
  1. 基于马尔科夫链的企业核心员工流动预测

    Forecasting of the Core Staff Flow in Enterprise Based on Markov Chain

  2. 我的公司ClearFit(为企业提供招聘员工及预测职位吻合程度的简单途径)的商业模式就是在我以80英里时速开车、完全不考虑工作时从潜意识里破壳而出的。

    The business model for my company , ClearFit , which provides an easy way for companies to find employees and predict job fit , hatched in the back of my mind while I was driving 80 miles an hour , not thinking about work at all .

  3. 基于定性模拟的员工离职行为预测

    Forecasting for employee turnover behavior in cooperation based on qualitative simulation method

  4. 而任务多样性特征对员工绩效的预测作用不显著。

    But variety characteristic of task doesn 't obviously show the predictable function of subordinate performance .

  5. 科技型企业中新进员工组织承诺的预测研究

    A Predictive Study on Organizational Commitment of Newcomers in Technology Enterprises

  6. 而组织承诺作为员工认同组织及预测员工行为的一个态度变量,不但反应了员工与组织关系的和谐程度,而且对组织潜在绩效具有某种程度上的前瞻性体现。

    Organizational commitment not only react the staff and organizational relationships harmonious , but also reveal some degree of foresight on the potential performance of the organization which reflect the prospective .

  7. 二是对个人-企业价值观匹配与员工敬业度之间的相关性进行了实证研究,验证了个人-企业价值观匹配对员工敬业度的预测作用。

    And from the perspective of corporate values , based on matching theory , analyze the pertinency between the Person-organization value fit and the employee engagement , and verify the predict effect of the Person-organization value fit to the employee engagement .