
  1. 领导的用人艺术之我见

    Lead choose a person for the job my art sees

  2. 浅析企业的用人艺术

    On the Arts of Making Use of Personnel in Enterprises

  3. 领导用人艺术的心理分析

    Psychoanalysis of the Art in Leader 's Personnel Management

  4. 论高校人本管理中的用人艺术关于新时期大学生思想政治教育工作的思考

    Human resource management art of people - oriented management in university People-Oriented Concept Is Vital to Ideological and Political Education of College Students

  5. 图书馆管理艺术具有创造性、灵活性和多样性的特征。图书馆管理艺术包括决策艺术、用人艺术、用权艺术、处事艺术、运时艺术、语言艺术、开会艺术、激励艺术、协调艺术等。

    Library management art is creative , flexible and diverse , which includes decision-making art , arranging personnel art , using authority art , dealing with affair art , arranging time art , speaking art , holding a meeting art , encouraging others art , coordinating relationship art , etc.

  6. 鼓励发展中介机构,为用人双方提供艺术人才的信息、促成人才流动,为艺术人才的交流和使用搭建一个宽阔的桥梁和纽带。其次,改善教育培养方式。

    To encourage the development of intermediary institutions , employing both with art talent information , promote talent flow , talent for art communication and used to build a wider bridge and link . Second , to improve the educational and training mode .