
  • 网络Bak;bic;Piccolo;MR.BIG
  1. 比克斯塔夫看上去对于当选总书记志在必得。

    Bickerstaffe looks assured of being elected general secretary .

  2. NPR新闻,艾比克·普达尔报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Eibic Pjudal .

  3. 这些品牌包括像Pringles(品客),Monopoly(韩国的创意文具及包袋品牌),DreamWorks(梦工厂),Schwarzkopf(施华蔻),和Bic(比克)这样的公司。

    Their logos include companies like Pringles , Monopoly , DreamWorks , Schwarzkopf , and Bic .

  4. 跑步时,比克边跑边推着童车里的女儿前进。

    He runs the last leg pushing her in a buggy .

  5. 因为可里斯比克林姆卡车在第八大街翻车了。

    There was this Krispy Kreme truck that overturned on Eighth Avenue .

  6. 我们在偷走巴克比克之前得让福吉看到他。

    Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him .

  7. 我希望哈利能好好的,比克。

    I hope Harry is all right , Beak .

  8. 歌剧界新的后起之秀,安娜雷崔比克。

    Opera 's new rising star , Anna netrebko .

  9. 公元前地中海的伊比利亚人、比克人、凯尔特人,先后来到不列颠。

    BC Mediterranean Iberia , Bak , the Celtics have come to Britain .

  10. 彻比克。我是那个长得帅点的。

    Kapochev . I am the handsome one .

  11. 合作性博弈视角的股权结构设计的决策影响力分析夏普里舒比克权力指数与股权结构设计

    An analysis on the influence of stock ownership structure on decision making in companies

  12. 舒比克设计这个矛盾游戏,是想说明有些问题博弈论无法提供解决方案。

    Shubik proposed the paradox as a problem to which game theory offered no solution .

  13. 但是巴克比克被判了死刑!

    Buckbeak 's been sentenced to death !

  14. 彻比克和卡波彻刚出来。

    Chebekov and kapochev just showed up .

  15. 为了让女儿开心,范·比克在2008年开始参加户外长跑锻炼。

    In a bid to make his daughter happy , he began training for outdoor races in 2008 .

  16. 同时在非洲,莫三比克血腥的内战,留下来的枪枝被改造成艺术品。

    Meanwhile in Africa left over guns from mozambique 's bloody civil war were converted into works of art .

  17. 这些资金用来资助加纳、莫占比克、尼日尼亚、南非、坦桑尼亚和乌干达等国家的高校。

    The money has gone for universities in Ghana , Mozambique , Nigeria , South Africa , Tanzania and Uganda .

  18. 比克在他的博客上重述了这个故事:在大急流城马拉松比赛中,我的女儿被推着参加比赛。

    ' I watched my daughter Maddy being pushed in the Grand Rapids Marathon , ' he recounted on his blog .

  19. 印度-太平洋:红海南至莫三比克而且东至凤凰岛,北至日本,南至澳洲。

    Indo-Pacific : Red Sea south to Mozambique and east to the Phoenix Islands , north to Japan , south to Australia .

  20. 莫三比克的戈龙戈萨山,以湿性常绿阔叶林著名,也是丰富植物与动物的所在地。

    Mount Gorongosa in central Mozambique is renowned for its moist evergreen rainforest , home to a rich diversity of plant and animal species .

  21. 他到小比克布斯修女们的礼拜堂里来参加日课唱圣诗,那是常有的事。

    It was one of his habits to come tolerably often to celebrate the offices in the chapel of the nuns of the Petit-Picpus .

  22. 琼.比克斯塔夫参加了这样的培训项目。她说,调解可能比法庭的止赎案件审判提供更多的选择。

    One of the trainees , Joan Bickerstaff , said a mediation session may provide a number of alternatives not available in a foreclosure trial .

  23. 琼.比克斯塔夫参加了这样的培训项目。她说,调解也许可以比法庭的止赎案件审判提供更多的选择。

    One of the trainees , Joan BickerstafiF , said a mediation session may provide a number of alternatives not available in a foreclosure trial .

  24. 比克罗夫提出这样一个大胆想法&赋予雇主在只给付赔偿金而不必给予解释的情况下解雇无工作能力的雇员的权利。

    The Lib Dems rejected Mr Beecroft 's boldest idea & giving employers the right to sack unproductive workers with compensation but without giving a reason .

  25. 以我国一上市公司为背景,借助夏普里-舒比克权力指数讨论其股权结构对决策的影响力,可得出股权与决策影响力之间具有比较好的对应的关系。

    Based on the case study of a Chinese listed company , this paper concludes that the stock ownership structure decides the influence of decision making in enterprises .

  26. 比克的观点在四年前发生了变化,他看到当他带着女儿参加马拉松比赛时,女儿的脸上那纯净的笑容。

    His outlook changed when he saw his daughter taking part in a marathon more than four years ago , and saw the pure joy on her face .

  27. 战斗历程:为了下大力气整顿公司预算,许多公司都采购了复杂的软件,来跟踪公司的开支,精细程度甚至细化到一支比克钢笔的费用。

    What they did : gung ho about whipping their budgets into shape , many companies invest in complex software to track spending down to the last BIC pen .

  28. 那栋一面临直壁街一面临比克布斯小街的大楼房在朝园子的一面,有两个交成曲尺形的正面。

    The large building of the Rue Droit-Mur , which had a wing on the Rue Petit-Picpus , turned two facades , at right angles , towards this garden .

  29. 在游泳部分,范·比克将女儿放在一个皮划艇中,边游边拖着皮划艇前进。在骑自行车时,比克的女儿被放在一个二轮手推车里,接在自行车后。

    For the swimming portion , van Beek tugs his daughter through the water in a kayak and then pulls her behind him in a cart as he cycles .

  30. 过了会,托尼把电话挂掉,走到旁边的房间,他的一位室友盖特纳•比克福德正躺在床上看书。

    After a while , Lai hung up and walked to the next room , where one of his roommates , Gardner Bickford , was lying in bed , reading .