- 名national standard

The National Standard BASIC Language for Personal Computer
Type B uncertainty of estimate by using the national standard
There will be new national standards for hospital cleanliness .
Article 20 The quality of electrical products and gas utensils must conform to the state standards or industrial standard .
Article 42 Those who , in violation of this law , arbitrarily lower technical standards on fire control in construction , us construction parts and materials not conforming the state standards or industrial standards or disqualified fitting and decoration materials during construction , shall be ordered to make corrections within a time limit ;
China specifies the IP Phone Gateway recommendation .
Countermeasures for TSP Pollution in Fushun The series model of hydrometric instruments
In the " National Standard ", the temperature resolution for density and enthalpy is only ρ / 1 ℃ and h / 1 ℃ .
The concentration of SO2 and dust in air is over the national standard enormously .
Technology progresses achieved on lowering free-TDI in PU paints since the national standard GB18581 & 2001is published are commended .
The skeletal density of four kinds of coal in different rank is determined by atomic distribution function of wide angle x-ray diffraction spectrum ( WAXS ) and a common method using hydrometer .
Cantonese style sausage products coliform MPN values did not exceed national standards .
It is probed on the application of standard national , assembling drawing , the method of 3D model transforming into 2D views drawing in AutoCAD to draw machinery drawing .
During applying Auto CAD to design , only by reasonable setting and fully mastering its functions mechanical drawings can draw in a convenient and fast way according to national standards like Technical Drawing and Mechanical Drawing .
It has been over 4 years since national standard Technical code for roofing ( GB50207-94 ) was issued . During this period .
Toxicity determination meets national standards and adhesion is up to 5 B grade .
For solving the problem of the secondary stress of square steel tube trapezoid roof truss when compiling national standards drawings , the finite element analysis program ANSYS is used to calculate and analyze .
Different storage methods , coliform MPN value of cured meat products did not exceed national standards .
Analysis and Application of New Standard GB / T18858.2 for AS-Interface
Using adaptive Projection algorithm to measure the standard particle board and national standard material , compared the result with improved Projection algorithm which introducing an increasing fine coefficient and Projection algorithm which introducing an improved fall coefficient .
International standards for laser parameter test methods , which were promulgated or drawn up since the 1990s by ISO and IEC , and national standards which were compiled and revised recently are reviewed .
Wet strength of plywood which were made with UF resin adhesive reached the state standard ( more than 0.7MPa );
Objective : To establish a national reference standard for rht-PA potency .
Not long ago , the American National Standards Institute ( ANSI ) studied out a new standard called Fibre Distributed Data Interface ( FDDI ) .
The comparison between the results and BQ values which calculated by the standard for rock mass classification ( GB500218 - 94 ) is very approximate .
This paper also provides a kind of method to trace to the national standards using the metrological chain in the ATE system , and converts this method into implemental steps . At last , the system calibration results are given .
We conducted our research on the biological evaluation of medical devices of Collagen-Chitosan ( C-C ) Artificial Skin Substitute according to the National Standard ( GB / T16886.1-1997 ) .
Methodology : to apply Barracuda X ray machine as the output and assess facility and examine the major technical parameters of medical X ray camera in the light of national standards 『 1-3 』 .
Comparing to national standard method , this method is simple , efficient and accurate , and suitable for determination and confirmation of BHA , BHT in oil and oleaginous food .
The result indicates , denitrifier YZ-2 has very strong denitrifying ability .