
  • 网络bond market;International Bond Market
  1. 在中国债券市场中引入国际债券市场操作规范。提高市场效率。

    Introduce international bond market practice to the Chinese Bond Market to develop market efficiency .

  2. 越南在近5年后首次重返国际债券市场。

    Vietnam is returning to the international bond market for the first time in almost five years .

  3. 七大工业国的债券市场(G7bondmarkets),例如:美国的债券市场和,日本的债券市场,就占据了国际债券市场流通的主要部分。

    The G7 bond markets , e.g.U.S. , Japan , accounts for the major flows of the fixed income markets .

  4. 全球最有价值的公司苹果(Apple)周二发起巨额债券交易,以筹集资金用于其股票回购计划。目前国际债券市场在年初遭遇挑战之后开始重新启动。

    Apple , the most valuable company in the world , launched a multibillion-dollar bond deal on Tuesday to fund its share buyback programme , as international debt markets began to reopen after a challenging start to the year .

  5. 外国和国际债券市场

    Foreign and international bond markets

  6. 我国企业债券市场发展严重滞后,与国内股票市场和国际债券市场相比有较大的差距。

    The development of China corporate bond market lagged far behind the domestic stock market and international bond market .

  7. 国际债券市场中的担忧已有所加剧。近年来,中国房地产开发商已在这些市场发售了190亿美元的债务。

    Fears have intensified in the international bond markets , where Chinese property developers have sold $ 19bn of debt in recent years .

  8. 2010年到2013年中期,新兴市场借款人在国际债券市场上筹集了约9900亿美元资金,其中7000亿美元流向非银行企业部门。

    From 2010 to mid-2013 EM borrowers raised about $ 990bn on international bond markets , of which $ 700bn went to the non-bank corporate sector .

  9. 中国企业在国际债券市场上掀起了一股空前的借款狂潮,难以从国有银行获得信贷的地产开发商是这一趋势背后的驱动因素。

    Chinese companies have embarked on an unprecedented borrowing spree in international bond markets , a trend driven by property developers starved of credit by state-owned banks .

  10. 欧元已取代美元,成为国际债券市场上的世界主导货币,欧元债券的市场份额连续第二年超过美元债券。

    The euro has displaced the US dollar as the world 's pre-eminent currency in international bond markets , having outstripped the dollar-denominated market for the second year in a row .

  11. 中国房地产开发商最近几周重返国际债券市场,表明投资者的兴趣有所上升,即便中国内地房地产市场在继续恶化。

    The return of Chinese property developers to the international bond markets in recent weeks points to greater investor appetite for the sector , even as the mainland housing market continues to deteriorate .

  12. 目前我国债券市场发展滞后,不符合国际债券市场发展现状,也不适应我国资本市场多层次发展的需要。

    At present , our country backward development of the bond market not keep abreast of the international bond market , and also not meet the needs of a multi-level capital market development in our country .

  13. 第三章概述了国际公司债券市场发展状况,并对国际公司债券市场的发展经验进行了总结。

    In chapter three , the development status and experience of international corporate bond market are summarized .

  14. 首先,在市场微观结构基本框架的理论基础上,分析了债券市场微观结构及交易机制的特点,指出场外交易和做市商制是国际上债券市场交易方式的主流。

    Also , I pointed out that the OTC transaction and market maker system are the mainstream of bond market transaction .

  15. 欧元迄今有一项主要成就,就是它已成为国际外汇及债券市场的一股强大动力。

    A notable achievement has been the establishment of the euro as a major force in the international foreign exchange and bond markets .

  16. 安理委婉地指出,“国际银行间债券市场和中国银行间债券市场在债券发行的实践和程序方面存在相当大的差异”。

    A & O diplomatically refers to the " considerable differences in practice and procedure for bond offerings in the international and China interbank bond market . "

  17. 随着国际银行间债券市场的迅速发展,我国急需建立一套比较完善的交易机制,以提高债券流动性,促进市场的健康发展。

    With the rapid development of chinese Bank bond market , it is necessary to set up a dealing mechanism in order to improve bond fluidness , and to promote the market development .

  18. 在对中国债券市场发展历史进行简要回顾的基础上,对债券市场现存的总是进行了分析,同时结合国际经验对中国债券市场的发展方向提出了建议性意见。

    This paper reviews the history of Chinese bond market firstly , then analyzes the problem in it , and at last gives some helpful suggestions to the development of our bond market .

  19. 本文分析了欧元在国际外汇市场、国际债券市场、国际股票市场三个典型的国际金融市场中的出色表现,通过大量数据表明了欧元的强势迅猛发展。

    Foreign exchange market , bond market and stock market are three main markets of the international financial market .

  20. 而对于人民币国际化的问题,中国应大力发展经济、国际贸易和金融市场,尤其是国际债券市场。

    As for the internationalization of the RMB , the Chinese should vigorously develop the economy , international trade and financial markets , especially in the international bond market .

  21. 所不同的是,国际金融市场一般还包括外汇市场、欧洲货币市场、国际债券市场和国际黄金市场。这些国际金融市场与国内金融市场联结在一起,构成世界金融体系。

    Moreover , Global Finance Market System is made up by the Exchange Market , Monetary Market , International Stock Market , International Gold market and Domestic Finance Market .