
  • 网络compound leverage;Combined Leverage
  1. 为了更好的证明我发明了一个办法来说明这种复合杠杆结构的优势。

    Feeling kind of dorky trying to explain this I have devised a way to show how much better the compound leverage is .

  2. 通过对企业财务管理中的经营杠杆、财务杠杆、复合杠杆成因及其效应的分析和计量,指出杠杆与企业风险的关系,为企业筹措资金、优化资金结构、提高资金效益服务。

    This paper indicates the relationship between leverage and risk through the analysis and measurement of operating leverage , financial leverage , compound leverage and the leverage in the service of organizing company funds , improving funds structure and boosting funds efficiency .