
  • 网络Communication;Customer communication;client communication
  1. 客户沟通和技术文件的准备。

    Prepare for customer communication and technical files .

  2. 我公司将定期对兼职人员的工作表现与客户沟通。

    Our company regularly to staff for part-time duty 's work performance and customer communication .

  3. 协助销售部门与客户沟通cdn问题。

    Assist sales to communicate with customer for CDN trouble shooting .

  4. 在Scrum中,产品负责人要与客户沟通需求并理解这些需求。

    The Product Owner in Scrum is responsible for understanding and communicating the customer needs .

  5. 呼叫中心(CallCenterCC)是企业与客户沟通的桥梁,为客户提供信息服务的系统。

    A Call Center ( CC ) is a system which serves as the bridge of communication between enterprises and their customers , providing information for the latter .

  6. 测试人员从而可以专注于进行“探索性测试”,并与ProductOwner一起与客户沟通,并帮助团队理解用户(而不仅仅是故事)。

    This frees the testers to do Exploratory Testing , work with the Product Owner to connect with the customer and help the team understand the users ( not just the stories ) .

  7. XXX为您提供支援,帮助您在所有管道中建立和优化客户沟通。

    XXX gives you the power to create and optimize customer communications across all channels .

  8. 一些人指出FIT只能用于进行业务沟通或者客户沟通的交叉功能测试(cross-functionaltest),而且这一点是相当重要的。

    Others have suggested that FIT should be used almost exclusively for cross-functional tests where communicating with the business , or with a customer , is of paramount importance .

  9. 如果你正在与一个客户沟通,并想捕捉界面的外观和流程的需求,智能UI工具能够以快速响应的方式,生成并测试不同的思想。

    If you are sitting with a customer and want to capture the requirements for the look and flow of the interface , a smart UI tool can be a quick and responsive way to generate and test different ideas .

  10. CTI技术是指计算机电话集成技术.随着计算机电话集成技术以及通信、网络、多媒体和分布式计算技术的发展,呼叫中心已成为企业和客户沟通的重要手段。

    With the development of Computer Telecommunication Integration and communication , network , multimedia and distributed computing technology , the call center has already become the important means that enterprises communicate with the customer .

  11. 与客户沟通有关备品备件的订单、技术服务项目等。

    Market promotion for Service products , spare part , and project .

  12. 优秀的英语口语以及与客户沟通能力;

    Excellent oral English , outstanding skills to communicate with the customers ;

  13. 客户沟通能力和团队管理能力强。

    Capability of communication as well as in coordination and management ; 4 .

  14. 及时有效地与客户沟通协商销售合同内容。

    Communicate and negotiate sales contracts with customers effectively .

  15. 及时与客户沟通,解答各种疑问,为其提供解决方案;

    Communicate with clients , solve their concerns timely and provide solutions effectively ;

  16. 擅长与客户沟通,处理客诉方面有丰富的经验;

    Good communication skill , have rich experience on customers service of complaint .

  17. 职位描述:与客户沟通和促进解决方案的发展。

    Job Description : Communicate with clients and facilitate the development of solutions .

  18. 他们应该反思在悲剧发生后怎么和客户沟通。

    They will have another look at how they communicate with customers after a tragedy .

  19. 基于客户沟通与设计评审的模具设计知识管理系统

    Management System for the Mould Design Knowledge Based on Communication with Customer and Design Review

  20. 与客户沟通,明确技术要求,达成技术协议。

    Negotiate with customer , and clarify the technical requirement and conclude the technical agreement .

  21. 充分深入的客户沟通。

    Sufficient and deep communication with customers .

  22. 英国人说的话和写作但重要地是有能力独立地与外国的客户沟通的。

    English speaking & writing is importantly requirec capable to communicate with oversea customers independently .

  23. 原因:与客户沟通不利,更改的新图纸没有及时拿到。

    Cause : We did not get the revised drawings in time due to communication lapse .

  24. 呼叫中心作为一个与客户沟通的手段,其模式正在发生改变。

    The model of call center is changing , as a mode of communication with customer .

  25. 这样既可将低对海外归来人员的依赖,缩减人力资源成本,又可以加强客户沟通质量。

    The structures augment the availability of human resources and improve the quality of client communications .

  26. 这是一个很有意思的问题,因为审计原则很大程度上要依靠与客户沟通来了解。

    This is an interesting observation as the principles of auditing rely heavily on the clients .

  27. 独立跟国外客户沟通以及介绍公司的生产流程和船运服务。

    Communicate with foreign clients and present new clients to use our production and shipping services .

  28. 这些学术会议已成为泽泉科技与客户沟通的良好平台。

    These conferences and exhibitions have became a good communication platform between the customers and Zealquest .

  29. 涉及模具交期、模具结构及其它技术问题,直接与客户沟通。

    Communicate with customer directly if delivery date , mould structure and other technology problem are concerned .

  30. 直接参与大客户沟通,协助产品经理为客户解决疑难问题。

    Participate in communicating with customer , assist product manager to make solutions for difficult problem from customers .