
  • 网络national credit
  1. 该和解协议将在原则上了结美国司法部、纽约州和伊利诺伊州的司法部长、美国国家信贷联盟署(NationalCreditUnionAdministration)、以及芝加哥和西雅图的联邦住宅贷款银行(FederalHomeLoanBank)提出的索赔。

    The agreement in principle will resolve actual and potential civil claims by the DoJ , the New York and Illinois Attorneys General , the National Credit Union Administration and the Federal Home Loan Banks of Chicago and Seattle .

  2. 考虑到欧盟(eu)在爱尔兰纾困问题上传达出的混乱信息,本周对欧元区外围国家信贷的投机性攻击可以理解,但并不成熟。

    The speculative attack on peripheral credits this week was understandable given the mixed messages the European Union sent over the Irish bail-out , but it was premature .

  3. 后一风险意味着需求的结构性约束,包括脆弱国家信贷急剧收缩(见下图)。

    The latter means structural constraints on demand , including a rapid contraction of credit in vulnerable countries .

  4. 投资者对欧元区经济实力较弱国家信贷风险的担忧本月急剧上升。

    Investor fears for the credit risk of eurozone countries with weaker economies has increased sharply this month .

  5. 美国认识到,只有全力动用国家信贷才能扭转私人部门的信贷崩溃。

    The US has recognised that the collapse of credit in the private sector can be reversed only by using the credit of the state to the full .

  6. 最后,论文通过对西方国家信贷风险管理的借鉴研究,提出了我国国有商业银行信贷风险管理的整体构想。

    In the last chapter in this paper , by means of use the experience of loan and lend management risks in west country for reference , and plan of loan and lend management risks in stat-owned commercial bank in China has been put forward .

  7. 没错,上周三美国股市出现反弹之时,恰逢有报道称,欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)为了避免让负债累累的欧洲国家陷入信贷紧缩,将为这些国家的银行提供超低利率贷款。

    True , the market rallied Wednesday amid news that the European Central Bank – in efforts to keep debt-troubled Europe from slipping into a credit crunch – would offer banks ultra-low interest loans .

  8. 根据丹麦银行的预测,不良贷款可能将使未来几年瑞典GDP总量下降2%至6%,具体降幅将取决于波罗的海国家的信贷违约规模。

    According to Danske Bank , the loans could cost Sweden a total of2 % to6 % of its GDP over several years , depending on how many Baltic borrowers default .

  9. 瑞银(UBS)经济学家汪涛指出,一个国家的信贷与GDP比率在五年之内增长40个百分点,通常与金融危机有很大关联。

    UBS economist Wang Tao has noted that an increase of 40 percentage points in a country 's credit-to-GDP ratio over five years correlates very well with financial crises .

  10. 从西方发达国家消费信贷的作用看发展我国消费信贷的迫切性

    Rale of Consumption Credit in Western Countries & Development of Consumption Credit in China

  11. 中国国家银行信贷、价格指数与城镇居民收入:一个实证分析

    An Empirical Study on Chinese State Banks ' Loans , Price Index and Civic Income

  12. 对西方国家出口信贷政策调整的分析和思考

    Analysis and Thoughts of the Readjustment of the Export Credit Policy of the Western Countries

  13. 虽然利率已处于历史低点,很多发达国家的信贷依然紧张。

    Credit remains tight in much of the developed world , despite historically low interest rates .

  14. 在世界上许多国家,信贷消费由来已久,已经成为一种非常普遍的经济现象。

    In many countries world , Consume credit is time honoured , has been a much universal economic phenomenon .

  15. 上述这些国家加入信贷狂欢相对较晚,巴西则从一开始便加入了狂欢。

    Although these countries are relative latecomers to the credit binge , Brazil has been partying from the start .

  16. 这个很低的数字反映了极为有限的债务的重新安排,因而商业银行逐步减少了对缺乏资金的发展国家的信贷。

    This low figure reflects very limited rescheduling as commercial banks gradually reduce their portfolio in noncreditworthy developing countries .

