
  • 网络Treasury bond market;national debt market;government bond market;Public Debt Markets;the market of national debt
  1. 当务之急是使希腊走上可持续的道路;防止一些大国的国债市场崩盘;以及防止银行成批倒闭。

    The immediate requirements include putting Greece on a sustainable path ; avoiding a meltdown in public debt markets of several large countries ; and preventing a collapse of banks .

  2. 应用M-T-M模型,根据考虑了住房贷款提前清偿风险、国债市场利率期限结构的住房贷款价值的变动情况对贷款初期利率进行年度的定价调整。

    As the basis ; ( 2 ) To adjust the subsequently annual mortgage loan interest rate by using M-T-M model to confirm the alteration of value of the mortgage loan which related with the prepayment risk and term structure of interest rate in national debt market .

  3. 利率与国债市场价格之间不存在Granger因果关系。

    There is not a Granger causality relationship between Interest rate and the Treasury bond market price . 3 .

  4. 近10年来,欧洲国债市场从未出现这种明显的定价调整,汇丰(HSBC)固定收益研究部门全球主管斯蒂文•梅杰(StevenMajor)表示。

    Europe 's government bond markets have not seen such a dramatic repricing for nearly a decade , said Steven Major , global head of fixed income research at HSBC .

  5. 希腊国债市场进一步跳水,因为市场越来越担心即便有欧元区和IMF的援助,该国仍可能需要进行债务重组。

    Greek government bonds suffered further heavy falls on growing concern that the country may need to restructure its debts in spite of the proposed eurozone and IMF rescue .

  6. eda发行的债券将提供一个可与美国国债市场相抗衡的单流动且透明的欧元区基准债券市场。

    Bonds issued by the EDA would provide the market with a single , liquid and transparent eurozone benchmark bond market , rivalling the US Treasury market .

  7. 伴随着美国国债市场收益率的大幅上升,美国抵押贷款利率上周急剧上涨。投资者开始坚信,通胀压力可能迫使美联储(Fed)在今年晚些时候加息。

    US mortgage rates soared last week amid a sharp rise in Treasury market yields , as investors started to bet that inflation pressures could prompt the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates later this year .

  8. IMF发出警告之际,投资者加速退出美国短期国债市场。人们日益担忧,若美国不能提高举债上限,导致本月发生主权违约,市场将陷入动荡。

    The warnings came as investors accelerated their exit from the Treasury bill market , as concern mounted about market turmoil should a failure to raise the debt ceiling result in a default this month .

  9. 这一协议是在7月份宣布的,是IMF宣布的首个此类协议,也是中国将投资重心从美国国债市场转向其他领域的最明显举措。

    The agreement , announced in July , is the first of its kind for the fund and marks China 's most visible step toward moving its investment focus away from the U.S. Treasurys market .

  10. 欧洲央行(ECB)出手干预了意大利国债市场,以稳定价格,将10年期国债收益率稳定在6.19%,低于6.5%这一被视为不可持续的水平。

    The European Central Bank intervened in Italian bond markets to stabilise prices with 10-year bond yields steady at 6.19 per cent , below the 6.5 per cent that is seen as unsustainable .

  11. 一场围绕欧元区国债市场的争夺已经展开,数家实力强大的对冲基金正试图获得直接进入欧元区国债主要交易平台MTS的资格。

    A battle has erupted around the eurozone government bond market with several powerful hedge funds trying to gain direct access to MTS , the main eurozone government bond trading platform .

  12. 许多人,尤其是商界人士,仍然认为,为确保国债市场以及德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)的信心,蒙蒂将以某种方式留任。

    Plenty of people , especially in business , still think that Mr Monti will somehow be kept in office in order to reassure bond markets and Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor .

  13. Citadel和Vega等对冲基金的这一行动,有可能削弱投资银行界对欧洲国债市场的控制权。

    The move by the funds , which include groups such as Citadel and Vega , could potentially undermine the control that investment banks wield over Europe 's government bond market .

  14. 如果真的想强行推进这样一项重大决策,最起码,各领导人应当开诚布公地讲出来,欧洲央行(ecb)应宣布不再为意大利国债市场提供支持。

    If you really want to force such a momentous decision , the minimum condition is for leaders to say so openly , and for the European Central Bank to announce that it will no longer support the Italian bond market .

  15. OMT将使我们能够应对国债市场的严重扭曲,而这种扭曲的主要来源是投资者对欧元可逆性的无端恐慌。

    OMTs will enable us to address severe distortions in government bond markets which originate from , in particular , unfounded fears on the part of investors of the reversibility of the euro .

  16. 很多资产管理公司包括全球最大债券投资者之一富兰克林邓普顿(FranklinTempleton)都表示,它们削减了英国国债市场的头寸,预期这种债券的收益率将攀升,英镑将走软。

    Many asset managers , including Franklin Templeton , one of the biggest bond investors in the world , say they have slashed their positions in the gilt market expecting yields to climb and sterling weaken .

  17. jefferies首席欧洲金融经济学家戴维欧文(davidowen)表示:“政治家的含糊其辞已经打击了投资者信心,以致股市暴跌,欧元区国债市场陷入停滞。”

    David Owen , chief European financial economist at Jefferies , said : " the lack of clarity from the politicians has shattered confidence to the extent that stocks are selling off and the eurozone government bond markets are at a standstill . "

  18. 最后在结合国债市场数据的基础上,估计出随机久期模型的参数,并就各种久期模型对债券利率风险的免疫效果进行了对比,结果表明Moreno双因子久期模型能更好地度量利率风险。

    Finally in conjunction with government bonds market data to estimate the parameters of the stochastic duration model , and compare the immunization effect of the various duration models . This paper finds that two-factor Moreno duration model is the best measurement of interest rate risk .

  19. 对商业银行参与国债市场的几点思考

    Some Thoughts about Commercial Banks Participating in the Public Debt Market

  20. 美国国债市场也许是正确的。

    The Treasury market , at least , is probably right .

  21. 美国国债市场究竟怎么了?

    What is happening in the market for US government debt ?

  22. 基于参数模型的国债市场利率曲线的估计

    Estimation of Rates Curves for Treasury Market based on Parametric Models

  23. 我国国债市场投资/投机行为剖析

    Analysis on the Speculation or Investment Action in Chinese Bond Market

  24. 中国国债市场均衡性研究

    An equilibrium study on market operation of China 's governmental bonds

  25. 我国国债市场的金融功能与流动性分析

    On the Financial Function and Liquidity of China 's Government Security

  26. 国债市场、尤其是欧洲的国债市场已成强弩之末。

    Government bond markets , particularly in Europe , are extended .

  27. 做市商制度选择:股票市场与国债市场差异分析

    Comparison of Market Making in Equities and Fixed Income Markets

  28. 国债市场基准利率的形成

    On the forming of prime interest rate in the national debt market

  29. 国债市场流动性研究&一个比较分析框架

    The Study on the Liquidity of the Government Bond Market

  30. 关于我国国债市场交易周期形态特点的分析

    Analysis of trading cycle feature in China 's T-bond market