
  • 网络Fosun Group;Fosun International
  1. 复星集团副总裁徐晓亮表示,与Resolution的交易标志着“复星地产全球化布局的又一重要事件”。

    Xu Xiaoliang , Fosun Group vice-president , said the Resolution deal marked " a significant step in Fosun 's global approach . "

  2. 去年,华纳兄弟前高管杰夫·罗比诺夫(JeffRobinov)从中国的复星集团获得了2亿美元的投资,创办了一家新的好莱坞电影制作公司。

    And last year , when the former Warner Bros. executive Jeff Robinov set up a new Hollywood studio , he received a $ 200 million investment from the Fosun Group of China .

  3. 私人控股公司复星集团(Fosun)计划斥资至多2亿美元投资于独立制片公司Studio8,后者由华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)前总裁杰夫圠宾诺夫(JeffRobinov)创立。

    Fosun , a privately held conglomerate , plans to spend up to $ 200m backing Studio 8 , an independent studio founded by Jeff Robinov , former head of Warner Brothers .

  4. 周成建失联之前,复星集团(Fosun)董事长郭广昌也曾失联,由于收购了地中海俱乐部(ClubMed),该集团成了中国在国际上最知名的公司之一。

    Mr Zhou 's disappearance followed close on the heels of that of Guo Guangchang , chairman of the conglomerate Fosun , one of China 's best known companies internationally because of its ownership of Club Med .

  5. 今年,复星集团香港上市部门复星国际(FosunInternational)(复星多数并购交易正是通过该部门完成的)的股票,已成为香港表现最好的股票之一。在周一该股票因这次配股而停牌前,其股价已上涨106%。

    Shares in Fosun International , the Hong Kong-listed unit through which most of its deals are done , have been among the best performers in the city this year , gaining 106 per cent before their trading suspension on Monday for the placement .

  6. 2010年6月份,中国复星集团,怀着成为全球投资巨头的抱负,购买了希望服务中国度假者的法国休闲公司ClubMed(地中海俱乐部)7.1%的股份(后来增加到9.3%),12月份ClubMed的第一家中国度假村随之在中国出现。

    In June 2010 Fosun , a Chinese conglomerate with pretensions to become a global investment giant , bought 7.1 % ( later raised to 9.3 % ) of Club Med , a French leisure company hoping to serve Chinese holidaymakers . Club Med 's first Chinese resort followed in December .

  7. 中国内地最大民营企业集团复星集团(Fosun)正准备利用今年其股价翻一番的有利行情,筹集12亿美元资金。

    Fosun is taking advantage of a doubling in its share price this year to raise as much as $ 1.2bn , which the acquisitive Chinese group says could be spent on future deals .

  8. 复星集团是一家在多个葡萄牙公司持股的私营跨国公司。

    Fosun is a private multinational that has acquired significant stakes in several Portuguese companies .

  9. 德州太平洋集团及复星集团买入股份的规模并未披露。

    The size of the stake bought by TPG and its Chinese partner was not disclosed .

  10. 忠诚保险公司首席执行官何赛·麦哲伦·科雷亚表示,复星集团不仅给他的公司提供了发展空间,还给予了尊重。

    Fidelidade CEO Jorge Magalhaes Correia says Fosun gives his company not only room for development , but also respects .

  11. 除阿里巴巴之外,据传中国民生银行、复星集团、壹基金以及富士康等都向美国大选总统候选人捐了款。

    In addition to Alibaba , China Minsheng Bank , the Fosun Group , One Foundation and Foxconn are all rumored to have donated money .

  12. 2004年,公司与上海复星集团进行战略性合作,公司业务逐年上涨。

    In2004 , the company established strategic cooperation with Shanghai Fosun High Technology ( Group ) Co. , Ltd , which leads to a year-on-year increase of business .

  13. 复星医药的母公司、复星集团(FosunGroup)的董事长郭广昌最近表示,该集团要在中国投资500家医院,尽管接近该公司的人士表示,这更像一种热情洋溢的表达方式,跟确切数字无关。

    Guo Guangchang , chairman of Fosun Group , parent of Fosun Pharma , said recently that the group might invest in as many as 500 hospitals in China - although people close to the company say this was more an expression of enthusiasm than an exact number .