
dì liàng
  • lowest amount
  1. 海岛礁精确测量项目,要求对海岛的信息进行精确地量测,GPS激光测距定位系统就是为了在船舶等移动载体上进行测量研发的系统。

    Accurate measurement of island project request on the information of island measured precisely , The GPS laser ranging and positioning system is studyed to survey on mobile carriers .

  2. 而基于GIS技术的土地利用总体规划管理信息系统在数据更新、方案调整、用地量统计、动态决策等方面有着卓越的功能,从而为土地利用管理提供了更科学合理的定量依据。

    The management information system of overall planning for land utility based on GIS technology possesses superior functions in terms of updating data , adjusting scheme , land utility statistics and dynamic decision , which provides a more scientific quantitative data for land utility .

  3. 采用数字粒子图像测速(DPIV)技术,在长30m、宽35m、高1m的水槽中比较系统地量测了浅水中绕平板岛屿的尾流区流场。

    The digital particle image velocimetry ( DPIV ) is employed to study the flow field around a solid plate in shallow water . The experiments are carried out in a flume with 30 ? m long , 3.5 ?

  4. 她小心地量了距离,走了五步。

    She carefully measured the distance , and took five paces .

  5. 星-地量子密钥分发链路持续时间分析与仿真

    Analysis and Simulation of the Link Duration of Satellite-Ground Quantum Key Distribution

  6. 在腕部骨头处宽松地量一周。

    Use the bones at the wrist as a landmark . Measure fairly generously .

  7. 可以简单地量测辐照度或其当量&平面辐射温度。

    Irradiance or its equivalent , the plane radiant temperature , can be simply measured .

  8. 基于当地量的电压稳定指标

    Voltage Stability Index Based on Local Vectors

  9. 为了精确地量度这些变化周期,需要有一个基本的时间单位。

    In order to measure these various cycles accurately , we need a basic time unit .

  10. 用别针别褶时,仔细地量一量领圈两边的缝线。

    With the tuck still pinned , carefully measure the seamline on each side of the neckline .

  11. 他离家前,仔细地量了量自己的脚,随手就把尺码放在了座位上。

    Before he left home , he measured his feet carefully , and put the measurement casually on the seat .

  12. 它普遍当用于地量、工业、泥土等研讨范畴,并取得了丰亡的解果。

    It widely used in geology , agriculture , soil and other research areas , and has achieved fruitful results .

  13. 一段时期内,私人部门需要通过持续地量入为出来减少负债。

    The private sector will need to reduce its liabilities by spending less than its income over a sustained period .

  14. 他们从这里发展出对时间的计算,一部历法能够精确地量度太阳年到一分钟误差之内。

    From this came their reckoning of time , and a calendar that accurately measures the solar year to within minutes .

  15. 但一项新研究揭示,富人们一般也不会关心那些辛辛苦苦地量入为出的穷人。

    But then a new study has revealed the wealthy are unlikely to be bothered about those who are struggling to make ends meet .

  16. 流域特征值是计算设计洪水的基本因子,正确地量算流域特征值是提高设计洪水精度的必要条件。

    Drainage basin characteristics values are the basic factors to account design flood , so correctly computing their values are requirement for improving design flood precision .

  17. 十分宽松地围量二头肌最丰满处。在腕部骨头处宽松地量一周。

    Measure around the fullest part of the biceps , fairly generously . Use the bones at the wrist as a landmark . Measure fairly generously .

  18. 此外,卡背面还特地量身定制了六个广告位,让您的广告投入见效更快更准!

    Besides , six advertising sites in the other side of the card aims to make your advertising more effective , more quick and more accurate !

  19. 他在他们面前赶出外邦人,用绳子将外邦的地量给他们为业,叫以色列支派的人,住在他们的帐棚里。

    Driving out nations before them , marking out the line of their heritage , and giving the people of Israel their tents for a resting-place .

  20. 采用多级位移测试方法,能够连续、准确地量测10~(-6)~10~(-1)应变范围内土样的应力应变关系,使粗粒土静动力特性研究建立在可靠的试验数据基础上;

    By adopting the multi-scale displacement measurement method , the stress-strain relationship with the range of strain from 10-6 to 10-1 can be measured continued and accurately .

  21. 黄河流域坡耕地量大面广,是水土流失的主要源地,是生态环境恶化、人民生活贫困的主要原因;

    Slope farmland is the main source of water and soil loss , the main reason of ecosystem worsen and poverty , and urgently need to rebuilt .

  22. 前款规定的新增建设用地量,包括建设占用农用地和未利用地。

    The " amount of newly increased construction land " as mentioned in the preceding Paragraph includes the cultivated land and un-utilized land occupied for the construction .

  23. 果彼,闭于于油气勘探开收,当反在齐里入行石油地量和工程技巧论证的基本上科教评价其实施威宽险。

    As a result , oil and gas exploration should be taken up in petroleum engineering and geological appraisal on the basis of scientific risk assessment of its implementation .

  24. 然而,在土壤层面处,锥尖阻抗无法正确地量测,因此无法准确侦测出土壤层面的位置。

    However , the magnitude of tip resistance cannot be measured correctly at the interface of soil layer , and the position of this interface can not be detected accurately .

  25. 当前,我国大部分城市处于快速发展的初级阶段,随着其城市化和工业化的逐步推进,建设用地量需求会持续增加。

    Most of the city in our country are in the initial stage of fast expanding currently , more and more construction land will be needed , due to urbanization and industrialization .

  26. 量刑与定罪是现代刑事审判中缺一不可的组成部分,科学公正地量刑是实现刑事司法公正,提高司法公信力的必要条件。

    Sentencing and conviction of the modern criminal trial indispensable component of science is to achieve a fair sentencing of criminal justice , a necessary condition for improving the credibility of the judiciary .

  27. 开发与利用城市地下空间不仅可以增加城市的用地量,改善城市交通,还可以优化城市环境,增强城市的商业活动性。

    Developing the urban underground space can not only increase the amount of urban land , improve urban transport , but also change the urban environment as well as enhance the city commercial activity .

  28. 而在股价即将见底时,该卖的都已经卖了,没有卖的也不想再卖了,于是,地量不断出现,而且持续性较强。

    And the stock prices will bottom , the sale had already been sold , did not sell the do not want to sell , therefore , to the continuous emergence of and continuing strong .

  29. 带着期待的表情,售货员很快地量好了布料,包裹好,一脸奸笑地送了过来。

    " I 'll take ten yards . " With expectation and anticipation written all over his face , the clerk quickly measured out the cloth , wrapped it up , then teasingly held it out .

  30. 但实际上,土地问题依然严峻,土地解冻后,一方面需要预防一些行业过热问题死灰复燃,另一方面需要预防建设用地量的大幅反弹。

    But in reality , land is still grim , land thaw , on the one hand , some industries need to prevent the resurgence of overheating problems and the need to prevent the construction site of a rebound .