississippi basin ; prefers running water .

  25. 密西西比河的最高建筑,可以俯瞰拉斯维加斯全景。

    The highest building along the Mississippi overlooking Las vegas .

  26. 而几乎所有生于本土的美国人都来自密西西比河以东。

    Almost all its native-born Americans came from east of the Mississippi .

  27. 安东尼在密西西比河的一个豪华游轮公司工作。

    Anthony worked in a yacht cruise company on the Mississippi River .

  28. 在密西西比河的下游许多拱形铁侨横跨河面。

    Many steel arch bridges cross the Mississippi in its lower reaches .

  29. 密西西比河流域中长有长桨状嘴的原始鱼。

    Primitive fish of the Mississippi valley having a long paddle-shaped snout .

  30. 他们都从没去过密西西比河那边。

    And both men have never been across the mississippi .