
  • 网络UVM;The University of Vermont;Vermont
  1. 三年前,位于伯灵顿的佛蒙特大学(UniversityofVermont)开始尝试一些推进健康、可持续生活方式的“轻推”(nudge)举措。

    Three years ago , the University of Vermont in Burlington began to experiment with a few nudges towards a healthy , sustainable lifestyle .

  2. 苏茜•斯蒂尔(SusieSteele)从佛蒙特大学(UniversityofVermont)休学了一段时间,教残疾人滑雪,后来在科罗拉多州基斯通的基斯通科学学校(KeystoneScienceSchool)获得了一份待遇很好的全职工作。

    Susie Steele took time off from the University of Vermont to teach disabled people to ski and eventually landed a plum full-time job at the Keystone Science School in Keystone , Colo.

  3. 今年22岁的墨菲与家人一起生活在纽约州的马马罗内克(Mamaroneck),已经在佛蒙特大学(UniversityofVermont)就读了一年,目前正准备进入哥伦比亚大学的通识教育学院(SchoolofGeneralStudies)读书。

    Ms. Murphy , 22 , who was living with her family in Mamaroneck , N.Y. , had attended the University of Vermont for a year , but was starting at Columbia 's School of General Studies .

  4. 佛蒙特大学的克里斯托弗?丹福思和彼得?多兹教授对在Twitter等网站上的240万篇博客中使用的词语进行了分析,并将其按照积极程度从1到9打分。

    Professors Christopher Danforth and Peter Dodds , of Vermont University , analysed words used in 2.4 million internet blogs such as Twitter , giving a score out of nine depending on how positive they were .

  5. 埃兹医生也是佛蒙特大学(UniversityofVermont)医学院的教授,他与来自美国心血管与肺康复协会(AmericanAssociationofCardiovascularandPulmonaryRehabilitation)、美国心脏病学会(AmericanCollegeofCardiology)、AHA、美国心力衰竭学会(HeartFailureSocietyofAmerica)

    Dr. Ades , who is also a professor at University of Vermont College of Medicine , and other experts for the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation , the American College of Cardiology , AHA and the Heart Failure Society of America ,

  6. 美国伯灵顿佛蒙特大学的生态经济学家RobertCostanza表示,该项新研究将最终能为管理者提供生态恢复成本与收益方面的量化信息。

    Robert Costanza , an ecological economist at the University of Vermont in Burlington , says the new study will finally give managers quantitative information about the costs and benefits of restoration .

  7. 自2009年以来,共有1891名佛蒙特大学在校生指定了自己偏好的代词,其中有14人选择了“ze”,10人选择了“they”,还有另外228人选择了仅用名字称呼。

    Since 2009 , 1891 University of Vermont students have specified a preferred pronoun , with 14 opting for " ze , " 10 for " they " and another 228 for name only .

  8. 罗宾·奥克斯(RobynOchs)是一名教育工作者,曾在哈佛大学协助创建了一家早期的LGBT组织及员工队伍,她认为,佛蒙特大学做出的政策变化完全不亚于拯救生命。

    Robyn Ochs , an educator who helped found an early L.G.B.T. faculty and staff group at Harvard , believes that Vermont 's changes are nothing less than lifesaving .

  9. 布劳尔女士找到了教务主任基思·威廉姆斯(KeithP.Williams),此人曾与佛蒙特大学的律师们携手合作,允许跨性别者学生更改登记在校内系统中的名字,但是要求学生必须亲自到这位主任的办公室填写相关文书。

    Ms. Brauer reached out to the registrar , Keith P. Williams , who worked with the university 's lawyers to allow transgender students to change their first name in the schoolwide system , but doing so required an in-person visit to the dean of students " office and filling out paperwork .

  10. 那么,佛蒙特大学这一尝试的结果如何?

    So , how did the Vermont experiment go ?

  11. 不过,像佛蒙特大学心理学家埃斯特·罗斯·布鲁姆这样的专业人士反应激烈。

    Still , professionals like University of Vermont psychologist Esther Roth Blume reacted enthusiastically .

  12. 我们最好从佛蒙特大学的例子中汲取一些教训。

    We would do well to learn some lessons from the University of Vermont 's experience .

  13. 今天节目中的某些资料是佛蒙特大学的历史文化保护项目为我们提供的。

    Some of our information , for example , came from the University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program .

