
  • 网络Retrospective Method;retrospective approach;Backward approach
  1. CREAM追溯法及其在根原因分析中的应用

    Retrospective analysis method of CREAM and its application in root cause analysis

  2. 油气水界面追溯法&研究烃类流体运聚成藏史的一种重要方法

    Hydrocarbon-water contact retrospection : an effective method in timing hydrocarbon fluid accumulation

  3. 【方法】文献追溯法、田间实地调查、数据分析方法;

    [ METHOD ] The literatures tracing , the field investigation , and data analysis were used in this paper .

  4. 方法布氏杆菌病确诊采用血清学和细菌学检查,采用追溯法调查传染源的来源,随访接触者感染情况。

    Steps : Make use of Serology and bacteriology to diagnose Brucellosis , investigate the source of infection , and realize the circumstances of people who has osculated .

  5. 第一章考察文化哲学范畴的法向诗学范畴法汇通、演变的过程,意在追溯法的哲学根源,为法的特定内涵寻找依据。

    Chapter 1 wants to trace back to the philosophy source of the " Fa " and looks for the basis of its particular content by investigating the process of the " Fa " turn from the culture philosophy into the poem .

  6. 随着会计政策的变更,企业应根据具体情况,分别采用不同的会计处理办法:按规定的办法;追溯调整法;

    An enterprise shall adopt different accounting methods with the modification of accounting policy .

  7. 追溯调整法和未来适用法的会计处理方法的核算。

    The paper discusses the accounting in retrospectively regulating act and future applicable methods and the disclosure of accounting policy modification in reports .

  8. 本文介绍了一个追溯调整法账务处理的技巧,并以长期股权投资由成本法转变为权益法的追溯调整业务为例,详细地演示了简便方法运用的过程。

    In this article , we introduce a special technique to handle it and give a demonstration in detail by the example of accounting adjustment for the changing from cost rules to equity rules .

  9. 至于我国与美国准则中就存在着较大的差异,主要体现在处理方法上,美国准则中将会计政策变更的影响分为直接影响和间接影响,直接影响采用追溯调整法,间接影响不予确认。

    But there are a lot of differences of approaches between China and the U.S.A. The United States divides the impact of change in accounting policy into direct impact and indirect impact . They have different approaches , the direct impact uses retrospective application , indirect impact is not recognized .

  10. 第一部分主要追溯斯多葛派自然法思想的源流。

    The first part is mainly retrospective ideological origins of Stoic natural law .

  11. 未成年人缔约能力制度可以追溯到罗马法。

    The system of infants ? capacity of parties originates from Roman Law .

  12. 居住权制度是一项大陆法系国家的传统制度,最早可以追溯到罗马法。

    The legal system of habitatio is a traditional one for civil law countries .

  13. R&D的会计视角分析:追溯资本化法优势分析及重塑

    Accounting Disposal of R & D : Advantage Analysis and Reconstruction On Retroactive Capitalization

  14. 是否可以追溯早期的法藏部?

    Can We Trace the Early Dharmaguptakas ?

  15. 场所主人责任是一个传统民法上的概念,最早可追溯到罗马法。

    The liability of the location owner arising out of the Roman Law originally is a traditional concept in the Civil Law .

  16. 连带责任是一项历史悠久的法律责任制度,它的起源至少可以追溯到罗马法时期。

    Joint liability is an old-line system of legal liability , which can be tracked back to the time of the Roman Law .

  17. 无论是公共属性还是私权属性都有一定的理论依据作为支持,知识产权的理论依据往往可以追溯到自然法的起源。

    Both properties have a certain theoretical basis to support , which can often be traced back to the origins of natural law .

  18. 关于教唆、帮助侵权行为的记载由来已久,最早可以追溯到罗马法时代,在今天的大多数国家也有相关的法律规定。

    The record about abetting and helping tort can trace back to the times of Roma laws . Today , there are some similar legal rules in most countries .

  19. 动产让与担保制度可追溯到罗马法时期,在当代的德国、英美、日本等国家得到广泛的认可。

    System of guarantee for chattel transfer can date from the period of Roman Law , and it gets broad approval in contemporary Germany , England and America , Japan .

  20. 在欧洲大陆国家和受它们影响的地区,目前适用的法律可追溯到罗马法,被称为大陆法系统。

    In the countries of continental Europe and those areas influenced by them , the governing law dates back to Roman law and is known as the civil law system .

  21. 为了全面认识课堂讲授的特点,首先追溯了讲授法的渊源、改革和发展,分析了这种教学方法的优缺点。

    In order to bring out the characteristics of the lecture method of teaching , this paper first traces the origin of this method , introduces its development and analyzes its strong points and weak points .

  22. 保证制度的起源很早,可追溯到罗马法和日尔曼法时代,现代各国民法对这一制度也都有相关规定。

    The origin of guarantee system is very early , it can be traced back to the Rome Law and the Germanic Era . There are also some concerned stipulations about the civil law in the modern countries .

  23. 埋藏物发现制度可追溯至罗马法早期,当时由于财产的不流通和社会一般观念的限制,采取的是埋藏物所有权归属土地所有人的制度。

    The regime of buried-object discovery dates back to the early era of Roman law . The ownership of the buried object was attributed to the land owner thanks to the contemporary non-circulation of property and the bondage of the common societal attitude .

  24. 公益诉讼是舶来品,最早可以追溯到古代罗马法。

    The public interest litigation originated the ancient Rome laws .

  25. 举证责任制度较为明确的体现可以追溯到古罗马法时代。

    The burden of proof system is more clear embodiment can be traced back to the ancient Rome law times .

  26. 一事不再理原则有着悠久的历史,它的历史可以追溯到古罗马法时期。

    The principle of non bis in idem has a long history , its history can be traced back to the ancient Rome law times .

  27. 第一章主要是追溯了问题教学法的源头,并针对初中语文阅读教学如何运用问题教学提出了个人的浅见。

    The first chapter mainly has traced the question-based method source , and proposed individual humble opinion how to implementing the question-based method in Junior year Chinese teaching .

  28. 追溯国际统一实体法渐进性的历程,探索其内容上不平衡性的原因,对实体法国际统一立法的对策研究,尤其对冲突法将长期存在的必要性的认识,具有重要的意义。

    By tracing the history the reason of imbalance in its content distribution is explored , which is self-evident in International Uniform Substantive legislation and knowledge of long existence of Conflict of Laws .