
  1. 据预计,到2010年,印度电子外包行业的年产值可能升至388亿美元,远远高于2005年的50亿美元。

    According to the projections , annual output in India of Electronics outsourcing groups is likely to rise to $ 38.8bn in 2010 , compared with $ 5bn in 2005 .

  2. 尼特拉是最现代化的电视机制造厂之一,鸿海是全球最大的电子产品外包制造商。

    Nitra is one of the most modern television factories , and Hon Hai is the largest outsourced electronics manufacturer .

  3. 而电子政务外包在降低成本、提高行政效率以及推进政府改革等方面都有积极的意义。

    E-government outsourcing has some positive effects in some respects . Such as : to reduce costs , to improve administrative efficiency , to impel government reform .

  4. 显然,在另一个国家新建一个炼铝厂或化工厂的费用和难度,要远比将纺织或电子制造外包给中国现有的工厂大得多。

    Plainly , it is a lot more expensive and harder to build a new aluminium-producing plant or chemical works in another country than to outsource textile or electronics manufacturing to an existing plant in China .

  5. 摘要政府实施电子政务服务外包方式是支撑其可持续性发展的重要手段。

    The E-government service outsourcing is an important means for government to support its sustainable development .

  6. 政府视角下的电子政务服务外包影响因素分析&以成都市为例

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing the E-government Services Outsourcing : the View from Government & A Case Study of Chengdu

  7. 2007年电子产品的外包趋势将会持续;而印度在制造业方面,尤其是手机生产,会有大幅增长。

    2007 will see continued growth in outsourcing of select electronics products with strong growth in manufacturing in India especially in the mobile sector .

  8. 由于电子政务服务外包是一项创新型的管理模式,如何正确运用、发挥其积极作用是研究与应用这种模式的核心。

    Since e-government services out-sourcing in a new managment model , how to apply it correctly and take full advantages of it are the core of this model .

  9. 基于供应链管理的某ODM电子厂制程外包研究及应用

    Research and Application of Supply Chain Management Based on a Process ODM Outsourcing Electronics Factory

  10. 电子商务和物流已经成为当前经济的热门话题,实践证明只有整合各方面因素才能发挥整体优势。本文对电子商务以及外包和第三方物流当前发展的现状、问题作了分析和研究。

    E-commerce and logistics has been fashionable topics in current economic , this paper analyzes and studies present development and problems of outsourcing and 3PL in E-commerce .