
yǒu shén lùn
  • theism
有神论 [yǒu shén lùn]
  • [theism] 相信有一位神或多位神的信仰

有神论[yǒu shén lùn]
  1. 平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。

    The usual theism is more insipid .

  2. 这里存在着钱的问题。但是有神论还是存在着。

    Here comes in the question of money Theism remains , however .

  3. 就连他也是非教义的一神论教会(UnitarianChurch)的成员,更喜欢把自己称作非有神论者,而不是无神论者,而且拒绝就本文接受采访。

    Even he is a member of the non-doctrinal Unitarian Church , prefers to refer to himself as non-theist rather than atheist , and refused to be interviewed for this piece .

  4. 有神论的上帝也是与这种观念差不多同样贫乏的一种原理。

    The theistic God is almost as sterile a principle .

  5. 无神论者和有神论者在该国和睦相处。

    Atheists and theists live together peacefully and amiably in this country .

  6. 大爆炸宇宙论与无神论&大爆炸理论缘何无助于有神论者?

    Blast theory and atheism & why doesn 't blast theory help theism ?

  7. 他们是有神论者,我们是无神论者。

    They are theists and we are atheists .

  8. 有神论是社会危害性,因为它会导致不容忍和迫害。

    Theism is harmful to society , as it leads to intolerance and persecution .

  9. 王充这些独具特色的方法,成为他批判有神论的有力武器。

    These unique methods became powerful weapons for Wang Chong to animadvert on theism .

  10. 叔本华与西方哲学的现代转折&从宗教有神论到现代人本主义

    Schopenhauer and the Modem Turn in Western Philosophy

  11. 宗教是一个容易引起无休止争论的弥散型话题,而有神论则不是。

    Religion is a diffuse topic liable to unending disputation whereas theism is not .

  12. 但是,它是一根脆弱的芦苇,难以给有神论提供什么支撑。

    The argument is nonetheless a weak reed on which to rest the theistic thesis .

  13. 从秩序或设计角度出发,是正确的辩护基督教有神论的途径吗?

    Is argument from order / design a valid way to argue for Christian theism ?

  14. 有神论者和无神论者完全可以结成爱国统一战线;

    The theists and the atheists could be completely united as a patriotic united front ;

  15. 这样的二重有神论力量通常作为补充极性来看,而不是作为反对的意见。

    Such duo-theistic forces are often conceived as embodying complementary polarities , not in opposition .

  16. 基督教是典型的主张有神论的宗教,上帝或天主的观念是基督教基本的或最有代表性的关于神的观念。

    And the most representative conception of deity of Christianity is its conception of God .

  17. 不能因为有神论和无神论的差异而导致信神者与不信神者的对立。

    The difference between theism and atheism should not lead to antagonism between theists and atheists .

  18. 这点,有些有神论不同意。

    Here , some theists disagree .

  19. 不可知论者通常介于有神论与无神论之间的那部分人。

    And now agnosticism is often put forth as a middle ground between theism and atheism .

  20. 讲究客观的物理学家不受有神论的拘束,但也难以回答这个问题。

    Hard-boiled physicists , unburdened by theistic encumbrances , have also had difficulty grappling with this question .

  21. 有神论与无神论是对立的,只有无神论与无神论之间才互有可接受性。

    Being opposite between theism and atheism , the mutual receptivity still remains between theism and atheism .

  22. 无论我们是无神论者或有神论者,或中间派或超越二者,就此而言

    whether we 're atheist or theist or anywhere in between or beyond , for that matter ,

  23. 意识形态也是一样,要用唯物论代替唯心论,用无神论代替有神论。

    The same applies to ideology , idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism .

  24. 你会如何使用在诺亚叙事中呈现出的资料,来辩护你的有神论立场?

    How would you use the information presented in the narrative of Noah to defend your theistic views ?

  25. 为了简单起见,我把上帝信仰等同于有神论和关于上帝存在的断言。

    For simplicity , belief in God will be identified with theism and with the assertion God exists .

  26. 多数企业员工认同科学无神论,但其中信仰有神论的人数比例高;

    Although most employees agree with the scientific atheism , a high proportion of them simultaneously believe in theism ;

  27. 神学是有神论思想的全部内容,并非基督教的专利。

    Theology concerns the overall contents of all aspects of theism , and it is not an exclusive province of Christianity .

  28. 碑铭、肖像的证据,还有参考文献表明,虔诚的有神论在公元前二世纪浮现。

    Inscriptions , iconographic evidence , and literary references point to the emergence of devotional theism in the 2nd century BC .

  29. 雅斯贝尔斯是德国有神论存在哲学家,他的存在主义教育哲学十分关注人的灵魂。

    Karl Jaspers is a German philosopher of theism existentialism , whose philosophy of existential education pays close attention to human psyche .

  30. 他认为,现代性意味着种种不同的可能思维方式,包括以各种面目出现的有神论和无神论。

    Modernity , he argues , implies a huge range of possible ways of thinking , including many variations of theism and atheism .