
  • Regional monopoly;【经】regional cartel
  1. 行政垄断可分为地区垄断和行业垄断两大类。

    One is local monopoly and the other is trade monopoly .

  2. 行政垄断主要表现为地区垄断和行业垄断。

    The major displays of administrative monopoly are district monopoly and trade monopoly .

  3. 反行政垄断没必要区分地区垄断与部门垄断

    The anti - administrative monopolization : unnecessary distinction of " the regioal " the " the sectional "

  4. 同时由于我国反垄断法律制度的不完善和对行政地区垄断的打击力度相对不足,在客观上纵容了行政地区垄断。

    The anti-monopoly law objectively connives the administrative regional monopolies because of its imperfect system and the weak blow to the administrative regional monopolies .

  5. 水务产业是具有公益性、基础性、地区垄断性、政策高风险性、资本高沉淀性等特征的准市场化产业。

    With the characteristics of commonweal , foundation , regional monopoly , high risks and high deposit of capital , water industry is to-be - marketing .

  6. 不过,每家大型发行公司仅在某些地区垄断上映权。因此,也常与其他发行公司的影院签订互惠协议。

    But each large distribution company was dominant in exhibition in certain areas . accordingly , reciprocal arrangements were made with theatre chains of other distribution companies .

  7. 盐产业的地区垄断阻碍了我国的盐产能调整,并使得不合格的,不达标的私人微型盐场长期存在。

    The regional monopolies of salt industry hindered adjustment of the salt production , and made unqualified , non-compliance of the private mini-salt exist for a long time .

  8. 本文将行政性垄断分为地区垄断、部门垄断、行政强制联合限制竞争与行政指定交易四种表现形式,并指出某些自然垄断行业呈现出行政性垄断的态势。

    The author thinks that there are four operation forms of administrative monopoly , including regional blockade , sector monopoly , compulsory associated restriction of competition , and points out that some natural monopolies present administrative-monopoly 's tend .

  9. 非法行政性垄断包括地区垄断、行业垄断、强制联合限制竞争行为和行政强制交易行为;合法行政性垄断包括国家垄断、自然垄断、国家指定专营、特种行业垄断。

    The legal monopolies include state monopoly , natural monopoly , state-designated monopoly and special-industry monopoly , while the illegal monopolies embrace regional monopoly , industrial monopoly , prevention of competition by compulsory alliance , and administratively-mandatory business deals .

  10. 地区行政垄断若干宏观经济效应的分析

    An Analysis on Certain Macroeconomic Effects of Local Administrative Monopoly

  11. 豪华游艇属于高附加值产品,其市场基本上被欧美等发达国家和地区所垄断。

    Luxury yacht is a high added-value product , the market of luxury yacht is monopolized by developed countries of occident .

  12. 近年来,美国、日本、欧盟等国家和地区反垄断机关对专利池的态度也越来越宽容。

    As a result , the antitrust authorities in the United States , Japan and Europe have taken more positive attitudes to patent pool than one decade ago .

  13. 城市燃气产业的网络性、经营成本弱增性、地区经营垄断性和资源稀缺性的特点,决定了其具有自然垄断性,从而导致资源配置扭曲,缺乏效率,造成社会福利的损失。

    The urban gas features of network performances and weaken growth of operation cost and regional monopoly of operation and the scarcity of resources determines its natural monopoly , which result in distortions and inefficiency of resources allocation , and the loss of social welfare .

  14. 沿着LLSV的法与经济学的思路,我们对地区性行政垄断对国有企业股权结构、公司负债和公司绩效的影响进行了理论和实证分析。

    We focus on the effect of local administrative monopoly on ownership structure of State-owner enterprise , leverage structure and performance of company theoretically and empirically on a LLSV approach .

