
ɡuó jiā lǒnɡ duàn
  • state monopoly
  1. 中国加入WTO之后,市场环境发生了根本的变化,中国烟草这一国家垄断的特殊行业也面临着战略转变的抉择。

    After China joins WTO , the market environment had the radical change , the Chinese tobacco this state monopoly special profession has also been facing the strategic transformation choice .

  2. 教育服务的国家垄断需要打破。

    Therefore , state monopoly of the educational service should be broken .

  3. 在中国加入WTO以前,航油市场是国家垄断的市场。

    Before China jointed WTO , its aviation oil market had been monopolized by the government .

  4. 国家垄断产品贸易企业概念刍议&对GATT第17条的解析

    Humble Opinion on the Concept of State Trading Enterprises & Analyses on GATT No.17

  5. 知识垄断:资本主义国家垄断的新形式

    Monopolization of Knowledge : New Form of Capitalism Monopolization of State

  6. 关于国家垄断资本主义的定义及其概念的解释

    On Explanation of the Definition and Concept of " state monopoly capitalism "

  7. 国家垄断是国际反垄断法的重要调整对象之一。

    National monopoly is one of the regulated objects of international anti-monopoly law .

  8. 第二,国家垄断资本的不断扩张;

    Second , the continuous spread of state monopolization ;

  9. 论当代美国经济与国家垄断资本主义的新发展&兼论市场经济下的宏观调控

    On Contemporary American economy and the new development of its state monopoly capitalism

  10. 对部分国家垄断行业引入竞争;

    Lead to competition for a partial state-monopolized lines .

  11. 本文发现,相对于国家垄断而言,在规模报酬递减的技术下,地区竞争一般会带来社会福利的提高;

    With the technology of decreasing return to scales , decentralizations do improve social welfare ;

  12. 因此,有必要对国家垄断的强制施加一定的限制。

    Therefore , it is necessary to impose the compulsory state monopoly to certain restrictions .

  13. 而地方保护主义会削弱甚至逆转地区竞争相对于国家垄断的效率优势。

    Local protectionism further undermines and even reverses benefits from decentralization compared with centralized national monopoly .

  14. 但随着药品流通国家垄断局面的打破以及医药、医疗制度新举措的出台,渠道内竞争平衡打破,资源逐步重组。

    But following the reform in medicine system , the balance of competition has been broken .

  15. 垄断资本主义进入国家垄断资本主义阶段后,殖民体系彻底瓦解。

    At the stage of the general monopolistic capitalism , colonialism was the lifeline of capitalism .

  16. 一是采取起诉国家垄断主义,刑事诉权统一由国家专门机关负责。

    One is ism of country prosecution monopolization , criminal prosecution was taken charge by special organ .

  17. 最后,比较了行政垄断与经济垄断、国家垄断的异同。

    Finally , a comparison is given between the administrative monopoly , economical monopoly and state monopoly .

  18. 立法机关将的立法权垄断在自己手中实际上也就是国家垄断了立法权;司法机关只能是依据立法机关制定的法律进行审判。

    The legislative power becomes state monopoly ; judiciary can only be based on laws enacted by the legislature .

  19. 改革开放以前,在计划经济体制下,我国的对外贸易是由国家垄断经营的,进出口商品的种类、数量甚至价格都是由计划命令下达的。

    Before china 's reform and opening , all the export and import trade are controlled by the government .

  20. 应用技术外部性理论知识对国家垄断的烟草业建设自动化立体库进行了国民经济分析。

    Using the technology Exterior Theory to carry on the national economy analysis of the state monopoly tobacco industry .

  21. 另一种是由市场经济国家垄断经营的电力工业改造为竞争性的电力工业。

    The other is the transformation of a market economy state-run monopolized electric power industry into competitive electric power industry .

  22. 因此自从石油行业发展壮大以来,世界各国对石油行业进行了一系列的国家垄断和管制。

    Therefore , since the oil industry development , world oil industry conducted a series of state monopoly and control .

  23. 来来往往:论国家垄断的合法运转方式为夺取地方垄断权发生了激烈的竞争。

    Coming and going : on the state monopolization of the legitimate means of movement Regional monopolies were bitterly fought for .

  24. 该国还保留了一部分国家垄断行业,包括烟草业、电信业、邮电业。

    The state retains monopolies in a number of sectors , including tobacco , the telephone network , and the postal service .

  25. 有人开出了药方,呼吁复兴国家垄断资本主义有时也被称作“新资本主义”。

    By way of therapy , some have called for the Renaissance of state-monopoly capitalism , sometimes labelled " new capitalism " .

  26. 从发展趋势看,资本主义在经历了自由竞争资本主义阶段到私人垄断资本主义以及由其转化而来的国家垄断资本主义阶段以后,进而向金融垄断资本主义阶段演进。

    Contemporary capitalism is developing towards financial monopolistic capitalism after going through free competitive capitalism , private monopolistic capitalism and state monopoly one .

  27. 城市土地储备制度是近年来在我国各地实践中产生的一项土地供应新制度。其实质在于对一级市场土地供应的国家垄断的强化。

    Urban land reserve is newly introduced into land supply practice in China , which stresses state monopoly of the first-class land market .

  28. 另一方面,布雷顿森林体系也是经济全球化趋势与国家垄断资本主义发展的产物,美国因此成为牵引全球化的火车头。

    On the other hand , the Braden Forest System is also a product of globalized economy and development of national monopoly capitalism .

  29. 经济法不仅具有反垄断功能,也有促进垄断,甚至直接规定国家垄断的功能。

    Economic law not only has the anti-monopoly function , but also can promote monopoly , even directly regulate the function of country monopoly .

  30. 这个国家垄断资本主义,不但压迫工人农民,而且压迫城市小资产阶级,损害中等资产阶级。

    This state-monopoly capitalism oppresses not only the workers and peasants but also the urban petty bourgeoisie , and it injures the middle bourgeoisie .