
  • 网络limits;limitation;Finiteness;Finite;finitude
  1. 对分次强π正则性、弱分次直有限性和与分次J根密切相关的几个分次环性质,讨论了T与R,A之间的性质关系。

    In this paper are discussed the property relations among R , A and T for graded strongly π - regularity , weakly graded direct finiteness and some graded ring properties in close relationship with graded J-radical .

  2. 具快速增长非线性定态Cahn-Hilliard方程解的遍历有限性

    Generic finiteness of the solutions for the stable Cahn - Hilliard equation with fast growing nonlinearity

  3. 智能家居系统如何接入Internet是一个难点问题,理论上常用的接入方法由于IP资源的有限性而使这种方式难以应用于现实。

    It is difficult to connect smart home systems with the Internet . The connect mode in theory is hard to apply to our real life because of the lack of IP .

  4. 本文首先从理论分析并由试验结果验证了次固结的时间和变形量的有限性。然而API基础油换用规则有局限性。

    Results of theoretical analyses and series of experiments on the limitation of the time and magnitude of the secondary consolidation deformation in clay are presented .

  5. 在理想状态下,生态旅游是一个自稳定系统,旅游人数N的增长具有持续性、快速性和有限性,N的增长不会超过环境容量阈值K。

    Ecotourism is a oneself stable system , and the increase of tourist quantity N posseses continuity , rapid , and limitation , and the increase of N can not overstep environmental capacity K.

  6. 面对通信业务的迅速增长和频谱资源的有限性之间的矛盾,TDD技术成为通信系统为解决这种矛盾而研究发展出的一种有效的解决方式。

    TDD technology has been an effective method for solving the contradiction between the increasing rapidly communication service and the limitation of spectrum resources .

  7. 然而,尽管受到了注视以及具备了法律需求的支持,有证据显示WAI的方针仍然只能被有限性的服从。

    However , despite all this attention and being backed by legal requirements , there is some evidence of only limited compliance .

  8. 本文主要是运用信息有限性和融资优序理论,根据融资方式中的财政融资、内部融资、债权融资和股票融资分析了F水务公司的融资策略,并且分析了各自的风险,提出风险防范措施。

    This paper mainly uses information limited and pecking order theory , according to the financing mode of financing , internal financing , debt financing and stock financing analysis of F Water Service Company financing strategy , and analyzed their risk , put forward risk prevention measures .

  9. 由于网络各类资源(信道容量、节点中缓存器容量等)的有限性和网络中各种数据流的不可确定性,不可避免地导致了网络拥塞的产生,使得拥塞控制成为ATM网络亟待解决的关键技术之一。

    Because of the limit of network resource ( link capacity , buffer length of network node ) and the uncertain of traffic in networks , it should not be avoided that network congestion occurs , and congestion control becomes one of the key technologies in ATM networks .

  10. 克尔恺郭尔通过分析焦虑概念揭示出生存中的非存在(non-being)是有限性与无限性、可能性与必然性不可调和的根源。

    Through analysing the phenomenon of anxiety , Kierkegaard points out that there is non-being in the process of existence . This non-being makes it impossible to harmonize the finitude and the infinitude , the necessity and possibility .

  11. 有限性子宫动脉栓塞保护子宫动脉-卵巢动脉吻合

    Limited uterine artery embolization and the protection of uterine-ovarian artery anastomosis

  12. 论教育法制的本质、价值目标及有限性

    On Essence , Value Aims & Limitations of Educational Legal System

  13. 因此道德法律化具有有限性、过程性等基本特性。

    Finiteness and process are the characteristics of the legislation of morals .

  14. 基于资源的有限性,联盟是科技企业孵化器发展的一个必然趋势。

    Alliance is an inexorable trend for science and technology enterprises incubator .

  15. 道德与刑法有限性的关系&也谈见危不救应否成罪

    Analysis on the Relationship between Morality and the Limitation of Criminal Law

  16. 非存在威胁着存在,它带给存在的是有限性。

    Non-exsitence threats exsitence , and it brings existence limit .

  17. 这种差异构成目的自身内的有限性。

    This variety constitutes the finitude of design within its own nature .

  18. 因为他意识到生命的有限性

    realizing he had a finite number of days on the earth .

  19. 人的需要是无限性和有限性的辩证统一

    Human Needs : a Dialectical Unity of Infinity and Finity

  20. 点态化的模糊幂群合法性、理性和有限性&洛克眼中的政治权力规则


  21. 而且思维规定的有限性可以有两层看法。

    The finitude , further , of these categories lies in two points .

  22. 自然资源的有限性决定了资源的稀缺性。

    The finiteness of natural resources determines its scarcity .

  23. 递增性、有限性及层次性则是不可变更力的基本特征。

    It features progressive increase , finiteness and hierarchy .

  24. 从德育功能看学校德育的有限性

    On the Limited Function of Moral Education in School

  25. 有限性和超越性是萨特自由论哲学的本体论结构。

    Limitation and surpassing is the noumenon structure of Sartre 's philosophy on freedom .

  26. 一类特殊半群的有限性

    On finiteness of a special kind of semigroups

  27. 关于行政权力有限性的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking on the Limitation of Executive Power

  28. 有限性灌溉对设施草莓产量及水分利用效率的影响

    Influence of Limited Irrigation on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Strawberry in Greenhouse

  29. 理性由于其有限性,造成了人类行动的复合性特点。

    Due to the finity of reason , make the human action characteristic of complexity .

  30. 资源的有限性和人类需求的无限性的矛盾逐渐凸显。

    And the contradiction between limited resources and infinite human needs has been gradually highlighted .