
  1. 激励因素需求与员工责任感,宜人性正相关。

    Motivation Factor is positive-related to employee conscientiousness and agreeableness .

  2. 因此,通过加强员工的责任感,公司2002年节约了1721760美元的安全成本。

    Consequently through strengthening employee engagement the company saved $ 1,721,760 in safety costs in2002 .

  3. 如何能保持本企业员工的工作责任感,激励他们的工作热情,减少人才的流失,己成为困扰企业主管和人力资源经理的一个日益尖锐的问题。

    How to stimulate their consciousness and passion of responsibility has become a severe problem that bothers enterprise managers , especially human resource managers .

  4. 从最高层的领导到最低层的员工,人人树立责任感。

    Everybody is accountable , from the head of the company down to the lowest-level employee .

  5. 极强的理解和沟通能力,对员工的发展具有责任感,包括强调对员工正确的筛选和运用。

    Strong listening and communication skills as well as a demonstrated commitment toward employee development , including an emphasis on selection and retention .

  6. 我们鼓励员工发挥领导力、责任感和团队精神,从而为整个壳牌集团的成功做出贡献。

    We encourage our employees to demonstrate leadership , accountability and teamwork , and through these behaviours , to contribute to the overall success of Shell .

  7. 实行人本管理,激发员工的创造力与责任感,从而更好地提高生产效率,将成为企业在知识经济时代一种必然的战略性选择。

    It is wise and strategic choice to adopt the human-based administration for the sake of the high efficiency brought about by the provoked staff , with a deep sense of creativity and responsibility .

  8. 公司最具活力的人才配备体系,严格规范的施工管理制度体系,结合员工们高度的责任感和工作热情,确保了工作中的每个环节精准可行。

    As we possess the most vigorous personnel and strict construction regulation systems , combining with staff 's high responsibility and work enthusiasm , we guarantee that each step of the project is accurate and reasonable .

  9. 再如,思科(Cisco)的IT总监丽贝卡•雅各比通过要求员工使用自己的笔记本电脑,降低了成本,增加了员工的责任感。

    Or how Cisco ( CSCO ) it chief Rebecca Jacoby has lowered costs and increased employee accountability by letting employees choose their own laptops .