  15. 地区性行政垄断与资本配置效率关系的实证

    Empirical Study on the Relationship between Local Administrative Monopoly and Capital Allocative Efficiency

  16. 中国地区性行政垄断程度的测度研究

    The Measurement of Local Administrative Monopoly Degree in China

  17. 新一轮农村利率改革成效与经济解释&闽东地区调查与垄断市场分析

    The Effects of Interest Adjustment in Rural Areas : A Case Study of Eastern Fujian

  18. 从公司治理的角度看,地区性行政垄断可以看作一种外部治理机制。

    In the view of corporate governance , local administrative monopoly is an external governance mechanism .

  19. 不同类型的地区性行政垄断行为对价格产生作用,这些价格均高于正常的市场价格。

    Any type of local administrative monopoly would change the price , and the price is higher than optional price .

  20. 但是,长远来看,地区性行政垄断措施不利于全国整体市场规模经济效应的发挥,政治租金的获得损害了经济效率。

    However , in the long term , administrative monopoly is harmful for the countrywide marketed scale effect as a whole .

  21. 目前,大部分研究集中在以下几方面:地区性行政垄断的各种表现形式、对宏观经济的影响方式以及影响程度。

    So far , most research concentrates on the following points : what is local administrative monopoly ; how and how much it affects macroeconomy .

  22. 一个不容忽视的现象就是诸如地方保护、市场分割等诸多形式的地区性行政垄断措施层出不穷。

    A problem which cannot be ignored is that the local administrative monopoly such as local government protection as well as markets segmentation becomes more and more .

  23. 就地区性行政垄断而言,本文从区域间的行政垄断和区域内的行政垄断两个角度分析了地区性行政垄断对劳动力资源配置的影响。

    In terms of regional administrative monopoly , the thesis analyzes the impact on labor resources allocation from the perspectives of interregional and intraregional regional administrative monopoly .

  24. 该部分内容主要介绍了目前世界上主要国家和地区关于反垄断法损害赔偿制度的规定,即包括实体制度和程序制度。

    This part mainly introduces the antitrust damages system in the major countries and regions in the world . It is including the physical system and the procedure system .

  25. 通过实证发现,地区性行政垄断程度对公司绩效有着消极影响,此外,地区性行政垄断对国有企业利润的负面影响大于民营企业。

    Moreover , local administrative monopoly has a greater negative effect on SOEs than private companies . A small change of local administrative monopoly would impact company performance much .

  26. 地区性行政垄断措施在促进地区经济增长的同时,减缓了产业结构差异化发展的趋势,并且由此抑制了中国国内区域市场间比较优势以及全国整体市场规模经济效应的发挥。

    The local administrative monopoly improves Chinese local economic growth as well as slows its industrial difference progress , which prohibits the comparative advantages and scale effects of Chinese regional markets .

  27. 2000年12月1日颁布实施的《种子法》打破了一直以来的主要农作物种子地区封锁、垄断经营的局面,给种子企业的发展带来了机遇。

    The enactment of " The Seed Law " broke the situation of area quarantine and monopolization of the main crops seed , and brings opportunity for development of seed enterprises .

  28. 本文的创新点是基于一个财政分权的框架,讨论地区性行政垄断的形成原因,在一定意义上弥补了现有研究的缺憾。

    The possible innovation spot of this article is discussing the formation reason of the local administration monopoly based on a financial decentralization frame , and it has made up the disappointment of the existing research in a sense .

  29. 改革开放虽然开启了计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的进程,但全国统一大市场的建立却频遇障碍。在阻碍统一市场建设的众多因素中,地区性行政垄断是一重要因素。

    The Reform and Opening-Up Policy has initiated the transition from planned economy system to market economy system . However , the establishment of nationally unified market is blocked by many obstacles , of which regional administrative monopoly is a major one .

  30. 保护消费者利益是现代反垄断法应有之义,大多数国家和地区在反垄断立法和司法实践中都将其纳入该法保护范围,并将其作为反垄断法重要价值诉求。

    Protection of consumer interests is the proper meaning of modern Anti-monopoly Law . It is included in the scope of protection through Anti-monopoly legislation and judicial practice of most countries and regions , also as the great value appeal of antitrust law .