
yònɡ rén zì zhǔ quán
  • autonomy in personnel placement
  1. 国家对单位用人自主权进行公法意义上的规制是社会本位理念下的现代劳动法发展趋势之所在,制定反就业歧视法应作为完善劳动立法的一个重要方面。

    The nation 's legal regulations of employ self-determination power of company are the development tendency of modern labor law with the concept of social standard .

  2. 国务院办公厅转发劳动、人事部关于进一步落实外商投资企业用人自主权的通知国务会议主席办公厅

    Circular of the General Office of the State Council on the Approval and Transmission of the Proposals Submitted by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Personnel Concerning Further Implementation

  3. 劳动力的市场分配以劳动力成为商品、企业用人自主权和劳动力市场的发展为前提,以劳动力价值为基础,通过市场交换来实现。

    With the premise of labors becoming goods , enterprises ' enjoying their own rights of employment and labor market development , market allocation is completed through market exchanges on the basis of labor value .

  4. 乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务机构普遍存在卫生技术人员紧缺的问题,但因为单位的用人自主权以及编制和经费等的限制,无法及时补充所需要的人选。

    Primary health facilities have a widespread shortage of health professionals . And they cannot supplement the needs of the candidates in time , because of the constraints of recruitment rights , authorized strength and finance .

  5. 完善人员聘用的考核机制和标准,同时应该考虑基层机构的实际情况,适当加大基层机构的用人自主权和加强柔性化管理,以招到基层真正需要的卫生人才。

    The employment evaluating system and standard should be improved . Allowing for the present status , more autonomy should be given and flexible management should be strengthened to allow primary facilities to hire the required health personnel .

  6. 四是四级联考制度存在不合理,用人单位无自主权。

    Fourth , the " four exam " system is unreasonable , the employer have no autonomy . 4 .

  7. 目前,我国关于用人单位调整劳动者工作岗位的法律规定无法调和用人单位用工自主权与劳动者职业稳定权间的冲突,更引发了实践中的一些难题。

    At present , the provisions on the employing unit adjusts employee job , cannot reconcile either the employing unit autonomy rights or laborer occupation stable .

  8. 经济性裁员制度赋予用人单位以较宽泛的劳动关系解除权,它是用人单位用人自主权的体现。

    Economic dismissal system , endowing companies a fairly wide right of terminating labor relations , is an embodiment of independence .