
  1. 一位不满的员工抱怨macbook笔记本电脑在某一方面不便于残障人士使用。

    An upset employee complained about an aspect of the MacBook laptop that made it difficult for disabled people to use .

  2. 据加拿大媒体《纪事先驱报》(ChronicleHerald)报道,在RIM(ResearchinMotion),即现在的黑莓(Blackberry),哈利法克斯的员工抱怨去年公司的裁员行动惨无人道,但很多人都敢怒不敢言。

    At Research in Motion , now Blackberry ( BBRY ) , employees in Halifax complained last year that the company 's layoffs were inhumane , according to the Chronicle Herald in Canada . But many workers don 't speak out .

  3. 这可能有些。。。,一些员工抱怨我们的面试。

    It was very much of a * Some employees complained about it that we interview .

  4. 人力资源经理们相信,当员工抱怨时,与其说存在实际状况,不如说其实只是一种认知问题。

    HR managers believe that when staff complain , it is more a matter of perception than an actual problem .

  5. 对于所有的员工抱怨长时间工作,他们同样有原因不去用钱换空闲。

    For all that employees complain about long hours , they , too , have reasons not to trade money for leisure .

  6. 而且还有另一个需要改进的领域:我们的员工抱怨说他们没有得到足够的相关工作技能发展的培训。

    And there 's another area that needs improvement : our employees complain that they 're not getting enough job-related skills development training .

  7. 但该公司的许多员工抱怨称,每月18万步(每天约6000步)几乎是不可能完成的任务。

    But many of the company 's employees have complained that walking 180000 steps every month -- about 6000 a day -- is a nearly impossible task .

  8. 据知情人士透露,举办这个晚餐的原因是此前有员工抱怨说他们没有加班的动力,因为餐厅早就关了。

    That move came after some employees complained earlier this year that they had little incentive to work late because the cafeteria was closed , said people familiar with the matter .

  9. 如今,部分中国销售员工抱怨称,葛兰素史克拒绝发放他们的奖金、威胁要开除他们或拒绝报销他们的贿赂支出&他们表示,这些贿赂是得到上司批准的,目的是提振药品销量。

    Now some Chinese sales staff are complaining that GSK has denied them bonuses , threatened their dismissal or refused to reimburse them for bribes they say were sanctioned by their superiors to boost drug sales .

  10. 极品老板在绩效考评时期将他们对员工的抱怨、批评和建议倾泻而出。

    Horrible bosses sandbag their complaints , criticisms , and advice until the employee 's performance review .

  11. 一线员工的抱怨行为可以被划分为言语性抱怨行为和行动性抱怨行为。

    Front-line staffs complaining behavior can be divided into verbal complaint behavior and actions of complaint behavior .

  12. 他们的理由是:顾客和员工都抱怨有人用纳瓦霍语无礼地评头论足。

    Their reason : There were complaints from customers and staff about rude comments being made in Navajo .

  13. 而老板则应该及早消弭冲突、倾听员工的抱怨、防止工作环境过度拥挤并制定合理的工作量和完成期限。

    And bosses should defuse conflicts early , listen to staff complaints , avoid overcrowding and set realistic workloads and deadlines .

  14. 厚生劳动省2003年开始公布其调查结果,以回应被迫超时工作并出现健康问题员工的抱怨。

    The labour ministry began publishing its findings in 2003 in response to complaints of employees forced to work overtime and developing health problems .

  15. 薪酬设计的合理能增强企业内部的凝聚力和外部的竞争力;若设计的失败则会得不偿失,人力成本的增加反而导致员工的抱怨增多。

    The reasonable salary design can increase the cohesion of the internal and external competitiveness , If the design of a failure will lead to the increased cost of employees complain .

  16. 24岁的翟敏(音译)现为深圳金蝶国际软件集团有限公司的一名软件工程师。她发现,公司里有三名老员工总是抱怨连连,从工时延长到出差住的经济型酒店。

    Zhai Min , 24 , a software engineer at Kingdee International Software Group in Shenzhen , found that three elderly workers liked to complain about everything , from prolonged working hours to cheap hotels on business trips .

  17. 受中国传统文化的影响,在我国各类组织中上级领导者与下属之间有着较高的权力距离,经常可以听到员工私下抱怨上级领导者漠视他们、肆意地指责甚至辱骂他们。

    Influenced by the traditional Chinese culture , there is high power distance between superiors and subordinates in all types of organizations in our country . One can often hear employees complain that their superiors ignore them , criticize them wantonly and even abuse them .

  18. Chinyere继续说道:“当我们问店员是否知道店内有黑脸形象,在一瞬间的惊讶以后,称之前有一名黑人员工曾经抱怨过,之后他就没有再那里工作了。”

    Chinyere went on : ' When I asked a Prada employee whether they knew they had plastered blackface imagery throughout their store , in a moment of surprising candor I was told that a black employee had previously complained about blackface at Prada , but he didn 't work there anymore . '

  19. 管理宽松的团队会分散注意力——员工通常会抱怨他们完成不了工作,因为他们被迫花费了太多的时间开会,或者被迫在喧闹的办公室工作。

    Loosely managed teams can become hotbeds of distraction ― employees routinely complain that they can 't get their work done because they are forced to spend too much time in meetings or compelled to work in noisy offices .

  20. 员工们的抱怨还有加班和低工资与高房价间的巨大差距。

    Overtime and a wide mismatch between low salaries and high housing costs were also grumbles .

  21. 商家抓住机会的同时,有些员工也在抱怨客户的态度。

    While businesses have jumped at the opportunities , some of their workers grumble about the customers " attitudes .

  22. 有一天,老板在员工大会上抱怨说他不受到尊重。

    The boss was complaining in our staff meeting the other day that he wasn 't getting any respect .

  23. 上个月就有三个员工向我抱怨他们不再在食堂吃饭了,因为经历不可忍受。

    Just last month three employees complained to me that they no longer eat in the cafeteria because they find the experience'unbearable .

  24. 去年,新闻编辑室陷入混乱令事态雪上加霜,员工愤怒地抱怨工作氛围充斥着恐惧。

    To make matters worse , the newsroom was hit with turmoil last year when staff members complained bitterly of a culture of fear .

  25. 把保险与就业捆绑在一起,加剧了美国许多员工都在抱怨的不安全感:失去了工作,也就失去了医疗保险。

    Tying insurance to employment worsens the insecurity many US workers complain of : lose your job and your health insurance goes with it .

  26. 评级制度首当其冲。员工早就抱怨称,它们导致了“评级然后解雇”过程——在钟形曲线上评分最低的人将被迫走人。

    Staff have long complained that they lead to a " rank and yank " process , where people rated lowest on a bell curve get forced out .

  27. 在其他很多案例中,员工在网上抱怨自己的公司,或者上传有损公司形象的搞笑视频,然后又要花很大精力弥补自己的过失带来的影响。

    In many other cases , employees have griped about their company online , or posted joke videos that put it in a bad light and took a considerable amount of damage control to undo .

  28. 湖南YL公司目前的人力资源管理存在一定的问题,这些问题已经阻碍了公司的快速发展,员工对工作的抱怨较大,离职率有升高的趋势。

    In human resource management there are still some problems which constract the rapid development in LY Co. , Ltd. Employee have more complaint with their job than ever , and the turnover has the trend of increasing .

  29. 天知道,如今许许多多的员工都有理由抱怨。

    Goodness knows , plenty workers have reason to complain these days .

  30. 作为住得离公司最近的员工,我却是抱怨最远的那个。

    As the employee who lives closest to work , I am the one who is complaining being far away all the time .