
  • 网络Organic Gems;organic gemstone
  1. 镶嵌体上镶嵌的宝石装饰物为1~100粒。镶嵌体上镶嵌的宝石装饰物可以是由有机宝石或无机宝石、金属及非金属制成的装饰物。

    The number of the gem ornaments inlaid in the mosaic is1-100 , and the gem ornaments inlaid in the mosaic can be ornaments that are made of organic gems or inorganic gems , metals and nonmetals .

  2. 如同珍珠,珊瑚是重要的有机宝石之一。

    Like the pearls , these are also organic jewellery materials .

  3. 对有机宝石的鉴定主要是借助与生物生命活动有关的一些结构特征。

    In this review we focuse mainly on the structure characteristic and reactivity of hypervalent compounds .

  4. 象牙是一种重要的工艺品原料,有“有机宝石”之称。

    Ivory is an important arts and crafts materials , the " organic gem ," said .

  5. 珍珠是一种珍贵的有机宝石,颜色和光泽是影响其价值的两个主要因素。

    Pearl , of which the value was mainly determined by luster and color , is a valuable kind of organic gem .

  6. 红珊瑚是珍贵的有机宝石,红珊瑚文化是中华民族灿烂历史文化瑰宝之一,它既有丰富的历史文化沉淀,又体现出浓厚而热烈的现代时尚。

    The red coral is the precious organic gemstones , and red coral culture is a splendid treasure of the superexcellent historical culture of Chinese people . It 's rich in the accumulation of historical culture , embodies the strongly and fiercely modern fashion .