
  • 网络User innovation;customer innovation
  1. 用户创新概念及其运行机制

    The Concept of " User Innovation " and its Operation Mechanism

  2. 小世界网络下用户创新扩散效果分析

    Analysis on Effect of User Innovation Diffusion from View of Small-world Network

  3. 粘着信息与用户创新工具箱:一个研究综述

    A review on research of sticky information and user toolkits for innovation

  4. 粘着信息与用户创新对信息学应用研究的影响

    Effects of Sticky Information and User Innovation on the Influence on Study of Informatics

  5. 国内外关于用户创新的研究综述及未来展望

    On the User Innovation : Review and Prospects

  6. 基于工具箱的用户创新模式

    User Innovation Mode Based on Toolkits

  7. 以往的大量研究证明,用户创新正在成为一种日益普遍的现象。

    A large number of previous researches show that , the phenomenon of user innovation is becoming increasing common .

  8. 如何有效地发掘和利用用户创新,以降低企业的创新风险,成了学术界和实业界共同关注的话题。

    It is a hot topic that how an enterprise can exploit and make full use of user innovation so as to reduce its innovation risk .

  9. 阿里巴巴有着宏图壮志:帮助中国走向“大规模定制”和“用户创新”——把这些时髦的行业术语变成现实。

    The firm 's lofty ambition is to help China move towards " mass customisation " and " user-generated innovation " - turning trendy jargon into reality .

  10. 同时,信息产业倡导信息公地、开源文化,增强了用户创新奉献的主观意愿。

    Meanwhile ," information commons " and " open-source culture " are advocated vigorously in the information industry . This increases subjective willingness of users ' innovations sharing .

  11. 用户创新无偿发布是一种惯性突破行为,是以往公众认知的专利等创新保护机制的变异方式。

    Free revealing of users ' innovations is a kind of breakthrough of conventional behavior . It is also a variation of innovation protection mechanism such as patent protection which is recognized and accepted by the public .

  12. 文章介绍用户创新概念,探讨基于工具箱的用户创新模式概念及工具箱功能,并分析其与传统产品开发的区别,进而讨论其可行性和适用性。

    This paper first introduces the concept of user innovation , illustrates user innovation mode based on toolkits and toolkits ' functions , discusses the differences between this new mode and the traditional product development , and finally analyzes its feasibility and applicability .

  13. 本部分从我国信息产业用户创新无偿发布现象为出发点展开讨论,阐释了全文的基本问题、核心概念、内容安排、设计思路、研究方法及创新点。

    The discussion begins with " the phenomenon of user innovation free revealing in the information industry in China " . The basic problems , core concepts , content arrangement , research thoughts and methods , and innovation points of the thesis are all illustrated .

  14. 创新源理论与应用是企业创新理论中一个非常重要的研究领域,而粘着信息和用户创新工具箱的研究在创新源理论与应用中占据举足轻重的地位。

    The theories of the sources of innovation with application are very important research fields in the innovation theory of firm . It is of great significance to study sticky information and user toolkits for innovation for further development of the theory of the sources of innovation with application .

  15. 测试版还提供了一个平台,以便与用户分享创新性方法及解决方案等关键知识。利用清洁技术基金(CleanTechnologyFund)的那些试点项目就是此类创新性方法及解决方案的例子。

    The beta also provides a platform for sharing critical knowledge about innovative approaches and solutions , such as those being piloted under the Clean Technology Fund .

  16. IBM开放虚拟客户机能够促进用户的创新和协作,避免不得不使用特定厂商的产品或专有的文档格式,利用Web2.0和云计算。

    The IBM open virtual client allows users to innovate and collaborate without being locked in to a specific vendor or proprietary document formats while leveraging Web2.0 and cloud computing .

  17. 利用NGN技术,运营商可以更方便地为互联网用户提供创新的业务,从而将电信网与互联网紧密结合,提升其网络竞争力。

    With NGN , Telecom operators can provide the Internet users with services more convenient . NGN can promote the combination of telecom network and Internet , and upgrade the network ability of Telecom operators .

  18. 互联网的兴起,已成为一个用户驱动创新的神话。

    The rise of the Internet has been a tale of user-driven innovation .

  19. 为用户开发创新提供平台,将会带来大量财富。

    There is great wealth to be grown from proffering platforms for user-developed innovation .

  20. 为科技建立模糊前端新服务发展的用户导向创新设计管理

    User Oriented Innovation Design & Management for Fuzzy Front End of Technology-Based New Service Development

  21. 在产业创新全球化条件下,不同的行业或领域,有以用户为创新源,有以原料供应商为创新源,有的行业或领域以制造商为创新源。

    Different industries or fields are innovated by user , raw material supplier or manufacturer in the context of globalization of industrial innovation .

  22. 同时不少学者通过若干行业的实证研究揭示了用户在创新过程中起到了至关重要的作用。

    Furthermore , many scholars revealed the user has played an important role in the innovation process through empirical research in several industries .

  23. 在其它地方,在移动用户青睐创新性或实验性服务的国家,移动检票已经不可避免地站住了脚跟,让这些设备突破了单纯呼叫或是发送文字信息等用途。

    Elsewhere , mobile check-in has inevitably established a foothold in countries where mobile users have been keen to try innovative or experimental services , pushing the devices beyond simple calling and texting .

  24. 本章还初步探讨了以忠诚顾客为基础的成长策略,以领先用户或创新型顾客为基础的创新策略,以及基于顾客关系的适度竞争战略。

    Then it explores the growth strategy which is based on the loyal customers , the innovation strategy which is based on the leading or innovative customers , and the moderate competition strategy which is based on customer relationship .

  25. 我们认为现在的技术终于好到可以登上黄金时段了。微软进行了一系列旨在赢得新用户的创新,其中包括在显示搜索结果时,尽量通过用户的首次查询预期他可能进行的后续搜索。

    We think the technology is finally ready for prime time . Among the innovations that Microsoft hopes will win over new users is a way of presenting results that tries to anticipate follow-on searches from a user 's initial query .

  26. 通过对服务增强过程中用户使用创新、缄默知识积累和潜在市场机会进行分析,探讨了服务增强在产品创新过程中的作用,并以一个中国企业的服务增强实践案例进行说明。

    By analyzing the user innovation in application , tacit knowledge accumulation and potential markets during the process of service enhance , this paper discusses the new role of service enhancement in product innovation . Additionally , a case study from a Chinese firm 's experience is further illustrated .

  27. 当然,欧洲各国政府和欧盟(eu)可以动用其采购力以及在设定标准方面的影响力,确保在卫生保健、数字科技、公共教育和能源网络方面,用户驱动的创新基础能够与专有厂商抗衡。

    Certainly , national governments and the European Union could use their procurement power and standards-setting influence to ensure that in healthcare , digital technologies , public education and energy networks , user-driven innovation infrastructures are granted parity with proprietary vendors .

  28. 这种趋势需要开发一种合适的、可扩展的基于物联网的服务提交平台SDP,以便多个服务提供者能够快速、灵活地提供满足用户需求的创新性服务。

    Multiple services providers will require the development of a suitable , scalable service delivery platform , which enables the fast and cost-effective creation of new IoT services .

  29. 玩具公司乐高(LEGO)就在尝试一整套方法,其中包括全球性自由设计师网络和用户主导的创新平台CUUSOO。

    Lego is experimenting with a portfolio of approaches , from its global network of free agent designers to its user-driven innovation platform , cuusoo .

  30. 在鼓励用户驱动的创新基础设施方面,欧洲领导世界潮流。

    Europe led the world in promoting user-driven innovation infrastructures .