
  1. 数据挖掘在电信宽带客户流失预警中的应用研究

    The Applications Study of Date Mining in Telecom Broadband Customers Churns Early-Warning

  2. 最后,为了更加深入的探讨流失预警模型,本文还采用逻辑回归模型建立了客户流失预警模型。

    Finally , in order to understand this issue more deeply , we also build churn prediction model with Logistic regression model .

  3. 在实际实施CRM系统时,对电信运用商来说,客户细分、客户流失预警分析、客户满意度分析、客户忠诚度分析是非常关心的四个问题,也是本文研究的重点。

    In the course of the implement of CRM system , there exists four problems that is attractive to telecom dealer and is the focus of the essay : customer segmentation ; customer drains ; customer satisfaction ;

  4. 首先,通过客户流失管理的广泛实践,研究客户流失预警的概念、基本特征及功能,从而对客户流失预警体系进行研究。

    To begin with , through extensive practice of customer churn management , the concept , basic characteristics and functions of customer churn early-warning are studied to research the system of it .

  5. 本文实例分析部分从客户产品偏好细分模型、客户营销响应模型和客户流失预警模型三个方面讲述了数据挖掘在银行零售CRM分析中的具体应用。

    This article use customer product preferences segmentation model , customer marketing response model , customer churn prediction model describes three aspects of data mining in CRM Analysis .

  6. 解决了A地市宽带客户流失严重的问题,同时也验证了基于数据挖掘技术的宽带客户流失预警是有效的。

    This paper not only solves the serious problems of broadband users , but also validate the data mining technology based on the loss of broadband customers warning is valid .