
  • 网络employee silence
  1. LMX能有效预测控制应对、组织认同和员工沉默。

    LMX can predict control coping , organizational identification and employee silence .

  2. 员工沉默会对员工及企业产生负面影响,阻碍企业的发展。

    Employee silence has a negative impact and hinders thedevelopment of enterprise .

  3. 按照Dyne(2003)对员工沉默的研究,员工沉默可以分为默许性沉默、防御性沉默、亲社会性沉默。

    In accordance with the Dyne ( 2003 ) Silence of the staff , employees can be divided into silent acquiescence of silence , silence is defensive in nature , pro-social silence .

  4. 员工沉默行为的产生与应对策略实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Silent Acts of Employees and Its Coping Strategies

  5. 中国背景下企业员工沉默行为的文化根源

    Under the Chinese Background the Silence Behavior of Employees of the Cultural Roots

  6. 组织中员工沉默的内容结构及其相关研究

    A Study on the Structure of Employee Silence in Organization and Its Correlative Research

  7. 中国传统文化观对员工沉默行为的影响分析

    An Analysis on Chinese Traditional Culture Concept ′ s Affection on Employees ′ Silence Behavior

  8. 结果表明:1.权威领导对员工沉默行为具有显著的正面影响。

    Authoritarian leadership exerts a significantly positive effect on employees ' silence behavior . 2 .

  9. 员工沉默会使员工感到不受重视和认知失调,同时不利于组织及时发现经营过程中存在的问题,从而影响企业绩效。

    Employee silence can make employees feel neglected and cognitive disorders , while affecting business performance .

  10. 虽然员工沉默行为普遍存在于组织中,可是大部分管理者很少对员工的沉默行为给予关注。

    Although employee silence behavior generally exists in organizations , many managers rarely pay attention to them .

  11. 因此,本文提出假设&员工沉默行为对离职倾向有正向的影响。

    Therefore , this article assumes that employee silence behavior has a positive impact on turnover intention .

  12. 基于员工沉默的消极影响,国内外学者纷纷展开了对员工沉默的研究。

    Based on the negative affects of employee silence , scholars have launched a series of study about it .

  13. 尤其是组织政治知觉对员工沉默的内在影响机制的实证分析更为鲜见。

    Especially the perception of organizational politics on employee silence internal mechanisms of the influence of positive analysis is less .

  14. 本文通过实证研究证实了员工沉默对组织承诺的负向影响,丰富了对员工沉默的研究,并总结了知识型员工的员工沉默特点。

    We explored the characteristics of knowledge workers silence and the effect to their organization commitment through practical research methods .

  15. 本文研究领导风格对员工沉默的影响。

    In this paper , leadership style and leadership of situational factors impact on the staff of silence is the main concern .

  16. 基于此,本研究构建了组织政治知觉、组织信任与员工沉默三变量的整体框架模型。

    Based on this , this study builds the perception of organizational politics , organizational trust and employee silence three variable overall frame model .

  17. 在公司的会议中很多员工沉默不言或者是有选择的表达观点,形成一种沉默氛围。

    But in many companies , during in the meeting , lots of employees keep silent or give selected opinions , form quiet atmosphere .

  18. 关于组织公平感与员工沉默的关系的实证研究非常少,得出的结论也不统一。

    The research on the relationship between organizational justice and the employee silence is very little , at the same time , the conclusion is also not uniform .

  19. 同时,对于各个变量的维度之间的路径关系的研究,以及组织政治、员工沉默的跨文化差异研究均需要进一步深入探讨。

    At the same time , for each variable dimension paths between the relationship of employee silence , as well as the study on the cultural differences need to discuss further .

  20. 二是本研究还探讨了在我国和谐社会中个人背景特征对于组织政治知觉与员工沉默的差异影响。

    Secondly , the study also discussed in our country " the harmonious society " in the personal background characteristics on the perception of organizational politics and employee silence differences influence .

  21. 在影响员工沉默的因素有很多,其中包括:企业制度、规范和实践:领导与组织;同事;个体变量等等。

    The Silence of the factors affecting the employees are many , including : enterprise system , norms and practices ; leadership and organization ; colleagues ; individual variables and so on .

  22. 员工沉默是员工意识到了组织中存在的问题却不表达出来自己的想法的一种有意识的行为,是组织中普遍存在的一种现象。

    Employee silence is a prevalent phenomenon in the organization which means that employee is aware of the problems existing in the organization but not expressing his idea of a conscious act .

  23. 未能将组织政治知觉与员工沉默的关系作深入的研究,这正是本文力求突破之处。即揭示并证明组织政治知觉对员工沉默的影响或作用机理。

    Failure to the perception of organizational politics and employees silent-depth study , this is the article seeks to breakthrough at to reveal and prove the impact or the mechanism of perception of organizational politics on employee silence .

  24. 鉴于中国企业中员工沉默现象普遍存在,本文以我国企业员工作为研究样本,以员工沉默作为核心变量,研究领导授权赋能行为、信任领导和员工沉默之间的关系。

    Given that , in this paper , we choose Chinese enterprises staff as the research sample and take employee silence as a core variable , aiming at exploring the relationships of empowering leader behaviors , subordinates ' trust in leader and employee silence .

  25. 本文的研究发现知识型员工的沉默行为会显著影响到其离职倾向,希望会引起管理者对知识型员工沉默行为的关注,从而避免高价值员工的流失。

    This study found that knowledge workers ' silence behavior will significantly affect turnover intention . We hope that this will cause managers to focus on knowledge workers ' silence behavior and avoid the loss of high-value employee .

  26. 当员工选择了沉默,就不会有进展了。

    And when employees choose silence , progress suffers ," says Kerry Patterson , co-author of " Crucial Conversations .

  27. 联想西欧人力资源与人才执行总监肯巴蒂(KenBatty)表示,联想的前IBM员工必须学会适应沉默。

    At Lenovo , Ken Batty , executive director of HR and talent for western Europe , says that former IBM employees have had to learn to be comfortable with silence .

  28. 为了对这一假设进行验证,本文以知识型员工为研究对象,员工沉默行为作为自变量,离职倾向为因变量,工作满意度为中介变量,构建了相应的理论模型。

    In order to validate this hypothesis , this paper based on knowledge workers . And took employee silence behavior as independent variables and turnover intention as dependent variable , job satisfaction as mediating variables , and build the model .

  29. 鉴于此,本文选择从组织和员工个体两个角度来研究员工沉默问题。

    In view of this , the paper will select two individuals from the perspective of organizations and staff to study the employee silence .

  30. 相关研究表明,心理资本对员工的很多行为都有着重要的影响,这启发人们研究心理资本与员工沉默行为的关系。

    The research results showed that psychology capital will affect many kinds of employees ' behaviors , which inspire people to study the relationship between psychological capital and employee silence .