
  • 网络effective management;efficient management;manage effectively;availability management
  1. 这可以实现对生命周期的有效管理,而这又是SOA治理的关键目标。

    It is the effective management of this lifecycle that is the key goal of SOA Governance .

  2. 利用MIS系统实现对电能表资产的有效管理

    Realizing the effective management of meter by MIS

  3. 针对IPv6网络的特点,进行网络拓扑结构自动发现,是对IPv6网络实施有效管理的基础。

    To carry out network topology discovery based on the characteristics IPv6 network is fundamental to process effective IPv6 network management .

  4. 实践证明,SNMP能与802.1x系统实现无缝连接,并对其进行有效管理。

    Practices prove that SNMP has a seamless connection to 802.1x system and can efficiently manage the system .

  5. 企业主要通过CRM的流程与顾客进行沟通与互动、建立CRM的数据仓库全面了解顾客、运用数据挖掘技术有效管理顾客生命周期来提升顾客忠诚度。

    Enterprises strengthen the customer loyalty by communicating with customers through the flow of CRM , grasping customers ' needs through data warehouse , managing the cycle of customer life through data mining techniques .

  6. 通过引入Agent组的概念,将多个现场Agent和车间调度控制Agent组成功能Agent组,采用Internet中基于域的模式来实现对分布在Ethernet/Intranet上各Agent组的有效管理。

    With the introduction of the concept of Agent group , the domain-based internet model was used to achieve the effective management of the Agent groups , what are distributed on the Ethernet / Intranet and composed of multiple scene Agents and workshop scheduling control Agent .

  7. 以此为依据,本文结合实际提出了对TBT项目的投标风险、财务风险、建设风险、市场风险、投资环境风险进行有效管理的若干措施。

    Based on the point of view , the paper put forward a certain measures which can manage TBT project risks include bid risk , financing risk , construction risk , market risk , investment environment risk , etc. .

  8. 它结合了网络设备的管理功能和路由隔离中的静态路由技术,通过MAC地址的端口绑定和IP-MAC地址绑定实现了对IP地址盗用的有效管理,很好解决了这一困扰网络管理员的管理问题。

    Combining some of the network equipments ' management functions and the static routing technology , this system uses the MAC-port attachment and IP-MAC attachment to realize the effective management of IP address embezzlement . Thus the problem puzzling the management for a long time is well solved .

  9. 真正有效管理软件过程的关键是定量管理。

    Quantitative management is the key of efficient software process management .

  10. 外汇储备:增长、效应与有效管理

    Foreign Exchange Reserves : Growth , the Effect and Effective Management

  11. 然而,政治、法律和经济难题阻碍了有效管理。

    Yet , political , legal and economic challenges impede effective governance .

  12. 企业员工培训的有效管理与创新

    The Effective Management and Innovation of Enterprise 's Staff Training

  13. 充分自主权以使其能够有效管理投资公司。

    Full self-determination right so as to effectively manage the investment company .

  14. 建设法治化的出版管理体系,是对出版业实施有效管理的现实途径选择。

    It is a practical approach to construct legalizing administrative management system .

  15. 高校学生欠费的有效管理

    Efficient Management of Students ' Owing Money in Colleges

  16. 信息集成能广泛收集、整合资源与市场信息,进行价值模拟与有效管理;

    Information integration can help broadly collect and integrate resources and market information ;

  17. 利用数据库实现液压系统的有效管理

    A Simple and Effective Method to Implement the Database Management of Hydraulic System

  18. 因而科学的组织设计是企业有效管理的基本条件。

    So , scientific organizational design is the basic condition of scientific enterprise management .

  19. 我国施工企业项目有效管理与控制研究及应用

    Research and Application of Project Effective Management and Control for Construction Enterprises in China

  20. 大型建设项目设计界面的有效管理

    Effective Management of Large-scale Construction Project Design Interface

  21. 对存储系统的有效管理可以提高存储系统的利用率和系统性能。

    Efficient storage management improves the system performance .

  22. 实施有效管理的基础是对野生动物种群结构的调查与分析。

    Investigation and analysis on wildlife population is the basis of effective wildlife management .

  23. 对企业提高数据的有效管理,提高工作效率,减少失误有着积极的意义。

    It will improve efficiency of data management in enterprise and reduce er-rors in work .

  24. 冷饮企业营销渠道的构建与有效管理

    The Designing of the Marketing Channel and the Valid Management about the Cold Drinks Business Enterprise

  25. 江苏大丰麋鹿保护区有效管理的成就和展望

    The Achievement and Prospect of Effective Management for Dafeng Pere David Deer Reserve in Jiangsu Province

  26. IT专业技术人员的有效管理研究

    Research on Managing IT Professionals Effectively

  27. 因此,专利的有效管理是高校科技计划管理的关键一环。

    Therefore the pivotal process of scientific and technological management is the effectively administration of patent .

  28. 委托代理分析:对警务人员有效管理的新理念

    The Analysis of Principal-agent for Police Organization & A New Viewpoint to Raise Police Management Efficiency

  29. 状态监测是状态检修的基础,而对监测结果的有效管理和科学应用则是状态检修得以实现的保证。

    The effective management and scientific application of the monitoring results are the guarantee of realizing state-maintenance .

  30. 其中,集团企业对分子公司的有效管理和控制是重点和难点。

    The emphasis and difficulty is how to manage and control the branch and subsidiary company effectively .