
  • 网络INTERNATIONAL OUTSOURCING;international sourcing
  1. 南方国家的契约实施制度的改善能促进其承接国际外包或吸引FDI,且对于契约密集度越高的行业促进作用越明显。

    Second , the improvement of contractual delivery system of the southern countries can promote the undertaking of international outsourcing or FDI , and the promotion is stronger for the industry of higher contract intensity .

  2. 经济全球化下国际外包的最新研究进展

    The Latest Research on the International Outsourcing in a Global Economy

  3. 中国服务业承接FDI和国际外包的福利效应比较

    Welfare Comparison on China 's Undertaking of FDI and Foreign Outsourcing in Service Industry

  4. 中国应该利用这个机会,承接国际外包业务,促进中国经济发展。

    China should avail of this opportunity to promote economic development .

  5. 然而,在国际外包活动中扮演的角色却是不同的。

    However , their roles in the outsourcing activities are different .

  6. 金融外包已成为国际外包市场的主流。

    Financial outsourcing has become the mainstream in the international outsourcing market .

  7. 国际外包已经成了一种趋势。

    Thus , outsourcing becomes an international trend .

  8. 电子商务技术和国际外包活动等新型商务实践的发展明显促进了过境交付服务贸易的发展。

    Cross-border trade in services is accelerated by the development in E-commerce and international outsourcing .

  9. 国际外包与我国城乡收入差距关系的实证研究:1981-2007

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between International Outsourcing and Urban-rural Income Gap in China : 1981-2007

  10. 国际外包、就业和收入分配之文献综述

    Outsourcing , Employment and Income Distribution

  11. 国际外包率的测量及行业差异&基于中国工业行业的实证研究

    The Measurement and Disparity of International Outsourcing Ratio : Based on the Empirical Study of China Industry Sectors

  12. 很多公司都已经转向了国际外包,而印度和东欧则领导着软件服务市场。

    Many companies have turned to international outsourcing , where India and Eastern Europe lead the market for software services .

  13. 国际外包为发展中国家融入全球生产分工体系,促进产业升级提供了难得的机遇。

    International outsourcing provides a good opportunity for developing countries to enter into global production-specialization system and promote industrial upgrading .

  14. 之后,国际外包在企业经营战略方面所表现出的灵活性与成本优势,使其越来越受到制造业企业的青睐。

    However since then international outsourcing is becoming more and more common in manufacture industry due to its strategic flexibility and cost advantage .

  15. 快速发展的国际外包业务市场,对正走向国际市场的中国企业来说,充满着机遇与挑战。

    In this outsourcing market of China , the Chinese enterprises which entering the international market are facing both the opportunities and challenges .

  16. 国际外包的含义是指一国的企业为了充分利用外部的资源,把非核心的业务转移到外国进行。

    International outsourcing refers to a phenomenon that enterprises transfer their non-essential business to foreign countries for the purpose of using foreign resources .

  17. 国际外包是产品内的国际垂直一体化分工,其基础与传统的国际贸易形式一脉相承,比较优势、要素禀赋和规模经济都推动了国际外包的发展。

    International outsourcing is an inter-product vertical work division . Comparative advantage , factor endowment and scale economy all can be the driving force of international outsourcing .

  18. 这件事我不能跟妈妈说,我进了班加罗尔一家国际外包公司以维持生计,在那儿工作了6个月。

    I couldn 't share this story with my mother and joined an international BPO in bangalore to earn bread and butter and worked here for 6 months .

  19. 国际外包是首先发生在制造业领域的生产外包,主要是指以加工贸易为主的代工生产,由发达国家的企业集中精力从事核心业务,而把非核心业务外包给发展中国家和地区。

    International outsourcing begins with the manufacturing outsourcing and mainly refers to the processing trade . Developed countries focus on core business while developing countries do the non-core business .

  20. 目前许多发展中国家已经将承接国际外包业务确定为国家经济发展的战略重点,制定了大量有利发展国际服务外包的政策。

    At present , many developing countries have undertaken trade in services offshoring as a national strategic focus of foreign trade development , developed a large number of developing offshore outsourcing policy .

  21. 从全球范围来看,金融服务外包行业正处于行业周期的高速成长期,已成为国际外包市场的主流。

    Seen form a global view , financial services outsourcing , with its high developing speed , is growing so fast that it has become the mainstream in the international outsourcing market .

  22. 行业分组回归结果表明,国际外包的技术溢出效应在技术水平、开放度和行业规模等行业分组指标下存在明显的差异。

    Industry group regression results show that , the technology spillover effect of international outsourcing has significant differences in different groups according to technical level , the degree of openness and scale indicators .

  23. 国际外包和国际直接投资是发达国家进行产业调整和转移的两种方式,利用国际外包业务和国际直接投资则是促进发展中国家经济发展的两种方式。

    International outsourcing and international investment are the two means by which developed countries restructure and relocate their industries , and developing countries can make use of them to promote their economic development .

  24. 就促进发展中国家经济发展而言,承接国际外包业务优于吸引国际直接投资,中国应从鼓励外商投资转向鼓励本国企业承接国际外包业务。

    As for developing countries , accepting international outsourcing business is superior to attracting FDI in regard of economic development . China should encourage national companies to accept international outsourcing business instead of FDI inflow .

  25. 青岛市发展国际服务外包产业的意义及SWOT分析。

    The SWOT of Qingdao to develop the international service outsourcing industry .

  26. 国际服务外包是服务贸易的特殊实现方式,基于WTO体系框架下的多边贸易规则对国际服务外包产生了重要影响。

    International services outsourcing is a special implementation approach of international services trade . Multilateral trade rules based on the framework of the WTO system had a significant impact on international service outsourcing .

  27. 宁波承接国际服务外包的SOWT分析及路径选择

    Ningbo to Undertake International Service Outsourcing : SOWT Analysis and Access Approaches

  28. 我国积极参与国际软件外包的竞争。

    China actively participate in the competition of international software outsourcing .

  29. 国际服务外包动因:从降低成本到提高服务质量

    Services Outsourcing Incentives : from Reducing Cost to Catering Qualified Services

  30. 中国承接国际服务外包的经济增长效应分析

    The Analysis on Chinese Economic Growth Effect by Undertaking International Service Outsourcing