
  1. 同时情感属性上也更加客观的多,因此可以提供更多员工自愿离职的信息用于解释离职原因。

    Meanwhile it has more objective emotional attributes , therefore it could provide with more information explaining the reason of turnover .

  2. 也就是,提高这几方面的企业内部社会资本可以降低员工自愿离职倾向。

    That is , improving these aspects of social capital within the enterprise can reduce the tendency of employees ' voluntarily leave orientation .

  3. 公司还向员工提供了自愿离职费,或称“补助离职方案”(assistedleavingscheme):迄今为止有1000名员工自愿离职。

    Voluntary severance terms , or an " assisted leaving scheme " , have also been offered to staff : 1000 have accepted the severance to date .

  4. 重视员工的收银培训,以减少现金的误差进而减少员工非自愿离职;

    To the cashier staff training , in order to reduce the errors thereby reducing involuntary resign ;