
shén xué jiā
  • a theologian;divine;theologist
  1. 英国神学家威克里夫是欧洲宗教改革运动的先驱。

    The English theologist , Wycliffe , was the pioneer of the religious reforming movement in Europe .

  2. 因而在每章之内,对较为重要的神学家或神学现象中所蕴涵的神学美学思想的论述,基本上都是为了揭示神学美学的独特结构。

    In every chapter I chose the important the phenomenon and important theologist and discuss theirs related theological aesthetics propositions .

  3. 神学家HowardThurman将这件事儿阐释的淋漓尽致,他说:“不要追问这世界需要什么样的人。

    Theologian Howard Thurman said it best . He said " Don 't ask yourself what the world needs .

  4. 至少自15世纪后期以来,在德国神学家托马斯•闵采尔(ThomasMüntzer)将彩虹旗与他的改革派布道结合起来以后,这个标志已经被宗教和社会活动家用来提升社会对其事业的关注。

    Since at least the late 15th Century , and the incorporation of the rainbow flag by the German theologian Thomas M ü ntzer in his reformist preachings , the symbol has been seized upon by religious and social activists to draw attention to their causes .

  5. 正如神学家赖因霍尔德尼布尔(ReinholdNiebuhr)曾经在祷告词中表达的那样:“主啊,赐给我平静去接受我所不能改变的,赐给我勇气去改变我所能改变的,并给我智慧去分辨两者的不同。”

    As the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr once expressed in prayer : " God , grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change , the courage to change the things I can , and the wisdom to know the difference . "

  6. 要是所有的神学家记得这点就好了。

    It would be well if all theologians had remembered this .

  7. 他被视为最伟大的神学家,他的时间。

    He is regarded as the greatest theologian of his time .

  8. 人类学家、神学家和社会学家都在研究这些“临终现象”。

    Anthropologists , theologians and sociologists have studied these so-called deathbed phenomena .

  9. 对某些人来说太人性化了,就像那些保守的穆斯林神学家断言

    Too human for some , like conservative Muslim theologians who maintain that

  10. 保罗不一定是第一个基督教神学家。

    Paul 's not necessarily the first Christian theologian .

  11. 神学家和科学家为这个理论已经争论了好几个世纪。

    Theologists and scientists have been arguing this one for centuries as well .

  12. 但他古代是最激进的,犹太神学家。

    He 's one of the most radical Jewish theologians in the ancient world .

  13. 神学家怎么想这个观点呢?

    How would a mystic approach this idea ?

  14. 罗马天主教神学家(1585-1683)。

    Roman Catholic theologian ( 1585-1638 ) .

  15. 有些神学家根本就看不起他们。

    Many divines treat them with contempt .

  16. 数百年来,神学家都在告诉我们,这一次发现标志着最初的性羞辱感。

    Centuries of theologians have informed us that this discovery signified the first sexual shame .

  17. 十九世纪九十年代,进化论被开明的神学家们全盘接受。

    The 1890 's witnessed wholesale acceptance of the theory of evolution by liberal theologians .

  18. 丁光训是当代中国基督教的主要发言人和神学家。

    Ding Guangxun , a theologian , is the main speaker of Christians in China .

  19. 神学家没有上帝的数据。

    Theologians have no data on god .

  20. “你找一个神学家,问同样的问题:”什么创造了世界?

    You go to a theologian and you ask the question , what created the Universe ?

  21. 一种新的哲学出现了,它与中世纪的神学家的基督教世界观截然不同。

    A new kind of philosophy emerged , distinct from the Christian world-view of medieval theologians .

  22. 基督教第三世界神学家协会

    Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians

  23. 1517年德国神学家马丁路德向天主教的“堕落”提出挑战,建立了称为新教的基督教分支。

    Challenging Catholic'corruption'in1517 , German theologian Martin Luther established a breakaway branch of Christianity called Protestantism .

  24. 在座的诸位有人学读商科有人会成为神学家护士或是社会学家

    Some of you are business majors Some of you are theologians , nurses , sociologists .

  25. 这些重大问题已经被科学家、哲学家、神学家分别以不同的方式加以阐述。

    These important questions have been addressed in varying ways by scientists , philosophers , and theologians .

  26. 周四,这位85高龄的神学家将成为600年来首位辞职退位的教皇。

    On Thursday , the 85-year-old theologian will become the first pope to resign in 600 years .

  27. 因为教会正如神学家潘霍华所说,「是基督同在的存在」。

    Because the church is " Christ existing in community ," as theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said .

  28. 神学家都认为我们薄弱的智力,是无法完全理解这些古老的谜题的。

    All of this ancient mystery that theologians agree cannot be fully understood to our feeble minds .

  29. 著名的天主教道德神学家理查德·A·麦哥铭多年来一直关注这一问题,并给人们留下了丰富的学术遗产。

    Among those who take an acute interest in this debate was the famous catholic moral theologian Richard A.

  30. 神学家们认为圣经对历史事件有着精准无误的记载。

    Creationism is based on the belief that the Bible is a historically accurate account of ancient events .