
  1. 第四部分为山东XJ集团绩效管理中存在的问题及原因分析,通过员工访谈和问卷调查找出目前绩效管理中存在的主要问题并进行原因分析。

    The fourth part is the performance management problems and analysis , to identify the main problems in the performance management through employee interviews and questionnaires survey .

  2. 涅盘之痛&不老神加工厂员工访谈

    Interview with Employees of Processing Plants

  3. 研究在文献分析、专家咨询、知识型员工访谈的基础上设计出心理契约和员工工作绩效预试量表。

    The pre-test questionnaire was developed on literature review , consultation of scholars and experts and knowledge worker interview .

  4. 接着在文献分析、专家咨询、知识型员工访谈的基础上设计出符合我国知识型员工特点的心理契约组织责任、员工责任和工作绩效问卷等。

    With the help of literature study , expert consultation , knowledge staff interviews to design the questionnaires of organization responsibility , staff responsibility and work performance , which conform characteristics of the knowledge staffs in china .

  5. 最后通过问卷调查法和员工访谈法相结合的分析方法,对项目人力资源配置的预期效果进行评估,并在此基础上建立确保方案的有效实施的保障体系。

    Finally , through questionnaires and interviews with employees Combination analysis , human resource allocation for the project is expected to assess the effect , and on this basis , the program established to ensure the effective implementation of the security system .

  6. 本文在对民营企业知识型员工访谈的基础上,结合组织职业生涯管理维度,在人口统计变量加上是否晋升一项,以丰富人口统计量表。

    In the paper , based on the interview to the private enterprises ' knowledge workers , combined with organizational career management dimensions , it adds a demographic variable with " whether have promoted or not ", to enrich the demographic scale .

  7. 第四章通过对现行薪酬制度、问卷调查和员工访谈的综合分析和诊断,指出了公司现有薪酬制度存在的问题及其根源,为公司薪酬设计的关键环节提供针对性的要求。

    Chapter Four points out the existing problems and their root in the company through the comprehensive analysis of the present salary and compensation system , questionnaire and staff interviews and thus states the critical requirements in the salary and compensation design .

  8. 本次调查使用科学的抽样方法,从山东大华日鑫铝业有限公司抽取了18名员工进行访谈。

    In the survey 18 interviewees are chosen to form the employees of this company with scientific sampling method .

  9. 其次,通过与顾客和饭店员工的初步访谈,结合文献研究,构建了高档商务饭店服务失效因素的理论模型。

    Secondly , through connecting tentative interviews with customers and hotel employees and theory researching , we form a theoretical model of service factors of losing efficacy of high-class business hotel .

  10. 本文基于服务质量的影响因素研究和信息技术投资的测量研究,并结合对企业员工的定性访谈,甄别了能够影响自助服务技术质量的三个前置因素,包括管理者认知、资金投入和服务创新。

    Based on the influencing factors of service quality and measurement of information technology investment , and combine with qualitative interviews with firm employees , we propose three influencing factors of self-service technologies quality , including managerial cognition , capital investment and services innovation .

  11. 在V公司实习选择的部分领导者和企业员工作为调查和访谈对象,收集资料,对所收集资料进行分析研究。

    Internship in the V part of leaders and selected employees for the survey and interview subjects , collecting data , analysis of data collected .

  12. 研究一通过半结构化访谈的方法,对12家处于不同发展时期、不同行业、不同盈利模式的典型电子商务创业企业的创业者及其员工进行了现场访谈和概括总结。

    In study I , EVS in twelve typical e-commerce entrepreneurial firms under different entrepreneurial stages , industries and business patterns were investigated and summarized via semi-structured interview with entrepreneurs and their employees .

  13. 在此基础上,通过对核心员工的调查与访谈,到酒店实地学习,结合酒店实际情况和发展要求,分层次、有针对性制定出酒店核心员工激励机制优化方案。

    On this basis , the author makes an investigation of the core staff , carries out on-the-spot study , combines the real conditions and development demands of the hotel , finally works out an optimization program with clear level and aim on hotel core staff excitation mechanism .

  14. 本文通过对首钢长治钢铁有限公司员工满意度、流失意图问卷调查,以及部分流失员工离职原因访谈,分析该公司人才流失的原因。

    This article through to shougang changzhi iron and steel co. , LTD. , loss of employee satisfaction , intention questionnaire , and some of the loss of employee turnover causes interviews , analysis the reasons of the loss of the company personnel .