
  • 网络Customer dimension;Customer Perspective
  1. 利用BSC具有前瞻性的维度:客户维度、内部经营管理流程、学习与成长,制定企业中长期发展战略,为EVA增长服务。

    The writer takes advantage of the prospective dimensions in BSC to increase EVA , there are custom dimension , internal operating and management process , learning and growth , developing long development strategy of enterprise .

  2. 分维度回归分析表明:客户维度的信用管理对公司价值有较好的提升效应。

    Points dimension regression analysis shows that : the customer dimension of credit management has good promotion effect value of the company .

  3. 在客户维度上,知识管理如何与客户管理结合,从而提高客户数量和客户满意度;

    In the customer dimension , the key point is how integrates the knowledge management into the customer management , in order to enhance the customer quantity and the degree of customer satisfaction .

  4. 并从财务维度、客户维度、业务维度、员工维度和风险维度五个方面构建评价指标体系,使用主成分分析和数据包络分析方法,对黑龙江省各村镇银行可持续发展能力进行综合评价。

    On the basis of the evaluation index system from financial , customer , employee , business and risk dimension , the paper makes a comprehensive evaluation of rural banks in Heilongjiang Province , by use of principal component analysis and data envelopment Analysis .

  5. 从财务维度、客户维度、内部流程维度、学习与成长维度四个维度出发,构建了基于平衡计分卡的咨询企业绩效评价指标体系。

    Main conclusions derived from the research are : ① From the financial dimension , the customer dimension , internal flow dimension , the study and the growth dimension four dimensions embarked , the thesis designs consulting enterprise performances evaluation index system based on the BSC .

  6. 平衡计分卡作为战略管理工具,从四个维度(财务维度、客户维度、内部经营维度、学习与发展维度)出发,设置一系列的评价指标,使员工岗位目标向组织的企业战略规划靠拢。

    As strategic management tool , the Balanced of Scorecard ( BSC ) from four dimensions ( Financial 、 Customer 、 Internal Business Process 、 Learning and Innovation ) to set up a series of evaluation indexes , making the goal of staff job close to the enterprise strategic planning .

  7. 在此基础上,依据绩效考评的原则,从财务维度、客户市场维度、内部营运维度和社会效益维度这四个维度全面构建适用于电力企业高管的绩效考评指标体系。

    Basis on this , according to the principle of performance evaluation , from financial dimensions , customer market dimensions , internal operating dimensions and social benefits dimension this four dimensions comprehensive building a suitable performance evaluation index system for power enterprise executives .

  8. 虚拟社区要取得成功就必须对客户价值的维度及其影响因素进行深入研究,努力提升客户价值。

    To succeed in virtual community operation , the dimensions of customer value must be well studied .

  9. 第二,在产品和客户两个维度分析了跨产品协同的赢利模式的运行机制,并在此基础上建立了跨产品协同赢利模式的二维协同实施框架。

    Secondly , it analyzed the operation mechanism of cross-product synergistic business model in both dimensions of products and customers .

  10. 该架构包含一个拥有630000000条记录的事实表,一个拥有2500000名客户的客户维度,以及三个小的维度表,分别用于组织、程序和商品。

    It contains a fact table of 630 million records , a customer dimension of 2.5 million customers , and three small dimension tables for organization , programs , and commodities .

  11. 构建了以五种客户知识活动维度为前因变量,以三种企业客户响应能力为中介变量的企业绩效提升的研究模型,并提出了具体的研究假设。

    And used five kinds of customer knowledge activities as the antecedent variables and three kinds of customer response capacities as the mediator factors to build and test an organizational performance improvement model .

  12. 客户知识的关键维度及其管理过程

    The Key Dimensions of Customer Knowledge and Its Managerial Process

  13. 根据客户成员属性、客户购买的产品和客户支出的金额,将客户维度分段。

    Segment a customer dimension based on customer member properties , the products that the customers buy , and the amount of money that the customers spend .