  14. 这两所学院现在合并了,至少在名义上是如此。它们现在名为北佛蒙特大学,尽管两所学院相距89公里。

    The schools are now one , at least in name - Northern Vermont University - with two campuses 89 km apart .

  15. 佛蒙特大学既想减少需要填埋的塑料水瓶的数量,又想鼓励学生培养健康的生活方式。

    The University of Vermont wanted to reduce the flow of plastic water bottles to landfill but also wanted to encourage students to be healthy .

  16. 由佛蒙特大学的尼古拉斯·高塔利领导的研究小组研究了历史上该鸟类标本因为被博物馆和私人收藏家收藏引起的标本减少情况。

    One team , lead by Nicholas Gotelli at the University of Vermont , studied the historical decline in specimens taken by museums and private collectors .

  17. 喝水最健康,但佛蒙特大学恰恰禁止自动售货机出售瓶装水。

    Water is as healthy a drink as you can find , yet that was exactly what the University of Vermont was banning from vending machines .

  18. 他是一名医生,在欧柏林大学获得学士学位,在佛蒙特大学获得医学博士学位,在加州大学伯克利分校获得公共卫生硕士学位。

    He is a physician and received his BA from Oberlin College , MD from the University of Vermont and MPH from the University of California , Berkeley .

  19. 该研究的负责人——佛蒙特大学的萨拉索尔尼克博士说:“饮用软饮料和暴力行为之间有着显著而密切的联系。”

    The researchers , led by Dr Sara Solnick from the University of Vermont , said " There was a significant and strong association between soft drinks and violence . "

  20. 咨询该如何应用这些新的人称代词。去年9月份,佛蒙特大学的人称选项再次得到了拓展,添加了第三人称复数形式的代词“they”,因为语法学家曾提醒那些反对派,英语本身是一门不断演化的语言。

    In September , the university 's pronoun options were expanded yet again to include " they , " as grammarians have reminded naysayers that the English language is constantly evolving .

  21. 洛可·吉梭曼(RockoGieselman)看上去跟佛蒙特大学的其他学生没什么差别,或许只是更漂亮了几分:淡淡的雀斑在白瓷一般的肌肤上轻轻跳跃,明亮的蓝眼睛放大了满脸的盈盈笑意。

    Rocko Gieselman looked like any other undergraduate at the University of Vermont but perhaps a little prettier , with pale freckles dancing across porcelain skin and bright blue eyes amplifying a broad smile .

  22. 这一代词在跨性别者群体内,已日渐成为对他或她最常用的替代人称,而佛蒙特大学&这间总共拥有约12700名学生就读的公立大学,也已同意采用这种表述。

    They has become an increasingly popular substitute for he or she in the transgender community , and the University of Vermont , a public institution of some 12,700 students , has agreed to use it .

  23. 到2009年时,佛蒙特大学的教职员工开始主动寻求一种更具广泛意义的方案来解决身份认知问题,威廉姆斯先生创建了一支团队,研究如何能让学生无需提出特别申请,便可方便地登记他们自己偏好的名字。

    By 2009 , faculty members themselves began pushing for a broader solution to the identification issue , and Mr. Williams created a task force to look into how students could register a preferred first name without having to make a special request .

  24. 美国佛蒙特州大学医学院,以介绍学院为主。

    University of Vermont College of medicine .

  25. 佛蒙特州立大学系统联络部主任帕特里夏·科茨表示,“学院”一词在美国以外的地方可能有不同的含义。

    Patricia Coates , director of communications for the Vermont State Colleges System , said that " college " may have a different perception outside the US .

  26. 美国佛蒙特州最大的城市;位于佛蒙特州北部尚普兰湖边;佛蒙特州大学所在地。

    The largest city in Vermont ; located in northwestern Vermont on Lake Champlain ; site of the University of Vermont .

  27. 豫西济源地区早三叠世和尚沟组湖相遗迹化石及遗迹组构美国佛蒙特州最大的城市;位于佛蒙特州北部尚普兰湖边;佛蒙特州大学所在地。

    Trace Fossils and Ichnofabrics in the Heshanggou Formation of Lacustrine Deposits , Jiyuan Area , Henan Province the largest city in Vermont ; located in northwestern Vermont on Lake Champlain ; site of the University of Vermont .