
  • User Experience;UX;UE
  1. 用户体验设计者匠心独运,总是为新顾客将软件设计的更友好和实用。

    User experience designers are great at making software friendly and usable for new customers .

  2. 作为一个Web应用,我们很重视用户体验。

    As a web application we focus a great deal on user experience .

  3. 他从未上过一节设计课就成为了一名软件用户体验架构师。

    He is a software UX architect without taking a single design class in his life .

  4. 微软与小米拓展其全球伙伴关系,在移动设备上提供创新用户体验。

    Microsoft Corp. and Xiaomi Inc. have expanded their global partnership1 to provide innovative2 user experiences on mobile devices .

  5. 这个组织意在开启人们对数字图书馆的意识,分享能够使数字图书馆增值的最新的工具、服务和资源,提升用户体验,并促进相关人员的职业发展和学习活动。

    The mission of this NGO is to create awareness and share the latest tools , services and resources that add value to digital libraries , enrich user experiences and enhance associated people 's career development and learning activities .

  6. 这些服务由Human服务用来创建一个更加动态的用户体验。

    These services can be used by the Human services to create a more dynamic user experience .

  7. 模式类型确定您在VirtualApplicationBuilder中的选项和用户体验。

    The pattern type determines your options and user experience in the Virtual Application Builder .

  8. 将Ajax功能添加到Web应用程序可极大地提高用户体验。

    Adding Ajax functionality to Web applications can greatly improve the user experience .

  9. 目前,不断的Web服务需求导致现有网络带宽与用户体验要求产生矛盾。

    Nowadays , the increasing applications of web service lead to a conflict between the limited bandwidth and user experience .

  10. 这些强大的功能将改善用户体验,充分利用DB2的XML功能。

    These powerful features will enhance user experience while utilizing XML functionality in DB2 .

  11. WebSpherePortal提供了支持此类丰富用户体验的功能。

    WebSphere Portal provides the capabilities to support such a rich user experience .

  12. (当然,Windows8平板电脑类似PC机的用户体验仍大有改进空间。)

    ( although , the desktop-like Windows 8 tablet experience leaves a lot to be desired . )

  13. 不过这是不必要的,因为您可以从Web客户端上获得丰富的用户体验。

    However , there is no need , as you will be able to get a rich user experience from a Web client .

  14. 因为驻留的应用程序依靠Internet提供应用程序,所以可靠的高速连接对于实现良好的用户体验很重要。

    Because hosted applications depend on the Internet to deliver the applications , reliable high-speed connections are vital to a great user experience .

  15. 用户体验(尤其是在创建新项目时)已经由一个流线化的NewProject向导极大地简化,该向导隐藏了底层构建系统的一些详细信息。

    The user experience , especially when creating new projects has been greatly simplified with a streamlined New Project wizard that hides some of the details of the underlying build systems .

  16. 在Web页面中使用Ajax可以在刷新页面时带来更流畅的用户体验。

    Using Ajax in your Web pages allows you to build a more fluid user experience with page refreshes .

  17. 如今的应用程序越来越多地使用Ajax改善用户体验。

    Today 's applications are increasingly using Ajax to improve the user experience .

  18. 我们的目标是,无论消费者从哪里购买到Apple产品或接受服务,都能享受到世界一流的用户体验。

    Our goal is to consumers where to buy Apple products or receive services , users can enjoy world-class experience .

  19. 通过减少响应时间,Ajax可以提供更好的用户体验。

    By reducing response time , Ajax can provide a significantly better user experience .

  20. 用户体验建模将实际的用户界面屏幕抽象为一个UML类,其原型是«screen»。

    User-experience modeling abstracts actual user interface screens as a UML class , which has the stereotype « screen » .

  21. Spark库还包含针对用户体验设计倡议的重大更新。

    The Spark library also includes a significant upgrade for advocates of user experience design .

  22. 运行时UI的改善:自动完成提示框,更好的键盘导航(keyboardnavigation),并对长时间运行操作的最终用户体验做出了改善。

    Runtime UI improvements : Auto-complete box , better keyboard navigation , and improved end-user experience for long-running operations .

  23. NET是Microsoft发布的下一代计算平台,由开发工具、服务器、WebServices、智能终端及.NET用户体验等组成。

    NET is the next generation computing platform founded by Microsoft Corporation , consist of developer tools , Web services , servers , smart clients , and .

  24. iNotesfull和lite模式提供了相当丰富的用户体验。

    The iNotes full and lite modes offer a fairly rich user experience .

  25. 调度器的一个重要目标是有效地分配CPU时间片,同时提供很好的用户体验。

    An important goal of a scheduler is to allocate CPU time slices efficiently while providing a responsive user experience .

  26. 基于AJAX实现了信息的无刷新发布,改善了网站的用户体验。

    The no-refresh publishing information based on AJAX , and improves the user experience of the Web site .

  27. (RIA),这意味着它们是以交互式用户体验为导向的。

    ( RIAs ), meaning that they are very oriented towards the interactive user-experience .

  28. 当选择是否为与JavaWebStart兼容而开发应用程序时,明智的做法是对用户体验做全面考虑。

    When choosing whether or not to develop your applications for compatibility with Java Web Start , it 's wise to consider the full range of the user experience .

  29. 例如,为了提供更好的用户体验,需要管理不同Web站点的用户帐户,还需要某种程度的单点登录。

    For example , management of user accounts for different Web sites is necessary , and some level of single sign-on ( SSO ) is required to provide a better user experience .

  30. 前端报表采用AJAX技术实现,界面友好,增强了用户体验。

    The system uses AJAX technology in the front , which make the interface friendly and enhance user experience .