  17. 本文对中国国家银行信贷、价格指数与城镇居民收入的关系进行了实证分析。

    This paper makes an empirical study on the relationship among Chinese state banks , price index and civic income .

  18. 西方发达国家消费信贷发展迅速,对经济和市场的作用巨大。

    The consumption credit of the western developed countries has developed rapidly and played an important part in economy and society .

  19. 如果要避免退出的情况发生,这需要一个活跃的欧元区经济、更高的通胀率以及盈余国家的信贷积极扩张。

    If one rules out exits , this requires a buoyant eurozone economy , higher inflation and vigorous credit expansion in surplus countries .

  20. 但欧洲货币政策面临的最重要问题是如何解决欧元区南部国家的信贷紧缺。

    But the most important question facing European monetary policy is how to fix the credit crunch in the southern half of the monetary union .

  21. 随着经济全球化、人民币的持续升值以及国家进口信贷政策的出台,促进了我国进口贸易量的增长。

    With the development of global economy , RMB continuous appreciation as well as the announcement of Chinese import credit policy , Chinese import trade is boosting .

  22. 只是,这一次拯救全球经济的不再是发达国家中信贷推动的房地产繁荣,而是发展中国家的地产市场。

    Only this time it is not a credit-fuelled housing boom in the developed world that is rescuing the global economy . It is property in the developing world .

  23. 之后又借鉴亚洲典型国家农村信贷发展的经验与启示,得出了改革和完善我国农村信贷的对策及建议。

    In this After , it references the experience and inspiration about the typical Asian countries . And obtains the measures for reform and improvement our rural credit system .

  24. 他们是应该节省资本,还是应该慷慨放贷(这正是这场危机最初的成因),努力为国家解决信贷危机?

    Should they husband capital or should they try to solve the credit crunch for the nation with the lavish levels of lending that caused the crisis in the first place ?

  25. 与会各国领导人保证向国际货币基金组织、世界银行等国际金融机构提供1万亿美元,以便这些机构向各国提供贷款,帮助这些国家恢复信贷、经济增长和就业。

    They pledged $ 1 trillion for the International Monetary Fund , the World Bank and other global institutions for individual countries to draw on to restore credit , economic growth and jobs .

  26. 在世界其他国家担心信贷市场可能减缓增长的时刻,中国却面临不同的挑战:如何在出轨以前放慢经济火车头的速度。

    At a moment when the rest of the world fears roiling credit markets might reduce growth , China faces a different challenge : how to slow its economic locomotive before it jumps the tracks .

  27. 私人国内消费受到了许多国家的信贷市场处于‘后繁荣’状态的抑制:国内的贷款机构和借款者两方面都没有多少风险偏好。

    And private domestic spending is hampered by the fact that credit markets in many countries are in ' post-boom " mode : neither domestic lenders nor borrowers have much in the way of risk appetite .

  28. 信贷配给作为一种金融业中普遍存在的现象,是在信息不对称条件下任何国家的信贷市场中都可能出现的一种不完善性。

    Credit Rationing , as a phenomenon existing in society generally , is an imperfect phenomenon which could happen in any country on the condition that there is asymmetric information in credit market in that country .

  29. 但脱钩论却再次受到推崇。2007年底至2008年初,随着许多新兴市场国家不顾信贷危机持续反弹,脱钩论一度大为流行。

    Yet decoupling which was so popular as an idea at the end of 2007 and early 2008 , as many of the emerging markets continued to rally in spite of the credit crisis is gaining traction once again .

  30. 这一观点得到了市场的认同:尽管最近美国及其它高收入国家的信贷市场受到冲击,但新兴市场股市仍十分活跃,新兴市场债券利差也不断温和扩大。

    This view is shared in the markets : look at the buoyancy of emerging market equities and the modest widening in spreads on emerging market bonds , despite recent shocks to the credit markets of the US and other high-income countries .