
  • 网络Employee Responsibility;Staff responsibility
  1. 湖南省建筑工程集团总公司员工责任管理研究

    The Research on Employee Responsibility Management of Hunan Construction Engineering Group General Corporation

  2. 员工的工作投入导致工作家庭冲突,并通过组织公民行为(部分中介)来影响工作家庭冲突。3员工责任心对组织公民行为和工作家庭冲突起到调节作用。

    Employees ' work engagement led to the work interference with family , and through the organizational citizenship behavior ( part of the intermediary ) to influence the work interference with family . 3 employee responsibility on organizational citizenship behavior and j work interference with family plays a modulatory role .

  3. 激励因素需求与员工责任感,宜人性正相关。

    Motivation Factor is positive-related to employee conscientiousness and agreeableness .

  4. 首先,员工责任清晰,分工明确。

    First , clear division of labour with individual responsibility .

  5. 坎波斯是员工责任制的强烈支持者。

    Campos is a strong proponent of employee accountability .

  6. 同时,加入人口统计学变量因素对知识型员工责任心方面的影响差异来进行研究。

    Meanwhile , we take into account demography variable factors to analyze the impact on knowledge workers ' responsibility and the difference .

  7. 调查结果显示:1.医务人员对工作的总体满意度较高,尤其在服务对象、员工责任指标上分数最高。

    The result : 1.The medical personnel is higher to the total job satisfaction , particularly on the service object , employee duty index sign the score is tallest .

  8. 而对于医药企业的净资产收益率来说,对医药企业净资产收益率影响最大的因素是医药企业对环境责任,最小的因素是对员工责任。

    For pharmaceutical enterprises ' return on net assets , the greatest impact on it is the responsibility to environment ; the smallest factor is the responsibility to employees .

  9. 与企业在员工责任、环境责任、消费者责任和慈善责任等方面的研究成果相比,企业的社区责任研究还值得深入探讨。

    Compared to the research of effect result of CSR in the field of employee , consumer and environment , the research to corporate community responsibility are still considered embryonic .

  10. 采用回归分析检验相互责任的内部影响,研究结果并没有发现组织责任对员工责任的平行影响关系,它们之间表现为一种交互作用的关系(既有平行又有交叉的影响)。

    Regression analysis shows that , in the inner relations of psychological contract , the influence of organization 's obligation to employee 's obligation is not a parallel corresponding relation , but a reciprocal interaction relation .

  11. 探索性因素分析结果表明,心理契约组织责任和员工责任均由现实责任和发展责任两个因素构成。

    The results of exploratory factor analysis ( EFA ) at one-sample participants revealed that both staff 's obligation and organization 's obligation contains two factor dimensions . One is called realistic obligation , the other is called developmental obligation .

  12. 医药企业对股东责任、对债权人责任、对员工责任、承担慈善责任、对环境责任对医药企业的绩效呈现了显著的正向影响,这与本文第三章中理论分析的假设结论相符合。

    Pharmaceutical enterprises take responsibility on shareholders , creditors , staff , charitable responsibility and environment showed a significant positive impact on enterprise performance , which is consistent with the theoretical analysis of assume conclusions in chapter three of this article .

  13. 这不是客房部员工的责任。

    This is not the responsibility of housekeeping staff .

  14. 本论文即是关于本公司是如何承担员工社会责任的研究报告。

    The paper is about how the company carries out its social accountability .

  15. 对问卷进行验证性因素分析,结果表明该问卷具有较好的构想效度。员工工作责任心问卷可以作为评价员工工作责任心的适宜工具。

    The employees ' working responsibility questionnaire can be a useful metrical tool .

  16. 壳牌公司表示其对员工的责任高于一切。

    Shell says its duty to staff is paramount .

  17. 试论中国企业员工社会责任管理的类型及其影响因素

    On the Management Type of Chinese Enterprises Employees Social Responsibility and Affecting Factors

  18. 所有员工有责任去建立一个产品的检测表格。

    This staff needs to be responsible for establishing inspection forms for each item .

  19. 企业推卸对员工的责任,削减成本,早已是老生常谈。

    Company attempts to shed responsibility for their employees and costs is an old story .

  20. 因此,通过加强员工的责任感,公司2002年节约了1721760美元的安全成本。

    Consequently through strengthening employee engagement the company saved $ 1,721,760 in safety costs in2002 .

  21. 它包括两个方面的内容:组织对员工的责任和员工对组织的责任。

    It includes two facets : Organization obligations to employees and Employee obligations to organization .

  22. 从民工荒现象看企业对员工的责任

    The Responsibility of Enterprise to Employees from the Perspective of Phenomenon of " Migrant Worker Shortage "

  23. 同时,员工社会责任各构成维度与员工满意度要素感知都显著正相关。

    Secondly , the eight dimensions of employee social responsibility have significant positive correlation with elements satisfaction .

  24. 综上所述,作为探索性的研究,本研究一定程度上弥补了企业员工社会责任心这一研究领域的不足。

    Summary , empirical study obtained clear findings certain extent filled employees social responsibility this research field blank .

  25. 企业员工工作责任心的理论构建及其与忠诚度的关系研究

    A Theory Construction for Employee 's Working Responsibility and the Study on the Relationship between It and Loyalty

  26. 为更多的业务授权打开了局面,员工担当责任的自主意识发生变化。

    Flexibilities win over the chance of more operation authorization and workers'self-determination of holding the responsibilities are improved .

  27. 由于我国不完善的市场经济,我国企业员工社会责任存在着诸多问题。

    As a result of our country imperfect market economy , Our country Enterprise staff community responsibility has many problems .

  28. 所有员工有责任向指定人员报告与食品安全管理体系有关的问题。

    All personnel shall have responsibility to report problems with the food safety management system to identified person ( s ) .

  29. 文章以马斯洛的五层次需求理论为基础,就成品油销售企业对员工的责任作了深入的思考。

    The paper base on the hierarchical theory of needs to discuss the product oil sells enterprise 's responsibilities for staffs .

  30. 本研究尝试考察员工的责任心对于绩效反馈方法与绩效评估效果反应关系中的调节作用。

    Thus , we conducted this study to examine the moderating role of conscientiousness in the delivery of feedback and employees'reactions .