
  • 网络Strategy Leader;strategic leader
  1. 第五章将战略领导力和核心竞争力结合起来,从两者在本质上相同的特点到培养战略领导者,详细论证了两者相互融合的意义和可行性。

    Chapter V banding strategic leadership and core competitiveness together , from both the same characteristics to developing strategic leaders , gives a detailed demonstration of both the meaning and feasibility .

  2. 卡塞勒于1989年作为战略领导者加盟LVMH,1990年,他当上路易威登的主席和首席执行官,当时公司的名字还叫路易威登马利蒂(LouisVuittonMalletier)。

    Mr. Carcelle joined LVMH in 1989 as head of strategy . In 1990 he became chairman and chief executive of its Louis Vuitton Malletier unit , as it was then called .

  3. 战略思维是领导者思维的重要内容。

    Strategic thinking is a significant part of leader 's thinking .

  4. 顺应战略管理,医院领导者必须具有新的思维,即:战略管理、参照管理、创新管理、知识管理、危机管理、咨询管理、机会管理、事前管理、文化管理、系统化管理等。

    To meet the new challenge , hospital leadership must be in possession of new thinking , which is strategic management , benchmarking management , innovation management , knowledge management , crisis management , consult management , opportunity management , culture management , and system management , etc.

  5. 为了保证产品差异化战略的实施,苏州中小刺绣企业要从战略实施的领导者、人才策略、创新策略、营销策略和流程再造策略入手,全面提升企业的综合实力。

    In order for the effective execution of product differentiation strategy , Suzhou small and medium sized embroidery companies must not only have good leaders and talents , but also make use of innovation strategy , marketing strategy , and process reengineering strategy to upgrade their comprehensive strength .