
shén míng
  • gods;deities;divinities;spirit;brilliant
神明 [shén míng]
  • (1) [gods]∶神灵;神祗

  • 那个被他奉为神明的人不公正地谴责过他

  • 奉若神明

  • (2) [spirit]∶指人的精神和智慧

  • 神明顿飒爽

  • 积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉。--《荀子.劝学》

  • (3) [brilliant]∶英明;圣明

  • 皆颂其神明

神明[shén míng]
  1. 神明共鉴。

    Let Gods examine our hearts .

  2. 我死而有知,必当诉之神明。

    If my spirit survives after death , I will certainly take my case to the gods .

  3. 他被判犯有亵渎神明罪,刑期3年。

    He was found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to three years in jail

  4. “不要亵渎神明,”我母亲说。

    ' Don 't blaspheme , ' my mother said

  5. 评论家抨击这部电影亵渎神明。

    Critics attacked the film as blasphemous .

  6. 她被控亵渎神明。

    She was accused of being blasphemous

  7. “Damn”是起源于拉丁文damnare,意思是“谴责“。God起源于北欧歌特。但是,我们是什么时候以及怎么把这两个词结合起来作为亵渎神明的言词呢?

    Goddamn Obviously a compound word of " God " and " damn . " " Damn " comes from Latin damnare which means " to condemn6 . " And God originated with Norse goth . But when and how did we put the two together as a blasphemy7 ?

  8. 在古罗马,人们认为欧椋鸟预示着神明的愿望。

    In ancient Rome the starlings were seen to augur the gods ' wishes .

  9. 自己爱的人同时也爱着自己,这简直是一种奇迹,神明为这种奇迹取了一个名字,叫作恋爱。

    The one you love also loves you . This is a miracle . And the god names thisas falling in love with each other .

  10. 命运的概念反复出现在和茱莉亚&12539;罗伯茨(JuliaRoberts)的交谈中。她会说:我可不想和神明闹着玩,;或者我不想试探命运。

    THE CONCEPT OF FATE comes up a lot in conversation with Julia Roberts . ' I don 't want to toy with the gods , ' she 'll say .

  11. 它还有一个被大家熟知的就是半身人的绿色原野,也是Yondalla和其它半身人神明的家。

    It 's also known as the Green Fields to halflings , for it ' s.the home of Yondalla and other halfling deities .

  12. ISIS只信奉一种神明,但是他们认为自己是多神教徒,并否认给基督徒信仰保护(通过支付保护税允许获得低级别的安全保护)。

    Despite their belief in a single god ISIS considers them to be polytheists and denies them the protections that they give to Christians ( who are allowed to buy a small level of safety through the payment of a special tax ) .

  13. 亵渎神明不必然等同于无神论,但Meletus将两者搞混了,但那的确意谓着不敬,甚至是亵渎那些,社会最深刻关切旳事务,是吧?

    Impiety need not be the same thing as atheism although Meletus confuses the two but it does suggest irreverence even blasphemy toward the things that a society ? cares most deeply about . Yes ?

  14. 从颅脑损伤论脑主神明

    Study on Brain Controls Mental and Emotional Activities by Cerebral Contusion

  15. 关于“孰主神明”的争鸣与反思

    Argument and thinking on " who controls the mental activities "

  16. 这样一来她就会冒亵渎神明的危险。

    By doing so , she would risk committing a sacrilege .

  17. 他对于亵渎任何神明已不再感到害怕。

    He felt no longer afraid of blaspheming against any god .

  18. 她要将布兰顿上校供奉为神明。

    She was ready to worship Colonel Brandon as a saint .

  19. 你是不是神明,要把我从头创造?

    Are you a god ? would you create me new ?

  20. 印度人喜欢牛,因为他们在牛身上看到了不同的神明。

    Indians love cow because they see different gods in it .

  21. 首先,一些佛、道教神明开始有自己独立的祠庙;

    Some Buddhist and Taoist deities began to get independent temples .

  22. 爱情是他的至德,是他的神明中的神明。

    Love was his supreme virtue , his god of gods .

  23. 我觉得一个西方异教徒的参赛是亵渎神明的。

    I find the entry of a Western infidel sacrilege .

  24. 我站在那里,对无所不在的神明,我感激并敬畏。

    I stood there feeling gratitude and reverence to the omnipresent divinity .

  25. 昨晚神明带给我一个启示。

    Last night , the gods granted me a vision .

  26. 我差点被车子给撞到,神明保佑。

    I almost got hit by a car . Knock on wood .

  27. 亵渎神明与腐化,这两个罪名词汇的意义究竟为何?

    Impiety and corruption ? in what sense are these civic offenses ?

  28. 咒骂神明不是旅程的好开始。

    Blasphemy is a bad beginning for such a journey .

  29. 朱丽叶:你的祷告已蒙神明允准。

    Juliet : Saints do not move , though grant for prayers'sake .

  30. 不管是她或我或神明。

    Neither her nor me or the God of golf .