
  • 网络Asian mode of production;Asiatic mode of production
  1. 中国化视野下的亚细亚生产方式问题讨论

    On the Asiatic Mode of Production under the Sinicization View

  2. 马克思关于亚细亚生产方式的理论探讨

    Marx ′ s Elaboration on Asiatic Mode of Production Theory

  3. 亚细亚生产方式与列宁的社会主义构想

    Asiatic Mode of Production and Lenin 's Socialist Conception

  4. 摘要亚细亚生产方式是马克思具有极其杂内涵的思想。

    The thought of the Asiatic mode of production is very complex in marxism .

  5. 论亚细亚生产方式理论与构建社会主义和谐社会

    On the Theory of Asian Mode of Production and Construction of Harmonious Socialist Society

  6. 亚细亚生产方式与中国农业合作化运动

    The Mode of Production in Asia and the Movement of Agricultural Cooperation in China

  7. 亚细亚生产方式的文化批判

    The Culture Criticize of Asia Production Pattern

  8. 1978年以来亚细亚生产方式问题研究的若干思考

    Some ideas on the studies of the Asiatic mode of production in China since 1978

  9. 中国社会是否属于亚细亚生产方式社会?

    Does Chinese production mode belong to " the Asiatic mode of production " community ?

  10. 马克思亚细亚生产方式理论与中国现代化建设模式的探索

    Research on the theory of Marxist Asian mode of production and the construction model of China 's modernization

  11. 亚细亚生产方式是公有制向私有制过渡的社会形式,兼具公有制和私有制二重性。

    The Asian mode of production is a social form of transition from public ownership to private ownership .

  12. 20世纪上半叶亚细亚生产方式历史存在性研究的学术景遇,至今令人深思。

    Therefore , the academic situation of this study in the 20th century is to be deeply reconsidered .

  13. 农村公社是亚细亚生产方式的基础,对此,经典作家已有明确的阐释。

    The rural commune is the base of the Asian mode of production , which has been clearly expounded by classics .

  14. 无论是东方的专制制度,还是经济的停滞不前,都是在亚细亚生产方式的基础上形成的。

    Both the oriental autocratic system and the standstill of economy are formed on the base of the Asian mode of production .

  15. 要想实现动态稳定,必须从根本上改造亚细亚生产方式。

    The stability required by today should be a dynamic one , which is realized by transforming the Asian production mode fundamentally .

  16. 因此,研究亚细亚生产方式问题的争论史仍然具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of the argument about the history of the Asiatic mode of production still have important theoretical and practical significance .

  17. 学习亚细亚生产方式理论使我们能够更加合乎逻辑地推导出当代社会主义和谐社会构建过程中的一些规律和特征。

    In studying the theory of Asian Mode of Production , we can deduce some laws and characteristics of building socialist harmonious society more logically .

  18. 东方古代社会的亚细亚生产方式,是理解中华文化的起源和特质的一把钥匙。

    The Asian mode of production in the old eastern society is a key to the understanding of the origin and the features of the Chinese culture .

  19. 亚细亚生产方式理论,是马克思、恩格斯探索东方社会(古代中国、印度和俄罗斯)历史发展规律而提出的一种假说。

    Asia Production Style ″ is initiated by Marx and Engels following a kind of hypothesis investigating oriental society , mainly , ancient China , India and Russia .

  20. 马克思的亚细亚生产方式思想,不仅包含最为标准、典型的原始的公社所有制的意义,而且囊括了从原始的公社所有制向次生的奴隶制、农奴制的过渡。

    The thought implies not only the ownership of primitive commune but also the transition from the ownership of primitive tribe to slave-owning ownership and feudal ownership of land .

  21. 以市场经济为特征的资本主义生产方式在发展生产力和扩大交往方面超越了以自然经济为特征的亚细亚生产方式。

    Capitalist mode of production , characterized by marketing economy , surpassed Asian mode of production , characterized by agricultural economy , in developing productive forces and promoting association .

  22. 马克思在对东方社会理论的研究和对亚细亚生产方式基本特征的揭示过程中,丰富和发展了唯物史观思想。

    Marx , in his studies on the theory of oriental societies and revealing the basic characteristics of Asia production mode , enriches and develops the thoughts of historical materialism ;

  23. “亚细亚生产方式”的特殊性质,使得华夏先民在进入文明社会的过程中完好地保存了氏族社会遗传下来的家族血缘关系。

    Because of the special nature of " Asian productive mode ," the ancient Chinese people , while moving toward civilized society , had preserved well the kinship passed down from the clan society .

  24. 与西方不同,古代中国社会经济的一个显著的特征就是亚细亚生产方式的存在,这决定了在东方社会产生不了西方近现代意义上的法律。

    One of the distinct character of Chinese ancient social economy is the existence of Asian Mode of production , which decides that modern law of west contraries can not come into being in eastern society .

  25. 著名史学家吴泽教授长期从事东方社会经济形态史研究,为亚细亚生产方式研究领域的重要代表。

    Professor WU Ze , a famous historian , as a leading role in the research field of Asiatic mode of production , has been studying the history of Oriental form of social economy for a long period .

  26. 马克思、恩格斯的亚细亚生产方式概念是一个历史性概念,在他们社会形态理论形成的四个不同时期,涵义并不相同。

    The " Asian mode of production " in Marx and Engels ' works is a historical concept , the implications of which are not exactly the same in different phases of the development of their social formation theories .

  27. 在这一时期,马克思、恩格斯尚未放弃亚洲社会特殊论,但已把以亚细亚生产方式为基础的社会放到了人类发展序列中的第一阶段。

    In this period , they hadn 't given up the theory about the speciality of Asian societies , but they had put the societies based on the " Asian mode of production " at the initial stage of human development .

  28. 亚细亚生产方式历史存在性说明东方社会制度的独特性以及东方社会历史发展不同于西方社会,更不能将东方社会比附于西方社会。

    The historic existence of the Asia 's production mode shows the distinctness in the eastern social system and the differences in historic development between the eastern and Western Society , and not being attached the eastern society to the Western society .

  29. 本文的第四章对亚细亚生产方式文化底蕴进行了释义,阐释其文化表征及与中国传统文化之间的关系,并从文化的视角对东亚及东南亚的兴衰发展进行了探因;

    In chapter four the culture foundation of APP is analyzed , further explaining the relation between it 's culture feature and China traditional culture and exploring the reasons of the wax-wane for Eastern and Southeast Asia from the culture standing point .

  30. 本文对1853年以前的时期马克思、恩格斯的亚细亚生产方式概念作了考察,认为马克思、恩格斯在当时把亚细亚生产方式实际上是看作一种与欧洲社会完全不同的、独立的地域性的社会形态。

    This paper studies the concept prior to 1853 , holding that Marx and Engels , at that time , thought of the " Asian mode of production " as an isolated and regional social formation totally different from those in European societies .