
  1. 国内寡头垄断性企业技术创新惰性分析

    Analysis of Inertia in Technical Innovation of National Oligarch Monopoly Enterprises

  2. 论文共分为4章:第1章,国内外垄断行业高收入问题理论研究综述。

    Chapter 1 : domestic and international theory research reviews on high income problem of monopoly industries .

  3. 传统的产业组织政策着眼于国内市场垄断与竞争的协调与处理,为保护国内消费者自由选择和生产者自由竞争的权利,反垄断成为产业组织政策的主流。

    Traditional polices on industrial organization stresses the coordination of domestic monopoly and competition , and antimonopoly is their mainstream .

  4. 该部分探讨了国内反垄断民事诉讼案件的管辖和反垄断民事诉讼的域外管辖两个问题。

    In this chapter , the author makes an investigation on the domestic jurisdiction and the extraterritorial jurisdiction of anti-monopoly civil litigation case .

  5. 如今国内银行垄断着基金销售市场,这意味着基金公司必须争夺有限的销售渠道。

    Domestic banks now dominate the fund distribution market , [ and ] that means fund firms have to compete for the limited channels .

  6. 随着国际经济交往的日益频繁,发生在一国境外的反竞争行为会在国内产生垄断后果,影响国内经济的健康发展。

    With the gradual prosperity of international economical exchange , the extraterritorial anti-competition action will produce the consequence of monopoly and will influence the sound economic development .

  7. 因此,目前公众舆论认为,如果普通存款人一定要交税的话,塞国内处于垄断地位的几家大银行所承担的税款应远远超过前者。

    It is therefore playing out on the streets that " oligarchs " banking in Cyprus should pay disproportionately more versus average deposit holders , if the latter should play at all .

  8. 本项目的重要意义在于通过本项目的研究使得我国能够研制并批量生产高性能微型光时域反射计,并能与国外同类先进产品相抗衡,打破了国外同类产品在国内的垄断局面。

    The significance of the research is that the ability of developing and producing high performance and Mini OTDR is possessed , and the situation of the native market monopolized by foreign products is broken .

  9. 在国内的垄断环境下,实现盈利易如反掌&去年,两家盈利能力最强的国企的利润之和,相当于全国500家最大民营企业的利润总和。

    A monopolistic environment at home has made profits too easy to come by – last year the combined profit of the two most profitable SOEs was equivalent to that of the largest 500 private firms .

  10. 同时,总结了国内外产业垄断理论发展的研究现状。

    At the same time , it summed up the industrial monopoly theory development and research at home and abroad .

  11. 跨国并购这些年来导致的对我国国内产业的垄断和对竞争市场的威胁越来越严重。

    The Transnational Merger and Acquisition ( Transnational M & A ) leads the monopoly which is becoming more and more serious in China nowadays .

  12. 目前,国内学者对于垄断行业的规制改革研究主要集中在电信、电力行业,对城市燃气产业的关注却很少。

    In the present time , studies of the regulation system for the monopolized industries by local scholar are focused on the telecom and electric instead of urban gas .

  13. 国内对反垄断法的研究大都是在对比论证西方反垄断法基础上,结合我国的实际情况,提出我国反垄断法制定的框架和原则。

    The counter - monopoly research domestic is mostly proves in the western counter-monopoly law foundation , unifies our actual situation , proposes our country counter - monopoly law formulation frame and the principle .

  14. 上市银行高管的天价高薪一直是近年来人们热议的话题,银行业的资本利润率已经远远超过石油行业,成为国内名副其实的垄断行业。

    The " high price " paid executives of listed banks has been a hot topic of recent years , the return on capital of the banking sector has been far more than the oil industry , and the banking sector domestic veritable " monopoly " industry .

  15. 所谓反垄断法的域外效力,是指作为国内法的反垄断法适用于该国主权范围之外的情况。

    When it comes to the exterritorial effect of antimonopoly law , it means that a native anti-monopoly law can be effective beyond the territory .

  16. 首先回顾了国内外学者在垄断程度测度方面的研究现状,提出本文的测算方法。

    Firstly , article reviews the domestic and foreign scholars ' research present situation in the monopoly degree measure aspect , proposes the reckoning method of this article .

  17. 尽管如此,他获得巨额财富的秘诀却在很大程度上归功于墨西哥政府向他出售国内电信行业的垄断权,至少最初阶段是没有任何竞争的。

    However , he owes his wealth in large part to the decision by the Mexican government to sell him the national telecoms monopoly without , at first , creating any competition .

  18. 随着经济全球化,国际贸易活动的繁荣,国际市场竞争日益激烈,原来只局限于国内市场的反垄断法开始向国际市场延伸,反垄断法域效力成为一个必须要面对问题。

    With the economic globalization , prosperity of international trade , an increasingly competitive international market , anti-monopoly law which was originally confined to the domestic market is extending to the international market , it is unavoidable problem in the extraterritorial effect of anti-monopoly .

  19. 国外在中国的电子产品专利中,发明专利授权量高于国内,形成在电信技术、基本电子元件领域在国内的技术法权垄断。

    In the Electronic products patent of China abroad , the authorizing amount of the patent for invention is higher than our country , the technological right at home is monopolized to take shape in the telecommunication technology , basic electronic element .