
  • 网络EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK;Employee manual;staff manual
  1. UPGlobal公司在员工手册里鼓励大家在遇到“积雪很深”或者“好想去湖里游个泳”的情况下不去上班,然后加个班弥补时间损失。

    UP Global 's employee handbook encourages employees to take advantage if " the snow is deep " or " the lake is calling " and to make up work later .

  2. 你应该阅读员工手册,了解公司政策。

    Study the employee handbook and become familiar with the policies .

  3. B:都在员工手册中呢,你要是找不着就和我说一声。

    B : It 's in the employee book . Let me know if you can 't find the book .

  4. 和像工作证一样的员工手册。

    And the employee handbook as proof of employment .

  5. 本人已获悉并清楚了解甲方的员工手册条款。

    I have known and fully understood the terms of Party A 's Employee Manual .

  6. 有翻译经验,翻译内容涉及:新闻稿件、员工手册、专业书籍等。

    Experienced , what I have translated concerned press releases , staff manuals and books .

  7. 对此,甲方按员工手册的规定向乙方支付津贴。

    Party A agrees to pay party B travel allowance as specified in the Employee Handbook .

  8. 乙方应严格履行甲方依法制定的规章制度和《员工手册》。

    Party B shall strictly implement the rules and regulations and Handbook legally stipulated by Party A.

  9. 新公司应该有员工手册,里面包含了办公室的大致信息。

    Your new employer should have an employee handbook that contains general information about the workplace .

  10. 厂规或者员工手册,包括对工作时间,加班补贴,法定福利之制度。

    Factory regulations , including the policies on working hour system , overtime compensation and other legal benefits .

  11. 有些公司在合同或员工手册中会对此进行说明,而你应该严格地遵守这些规定。

    Some companies explain this in their contracts or employee handbooks , and you should strictly obey the rules .

  12. 在某些情况下,员工手册及公司书面制度中的信息也具有法律约束力。

    Information in employee handbooks and other written company policies , in some circumstances , is also legally binding .

  13. 其他有关制服的标准均详细描述在员工手册内。如有增加或更改会及时在员工告示板上告知员工。

    Any additional rules & regulations updated from time-to-time will be informed to staff and displayed at Staff Notice Board .

  14. 之后,人事告诉我,公司员工手册规定,禁止在办公室谈论报酬。

    Then our HR told me that according to the employee handbook it is forbidden to talk about remuneration in the office .

  15. 先检查你公司的人事手册或员工手册,去确定这儿没有任何规章制度禁止办公室恋爱。

    Start by checking your company 's personnel manual or employee handbook to make sure there aren 't any regulations prohibiting office romances .

  16. 你应该好好保存诸如劳动合同或员工手册等文件,以平静理智的方式和自己的雇主协商。

    You should keep documents such as employment contracts or employee handbooks , and negotiate with your employer in a calm and reasonable way .

  17. 在给你工作之前,你被告知不能见团队、或看员工手册或见客户(即使这些要求是适当的)

    You 're told you can 't meet the team , or see the employee handbook , or meet clients ( if appropriate ) before an offer is extended .

  18. 按照惯例,标准的通知时间是两到四周,但你应该参考员工手册,以免你的雇主期望更早(或更晚)得到事先通知。

    The standard notice has traditionally been two to four weeks , but you should consult your employee handbook in case your employer expects more ( or less ) advance warning .

  19. 例如,几年前我决定创建一份基于网络的员工手册,这样的话我那时的雇主可以将它放在公司内部网上。我在家里利用休息的时间做这件事。

    For example , years ago I decided to create a Web-based employee handbook my then-employer could put on the company Intranet . I worked on it at home on my own time .

  20. 在宣布离职决定之前,看看自己的员工手册或劳动合同,这样你会了解公司在辞职、解约、返还公司财物以及未休假补薪等方面有什么政策。

    Review your employee handbook or employment contract before announcing your decision , so you know what company policy is regarding resignations , severance , the return of company property and pay for unused vacation time .

  21. 在绩效评价环节简单介绍了员工素质手册的建立和定性指标的行为锚定法量化的具体方法。最后还摘要讨论了应如何建设与绩效管理系统配套的一系列制度与措施。

    The employee competency notebook and behavior anchoring method in quantifying competency indicator were discussed also .

  22. 这份词汇表收录在该部门的2011年《分析师桌上手册》中,由美国国家运营中心的员工使用。该手册指导员工找出对国土安全部以及其反应行动有不利影响的媒体报道。

    The words are included in the department 's 2011 Analyst 's Desktop Binder used by workers at their National Operations Center which instructs workers to identify media reports that reflect adversely on DHS and response activities .

  23. 这份词汇表收录在该部门的2011年《分析师桌上手册》中,由美国国家运营中心的员工使用。该手册指导员工找出“对国土安全部以及其反应行动有不利影响的媒体报道”。

    The words are included in the department 's 2011 " Analyst 's Desktop Binder " used by workers at their National Operations Center which instructs workers to identify " media reports that reflect adversely on DHS and response activities . "

  24. 考金斯说,这意味着那些禁止员工透露自己薪资的员工手册或社交媒体政策基本上都违反了该法案。

    That means that an employee handbook or social-media policy barring workers from disclosing their pay is generally a violation , he says .

  25. 公司越来越多地警告员工他们会监控电脑的使用,但是员工通常都不理会员工手册上的这一部分,随后他们便惊讶地得知雇主监控了他们的电子邮件、网页使用以及在办公电脑上进行的其他活动,包括私人邮件。

    Companies increasingly warn employees that they monitor computer usage , but employees often disregard this section of their employee manual - and then are shocked to learn that their employer monitors their email , their Internet usage , and any other activity they do on their work computer , including personal email .

  26. 受聘员工也应遵守可随时公布或修改的聘用方今后的政策、守则、规定、行为规范和员工手册。

    The Employee shall also comply with such future Employer policies , rules , regulations , performance standards and manuals as may be published or amended from time to time .