
  • 网络customization;Custom Made;mass customization;Custom manufacturing;Customized
  1. 根据大规模客户定制的生产方式,本文提出了客户协同设计(CCD)的概念。

    In this article , a conception named customer collaborative design ( CCD ) is presented according to mass customization mode .

  2. 大规模客户定制生产中,面向订单设计(ETO)方式从最大程度上满足了客户个性化的产品需求,因此它对企业的产品设计管理能力要求很高。

    The manufacturing mode of Engineer-to-Order meets greatly the individual need of customers in mass customization , so it has much requirement on the ability of PDM .

  3. 基于Web服务的客户定制型订单全生命周期管理支持系统

    Customization-oriented order lifecycle management supporting system based on Web Services

  4. 基于Multi-agent的个人电脑客户定制服务推荐系统

    Intelligent Recommendations System of Made-to-order PC Based on Multi-agent

  5. 基于CAPP工具系统的客户定制方法的研究和开发

    Research and development of the customization-based CAPP system

  6. 他还转战高端市场,增加了为ArmaniExchange等客户定制产品的业务。

    He has also moved upmarket by increasing customisation for clients such as Armani Exchange .

  7. 面向客户定制的动态BOM模型及算法

    Dynastic BOM Model and Its Algorithm Based on Customization

  8. 面向客户定制的类BOM的研究

    Study on customer order-oriented generic bill of materials

  9. 通过在数据库中为不同的页面元素建表来保存客户定制信息,保证了定制信息的安全可靠和快速准确的检索和再现,避免了XML基于文件的管理机制的缺陷。

    Tables are made to the different page element in the database to keep the customizing information , which guarantees the security , reliability , high efficiency and precision of searching .

  10. 第三章研究MC生产模式下产品的成本组成结构,分析不同客户定制需求对产品成本的影响。

    In the third chapter , the author analyze the cost composition brought by customer 's individual requirements and product cost .

  11. FAP使服务组织能够根据客户定制具体的报表需求。

    FAP empowers services organization to customize specific reporting needs for customers .

  12. BOS是一个开放的集成与应用平台,是信息系统以及客户定制应用的技术基础。

    It is technologies foundation of information systems and custom application .

  13. 面向订单装配(OrderOrientedAssembly)以大规模生产的效率和速度来设计和生产客户定制的产品成为适合以上需求的新的生产模式。

    With the high efficiency and speed required for mass production and producing the customized products , Order Oriented Assembly grow to be a new production pattern to meets all the needs above .

  14. CTC提供符合政府行业、控制标准及客户定制标准的测试、检验、审计和咨询服务。

    CTC offers testing , inspection , audit and consultancy services meeting government industry , regulatory and client-specified standard .

  15. 本文在客户定制系统的基础上,探讨了如何将客户定制系统与PDM系统进行有机的结合,从而提高生产效率,并根据研究结果搭建了以客户定制系统和PDM系统为核心的整套系统结构。

    According to the research result , the paper builds the whole structure which is with the core of customer customizing system and PDM system to increase the productivity .

  16. 采用ETO产品设计一体化技术可以实现设计前的知识准备、设计过程方法的灵活使用和设计过程支持,实现企业的快速设计和客户定制服务。

    This integration technology could provide knowledge preparation before the design , agile use of design methods and support design process .

  17. UL拥有最庞大的资料库和多年的检测经验,可以为客户定制检测方案,减少了全尺寸实验的次数,降低检测成本。

    By drawing on an extensive database and decades of experience , UL can customize a test program that limits the amount of full-scale testing required , reducing testing costs .

  18. 客户定制产品构型与产品结构与配置管理当中的产品构型之间的转换,借助了质量功能配置(QFD)的思想和方法;

    The transform of product modal from custom product to product structure and configuration management asks for the help of the thought and method of the Quality Function Deployment ( QFD ) .

  19. 假设你现在需要为客户定制软件解决方案。

    I 'll assume you build custom software solutions today for your customers .

  20. 客户定制辅助专家系统关键技术研究

    Key Techniques of the Expert System for Product Customization

  21. 借助刺绣技术可创制出客户定制的灵活多变的中空结构。

    With stiching technology it is possible to create custom-made aerial and flexible structures .

  22. 我们能为我们客户定制地毯。

    We can customize carpets for our customer .

  23. 与厦门工厂合作为客户定制产品。

    Work with Xiamen factory for customer designing .

  24. 协助区域销售人员和厂商确保客户定制产品的顺利完成;

    Working closely with regional sales and distributors to ensure successful customer design in ;

  25. 基于客户定制生产的车间作业计划

    Approach to Job Shop Scheduling Based on Customization

  26. 该模型正在汽车产品的客户定制中进行实验研究。

    This model is now being applied in the experimental study of automobile customization .

  27. 本文提出基于灰色聚类分析法的客户定制需求处理办法,实现了对客户定制需求的处理。

    Based on Cluster analysis of gray , this paper proposes approaches of customized needs .

  28. 面向客户定制的企业计划模型研究

    An Enterprise Planning Model Based on Customization

  29. 面向订单装配的生产方式是实现客户定制的大规模定制思想的一种方法。

    Assemble to order is a method to realize the idea of the mass customization .

  30. 巴雷图斯马靴因其新颖的设计,上乘的质量以及客户定制的服务而声名赫赫。

    Barretos Boots have earned quite a reputation for design , quality and custom made service .