
zhuī suí zhě
  • follower;following;adherent;disciple;-ite
  1. 她是领导者,不是追随者。

    She is a leader , not a follower .

  2. 他是哈佛大学欧文-白璧德教授的学生,也是白璧德和P.E.莫尔的热诚景仰者和追随者。

    He was a student of Irving Babbitt at Harvard and an ardent admirer and follower of Babbitt and P. E. More .

  3. 他停下来接受追随者的拥抱亲吻。

    He stopped to receive hugs and kisses from the fans .

  4. 乐队的成功激励了数以百计未来的追随者。

    The band 's success has inspired hundreds of would-be imitators .

  5. 这个乐队在意大利有一大批热心的追随者。

    The band has a huge following in Italy .

  6. 我是她的狂热追随者。

    I 'm a big fan of hers .

  7. 他的政纲靠的是铁杆追随者的支持。

    His politics were based on loyal partisanship .

  8. 在追随者眼中,他就是神。

    To his followers he was a god .

  9. 皇帝及其追随者被困在山脚下。

    The emperor and his followers were stranded at the foot of the mountain .

  10. 他对质问者的机敏应答使他赢得了很多追随者。

    His adroit replies to hecklers won him many followers .

  11. 西海岸战后咖啡店式建筑的狂热追随者(卡拉尔安马林)来自互联网

    West Coast aficionados of postwar coffee-shop architecture ( Karal Ann Marling )

  12. 他是个有众多追随者的领袖

    He is a leader with many adherents .

  13. 著名的外星人探寻者斯科特•C•韦林,今天偶然看到这一发现并将其分享给自己的追随者。

    Well-known alien hunter , Scott C Waring , picked up the discovery today and shared it with his followers .

  14. “真正的领导力应该是为追随者的利益考虑的,而不是领导者本身越来越富。”(R。汤森)

    " True leadership must be for the benefit of the followers , not the enrichment of the leaders . " R.Townsend .

  15. Twitter的初衷是为了告诉您的追随者您现在所做的事情。

    The original intent of Twitter was to tell your followers what you are doing right now .

  16. 10岁的格雷斯摩根(GraceMorgan)是一位年少的时尚追随者,极力追赶最新的服饰风尚。

    At 10 , Grace Morgan is a young fashionista and takes pains to dress in the latest styles .

  17. 如果index视图接收到的数据是正确的凭证,那么就可以得到tweet和追随者数据。

    If the data that the index view receives is the correct credentials , you get back the tweets and followers data .

  18. 如果你富有而又是位名人,你就可以炫耀自己正兴奋到飘飘然&并在Twitter上吸引200万追随者。

    If you are rich and a celebrity you can boast about getting high – and attract 2m Twitter followers .

  19. 追随者将接收到他们的“Twitter提要”的更新,这与博客将更新生成到博客阅读者的提要中极为类似。

    Followers receive updates to their " Twitter feed " in much the same way that blogs generate updates into a blog readers'feed .

  20. 这些被称为“LoHead”的狂热追随者成百成百地搜集自上世纪80年代以来的Polo品牌和拉尔夫•劳伦服饰,包括领带、衬衫和夹克等。

    Enthusiasts called ' Lo heads collect polo and Ralph Lauren gear ties , shirts , and jackets by the hundreds from the 1980s .

  21. 在TwitterAPI上下文中,有多种RESTful服务可用于提取有关用户、追随者、时间线等内容的信息。

    In the Twitter API context , there are various RESTful services available for extracting information about users , followers , timelines , and more .

  22. 如果要招聘,可以发布一个Twitter更新,询问您的追随者是否知道有人具有某个方面的技能。

    For those looking to hire , you can post a Twitter update asking your followers if they know anyone with skills in a certain field .

  23. 共有1631人聚集在利物浦的城市中心齐唱《爱我吧(LoveMeDo)》,这些狂热追随者中不乏千里迢迢来到这里的秘鲁人与日本人。

    Aficionados poured in from as far afield as Peru and Tokyo for a weekend of live music and Beatlemania , which kicked off with 1631 people singing " Love Me Do " outside the city 's central Liver Building .

  24. 早些时候,数千名AnnaHazare的追随者被拘留,大多时间很短。

    Earlier , thousands of his followers were detained , mostly for a short time , around the country .

  25. 借助一个实例化了的Api对象,您就获得自己的追随者、您所追随的人和状态(tweet);以及发布您当前的状态等。

    With an instantiated Api object , you can get your followers , people you are following , and statuses ( tweets ); post your current status ; etc.

  26. 周二,阿纳·赫扎雷(AnnaHazare)向仰慕他的追随者发表讲话,告诉他们,经过八天的绝食抗议之后,他仍然状况良好。

    Hazare spoke out to adoring followers Tuesday , telling the crowd he is doing fine after eight days of fasting .

  27. 推特会为美国航空航天局活动追随者们提供了从幕后了解NASA的设施和运作并与科学家、工程师、宇航员和项目经理们交谈的机会。

    Tweetups provide @ NASA followers with the opportunity to go behind the scenes at NASA facilities and events and speak with scientists , engineers , astronauts and managers .

  28. 与此同时,英国监测议员工作习惯的院外活动集团38degrees发起了一项“希望你在这里”(wishyouwerehere)的行动,敦促追随者拍下在度假场所遭遇的议员照片。

    Meanwhile , the UK pressure group 38 degrees , which monitors the working habits of British MPs , has launched a " wish you were here " campaign , urging followers to take photographs of MPS they spot on holiday .

  29. ID运动没有全盘的否定达尔文主义,也不否定进化现象的存在,而是批评达尔文及其追随者把自然选择和随机突变作为进化现象最主要的、甚至唯一的根源。

    The ID movement neither completely denied Darwinism , nor denied the existence of evolution , however , it mostly criticized Darwin and his adherents regard natural selection and random mutation as the uppermost and only root of evolution .

  30. 您可以使用它通过位置和关键字搜索tweet、获得Twitter用户的好友和追随者列表,甚至看到这些好友和追随者的tweet。

    You can use it to search for tweets by location and keyword , obtain a list of a Twitter user 's friends and followers , and even see those friends'and followers'tweets .