
  • 网络neural network theory;theory of neural network
  1. 方法利用神经网络理论与传统PID控制理论相结合。

    Methods The neural network theory combined with the traditional PID control theory .

  2. 把BP人工神经网络理论引入到企业生态评价。

    Introduces the BP artificial neural network theory to the evaluation of enterprise ecology ;

  3. 运用因次分析、相似准则和BP神经网络理论建立了固体废弃物热解的参数群预测模型。

    The parameter group anticipating model of waste pyrolysis was established .

  4. 第二章概要地介绍了神经网络理论及BP算法。

    In chapter two ANN and BP algorithm are introduced in brief .

  5. 根据Web文档分类与人工神经网络理论,设计了一个Web分类挖掘系统。

    According to the theory of Web document classification and artificial neural network , we designed a Web classification mining system .

  6. 本文通过多层前馈神经网络理论,建立了地层压力预测的BP神经网络模型。

    On the base of the BP nerve network theory , this paper established the formation pressure model .

  7. 目的将人工神经网络理论首次应用于Alzheimer病(alzheimerdisease,AD)的脑MRI测量研究,建立一种全新的模式判别方法,用于AD的MRI诊断和鉴别诊断。

    Purpose Artificial neural network theory was first used in the MRI measurement study of Alzheimer disease .

  8. 通过应用BP神经网络理论,对我国的产业集群创新能力进行评价。

    Applying BP neural network theory , this article appraises the innovation ability of industrial clusters in our country .

  9. 介绍了以BP神经网络理论为基础的变压器故障智能诊断系统的结构模型及其原理;

    The Structure model and principle of intelligence diagnose system for faults of transformer based on BPNN are described ;

  10. 考虑到线性模型的一些缺点,本文随后应用神经网络理论,分别建立感知器预警模型和BP网络预警模型。

    Because liner models have some defects , I construct perceptron model and BP model on base of neural networks theory .

  11. 管道的断裂问题RBF神经网络理论及其在控制中的应用

    Pipeline fracture the algorithm and its application for location Steiner points of sewerage pipeline network

  12. 根据测试结果和神经网络理论,建立了流变参数BP神经网络模型,确定了模型的结构参数。

    The BP neural Network model is founded by using the theory of neural network and experiment results , and the parameters of model are given .

  13. 由于传统卡尔曼滤波算法模型建立的近似性,本文讨论了自适应滤波算法和BP神经网络理论,它们是对传统卡尔曼滤波算法的改进和突破。

    Due to the model 's inexactitude of traditional Kalman filter , we discuss adaptive filtering and BP neural network which are the improvement of traditional Kalman filter .

  14. 结合前人的研究成果,对神经网络理论中的BP算法进行综合改进,并将其运用于岩质边坡稳定性评判,建立了评判模型。

    Based on other scholars ' achievement in the artificial neural network field , the back-propagation algorithm is improved and used in the stability evaluation of rock slope .

  15. 将BP神经网络理论应用于房地产市场比较法价格评估,讨论了网络结构的设计、学习算法等问题;

    By applying the theory of neural networks into the Real Estate Market Comparison Approach Appraisal , this paper discuss the problems of designing and training of neural networks .

  16. 为精确地预测数控超声加工效果,应用神经网络理论建立了数控超声加工切削率BP、RBF两种神经网络模型。

    In order to correctly forecast the effect , BP and RBF artificial neural network models were established for the stock-removing efficiency in numerical controlled ultrasonic machining .

  17. 将模糊Petri与神经网络理论相结合,提出了一种关于武器装备效能评估的模糊神经Petri网模型。

    Based on combination of fuzzy Petri technique and neural net , a fuzzy neural Petri net model for weapon equipment effectiveness evaluation system is presented .

  18. 在模糊神经网络理论的基础上,利用自适应神经模糊推理系统(ANFIS)建立西服面料成形性的预测模型。

    Based on the FNN theory , the prediction model of the suiting formability was established using ANFIS .

  19. 基于动态逆系统和神经网络理论的BTT导弹控制系统研究

    The Research of BTT Missile Control System Based on Dynamic Inversion System and Neural Network Theory

  20. 将神经网络理论应用住宅建筑的主要工料消耗计算,建立了应用BP算法的多层前馈神经网络模型。

    This paper deals with the neural estimation of housing building 's major material and labour consumption based on the multilayer feedforward neural network model trained by using the back propagation learning algorithm .

  21. 运用人工神经网络理论中的多层前向BP网络,建立轮胎侧偏特性模型,进而将人工神经网络轮胎代入整车模型中进行操纵稳定性仿真研究。

    The multilayer feedforward backpropagation network model in artificial neural networks theory is introduced to build the cornering characteristics model of vehicle tyre , which is used in the vehicle handling and stability simulation .

  22. 而BP网络包含了神经网络理论中最精华的部分,具有结构简单、技术成熟的优点,已被广泛应用于模式识别、智能控制等领域。

    BP network contains the most essence part of neural network theory . Owing to simple structure and technical mature , it has been widely applied in pattern recognition , intelligent control and other areas .

  23. 基于BP神经网络理论,结合掘进面瓦斯爆炸危险源特点,设计了掘进面瓦斯爆炸危险源BP神经网络安全评价程序。

    According to theory of BP neural network and feature of hazard of gas explosion of heading face , we design safety assessment procedure of BP neural network on three-class hazard of heading face gas explosion .

  24. 本论文应用神经网络理论,将神经网络BP模型引入电气安全性评价,并结合本人的实践经验,建立了长庆油田集输系统的电气安全性评价的BP模型。

    In this paper , neural network is applied to electrical safety assessment . With my practical experience , a BP network of electrical safety assessment for transiting oil system of ChangQing oil field is established .

  25. 在对神经网络理论进行分析研究的基础上,将径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的自适应PID控制算法应用于桥式起重机吊重防摆系统中。

    In the analysis of neural network research , an adaptive PID control strategy based on Radial Basis Function ( RBF ) neural network ( NN ) is used in anti-swing crane system .

  26. 论文最后部分提出了将RS理论与神经网络理论结合来对各种室性QRS波进行分类,为心电图的自动诊断奠定了基础。

    In the end we use neural network combined with RS theory to realize ventricular QRS classification , thus we set up the basis for the following ECG auto-diagnosing .

  27. 然后,在此基础上,应用神经网络理论中的感知机模型,对于不同的位字符空间,生成了相应的线性识别机器,PC仿真给出了良好的结果。

    On the basis of that , create different linear recognition machines for characters in different spaces imitating the perceptive machine model in NN theory . The linear machines we designed have got better effect in practical application .

  28. 在管网泄漏模拟的基础上,本文引入BP神经网络理论,利用BP神经网络在故障诊断方面的优势,建立了燃气管网故障诊断模型。

    On the basis of simulating the leakage of the pipeline network , this thesis introduced the theory of BP neural network and established the fault diagnosis model with the advantages of BP neural networks in fault diagnosis .

  29. 本文利用神经网络理论,建立了时间序列对象的反向传播(back-propagation,BP)预测模型,运用于物流需求量预测,并通过实例分析,验证了本模型的科学性与正确性。

    This paper constructs the forecasting model of back-propagation using the theory of neural network , applying it to the logistics demand forecast , and validates its correctness and rationality by analyzing examples .

  30. 本文在运用经典最优控制算法讨论结构地震反应主动控制的基础上,应用人工神经网络理论中的BP网络模型提出结构振动主动控制力的新算法。

    This paper presents a new algorithm for structural vibration active controlling forces with BP network model in artificial neural network theory based on using classical optimal control algorithm to discuss the active control of the seismic responses of structure .