
zhuī qiú
  • seek;aspire;pursue;woo;court;chase;quest;go after;run after;courtship;romance
追求 [zhuī qiú]
  • (1) [seek;pursue]∶努力求索

  • 执着地追求

  • 追求人生价值

  • 追求享受

  • (2) [woo;court;chase]∶求爱

  • 追求异性

追求[zhuī qiú]
  1. 为了冲淡生活毫无意义的感觉,他们追求强烈的刺激。

    They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence .

  2. 他没有心情去追求任何东西。

    He was not in the humor to seek anything .

  3. 他继续追求他成为演员的目标。

    He continued to pursue his goal of becoming an actor .

  4. 你不能一辈子追求虚无缥缈的东西。

    You can 't spend all your life chasing shadows .

  5. 安妮有两个男人追求。

    Anne had two men trying to win her affections .

  6. 这个组织的宗旨完全是追求和平。

    The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful .

  7. 他一生追求名望。

    He had hankered after fame all his life .

  8. 对于他来说,足球就是他至高无上的追求。

    For him , football is an absolute religion .

  9. 她执著地追求真理。

    She persisted in her search for the truth .

  10. 谁能否认他们的追求是合理的呢?

    Who can deny the justice of their cause ?

  11. 对金钱的追求支配着他的生活。

    The pursuit of money ruled his life .

  12. 她从未结婚,不过追求者不少。

    She never married but had many admirers .

  13. 这是她终身追求的目标。

    It had been her lifelong ambition .

  14. 他从不追求名望。

    He has never courted popularity .

  15. 她拒绝了他的追求。

    She repulsed his advances .

  16. 经济繁荣昌盛一直是各国普遍追求的共同目标。

    Prosperity and economic success remain popular and broadly shared goals .

  17. 该党一直不能吸引那些追求更高社会地位的选民。

    The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters .

  18. 我对新的未来的追求从未动摇过。

    I have not faltered in my quest for a new future

  19. 加德纳一直不懈地追求古典音乐演奏的高水准。

    Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music

  20. 他近乎发疯般地追求着打破体育纪录。

    He was almost maniacal in his pursuit of sporting records

  21. 我不太会和女人调情,也不擅长追求女性。

    I 'm not very good at flirting or chasing women

  22. 在日本,公司偏重于发展,而不是一味追求利润。

    In Japan firms are biased towards growth rather than profits

  23. 这部电影的导演过分卖弄摄影技巧,追求华丽炫目的视觉效果。

    The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendour .

  24. 银行的经营必须追求成本效益。

    The bank must be run in a cost-effective way .

  25. 提倡追求杰出难免被指责为宣扬精英论。

    It became difficult to promote excellence without being accused of elitism .

  26. 在全面质量管理原则下,对质量的追求是持续不断的。

    Under TQM principles the search for quality is continuous .

  27. 做了母亲并不会阻止我继续追求我的演艺事业。

    Motherhood won 't stop me from pursuing my acting career

  28. 对质量孜孜不倦的追求使他的技能出类拔萃。

    Relentless in his pursuit of quality , his technical ability was remarkable

  29. 几乎是凭着一股疯狂的热情,马克斯警告人们不要刻意追求晒成一身古铜色。

    With almost evangelical fervour , Marks warns against deliberately seeking a tan

  30. 我妈妈曾经有一个爱慕她的追求者。

    My mother had a suitor who adored her .