
  • 网络Employee Reward
  1. 我们确实考虑了针对某些类别的员工奖励计划。但是我们认为这项措施不会产生足够的影响。

    We did consider bonus schemes for certain categories of employee , but decided that this wouldn 't have sufficient impact .

  2. 然而,该计划仅适用于有工作的人&政府也要求企业给予减肥员工奖励。

    However only those with a job will qualify - and employers will also be urged to offer incentives to staff who shed pounds .

  3. 同时,集团建立了相应的绩效考核制度,为员工奖励、晋升提供客观、可靠的依据。

    At the same time , the Group has established an appropriate performance appraisal system for employee incentives , promotions provide objective and reliable basis .

  4. 任正非说,为做到这一点,华为将加大在欧洲的研发投资,并且将员工奖励计划扩大至所有非中国籍的核心员工,希望以此吸引并保住顶级人才。

    As part of the push , Huawei will increase investment in European research and development , and will extend an employee incentive plan to all key non-Chinese employees this year in order to attract and keep top talent , Mr. Ren said .

  5. 绩效评估及奖励方法尚需丰富。目前公司对员工的奖励方式还略显单一,主要以奖金方式。

    More diversified Performance evaluation and reward methods should be adopted .

  6. 该集团还向那些汇报同事有心理危机迹象的员工提供奖励。

    Foxconn is also offering rewards to employees who report signs of crisis among co-workers .

  7. 粘性礼物不止是对员工的奖励,同时也是一种福利。

    Sticky gifts not only reward the employees , but at the same time benefit givers .

  8. 该部门举行月度竞赛,对内部发明进行打分评级,而做出发明的员工获得奖励。

    It holds monthly competitions in which internal inventions are rated and the employees behind them can win rewards .

  9. 其他选择,比如为实现业绩目标的员工提供奖励,并不能真的解决根本问题。

    Other alternatives , like offering rewards for achieving performance targets , don 't really address the underlying problem .

  10. 此外,我们将与客户及经纪代理公司持续建立稳固关系并为员工提供奖励机会。

    In addition , we will create strong relationships with customers , agents and brokers and rewarding opportunities for employees .

  11. 如今的公司也的确会根据绩效为员工提供奖励,但胡萝卜和大棒是同时祭出的:要是没达到目标,员工就会被解雇。

    Today 's companies do give bonuses to workers based on merit , but that carrot comes with a stick : layoffs if goals aren 't met .

  12. 在科氏工业集团,这意味着员工的奖励、提升或解雇,判断标准就是他们的工作是否为公司增加了利润。

    At Koch industries , this means that employees are rewarded , promoted or fired , based on whether or not their work adds to the bottom line .

  13. 通讯工人工会的发言人说:邮局成效很好,所以我们现在希望公司能对促成这一成功的员工进行奖励。

    A Communication Workers Union spokesman said : The Post Office results are good so we now want the company to reward staff for contributing to this success .

  14. 通讯工人工会的发言人说:“邮局成效很好,所以我们现在希望公司能对促成这一成功的员工进行奖励。

    A Communication Workers Union spokesman said : " The Post Office results are good so we now want the company to reward staff for contributing to this success .

  15. 该战略将通过英国心脏基金会的Well@work计划实施一系列鼓励减肥项目。该基金会将为减肥员工提供奖励。

    The strategy will feature a series of projects run through a Well @ work scheme led by British Heart Foundation , which will offer rewards to workers who lose weight .

  16. 在银行业,年终授予期权及股票奖励的做法还有另外一个缺陷,那就是在对员工进行奖励之时,公司或其股东还远不能判断其经营是否会取得回报。

    In banking , end-of-year awards of options and stock had the added drawback of remunerating staff well before the company or its shareholders could find out whether their bets had paid off .

  17. 现在,这家公司只对那些在血压、血糖、胆固醇、甘油三酯和腰围——女士35英寸以下,男士40英寸以下——方面达到健康标准的员工予以奖励。

    Now , the company will reward only those workers who meet healthy standards for blood pressure , glucose , cholesterol , triglycerides and waist size ─ under 35 inches for women and 40 inches for men .

  18. 巴西的化妆品公司Natura便为能够提出减少公司对环境影响的方案的员工提供津贴奖励。

    Natura , a Brazilian cosmetics company , gives bonuses to staff who find ways to reduce the firm 's impact on the environment .

  19. 我们意识到,为员工提供真正奖励的不是结果,而是社会互动和认可。

    We 've realised that it isn 't the results , but the social interaction and recognition that provide the real rewards for employees .

  20. 作为一家成功的并且注重对员工支持和奖励的公司,罗氏将向你提供振奋人心的国内外职业发展机会。

    We are a successful business that can offer exciting career opportunities to you , both locally and internationally , in a supportive and rewarding culture .

  21. 贝佐斯推行“想到就做”的项目以鼓励员工创新,奖励那些想出和执行新点子来帮助公司的人,并且这些想法无需事先获得上级许可。

    Bezos promoted innovative efforts among his employees through the Just Do It program , which rewarded those who came up with and executed ideas that helped the company -- without first obtaining permission from their bosses .

  22. 太阳石油公司(Sunoco)前任CEO林恩•埃尔森汉斯表示,将员工的目标与奖励和公司目标挂钩将创造一个公平竞争的环境,让所有人都参与到对话当中。

    Ah , I mean business unit . Lynn Elsenhans , former CEO of Sunoco , notes that aligning employee goals and incentives with enterprise targets will level the playing field and make everyone part of the conversation .

  23. 不参加的员工就不会得到奖励。

    Not participating means employees won 't get the incentives .

  24. 绩效排名不仅仅是用来排除低绩效的员工,还用来奖励优秀的员工。

    Forced ranking systems are based not only on removing poor performers but also on rewarding excellent ones .

  25. 企业主人翁意识是非常重要的,许多公司都用员工持股方案来奖励员工。

    The sense of ownership is so important that many progressive companies have ESOP ( Employee Share Option Plans ) to reward employees .

  26. 通过这些奖项,孟山都希望公司对所有领域表现卓越的员工进行表彰和奖励。

    Through these awards , Monsanto seeks to ensure that areas of the company have means by which to recognize and reward excellent performance .

  27. 是社会各界进行公务、商务考察,举办各类会议培训、旅游观光、企业员工福利疗养、奖励度假的最佳选择。

    Is the official community , business visits , conferences and meetings organized by training , travel and tourism , business convalescence employee benefits , rewards the best choice for a holiday .

  28. 被邀请和总裁共进午餐的职员,得到的嘉奖虽然很大程度上类似于“月度员工”这样的奖励,但是意义远不止于此。

    The employees invited to a discussion with the CEO over lunch are being rewarded in much the same way as an " employee of the month " designation , but in a much more meaningful way .

  29. 比如,一位老板太过专注于一视同仁,对懒惰的员工和明星员工给予相同的奖励,结果导致最优秀的下属跳槽。

    Maybe it 's a boss who 's so intent on treating everyone fairly that she rewards slackers the same as stars , so that the best performers quit .

  30. 此次奖励总额估计达到700万美元,将对总数5500位员工中的未知数量员工进行奖励。

    The company would spend an estimated 500m rupees ( $ 7m ) under the loyalty programme to reward an unknown number of staff from a total workforce of 5500 .