
  • 网络Bill Gross;Bill-Gross
  1. 今年49岁的埃尔连将接替比尔·格罗斯管理太投公司。63岁的比尔是世界最大的债券基金太平洋投资公司的奠基人。

    The49-year-old El-Erian will be in position to succeed Bill Gross , the63-year-old founder of Pimco , manager of the world 's largest bond fund .

  2. 比尔·格罗斯在这个月称:“评级机构‘就像夜深人静时候的吸血鬼一样,将比我们所有人都长寿’。”他是太平洋投资管理公司的一名基金经理。

    " LIKE vampires in the dead of the night ", rating agencies " will outlast us all ", said Bill Gross of PIMCO , a fund manager , this month .

  3. 著名的债券投资人比尔·格罗斯上周在一篇写给客户的信中说,随着股票的飞升,逻辑已经变成,钱被驱使到达那些地方,为什么每个月都是疯狂投资且不会停止呢。

    As with high flying stocks , the logic was that the money had to go somewhere and why not a wall instead of a monthly portfolio statement , famed bond investor Bill Gross wrote in a note to clients last week .